Cascade – I Shall Fear No Evil
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   I Shall Fear No Evil
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Nov 17, 2012 @ 1:42pm
Location   Promenade. Close to the Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   15:45
It was convenient for Pip that the Cardassians had chosen to locate their consulate on the main promenade, a more remote and secure location would have been impossible to enter without being observed. This location however was busy, and easily observed.

She had come here after robbing the Klingon storage locker, the explosive, unprimed in the soft bag that was slung over her shoulder. She had sat for an hour at an outside table of a cafe which gave her a good view of the entranceway, sipping every now and then at a coffee she had surreptitiously laced with scotch. Pip was resolved to do this, all the doubts she had expressed to Rene suppressed inside her.

Pip drummed her fingers on the table as she ran over the instruction in her head. As a Cardassian man emerged from the consulate (Turvan, on his way to a diplomatic summit though Pip did not know it) followed by what appeared to be an aide she straightened - it wasn't him! Pip couldn't wait all day for the right one to come out so she had to use bait to get him out. She waited another ten minutes. It was almost 16:00.

She tapped the comm badge she had lifted from one of the administrators some days earlier. Rene had let it slip that the one in question was sleeping with the owner of the Box of Delightts - for all Yolanthe had been good to her in a patronising turning a blind eye sort of way, Pip recognised the only opportunity she had if she were not to grow old waiting.

"This is Melia from the Box of Delights, there's been a terrible accident. Yolanthe must speak to you, to Ambassador Getal," she said in a breathy voice, a real note of stress and panic providing the right undertone. "Please, please get him to come immediately," she begged, then cried, "Oh doctor, thank God you're here, she's through there, I couldn't stop the bleeding." Then she let the line fail.

Pip got to her feet and tossed the comm badge over the rail, not bothing to wait and watch it fall into a decorative fountain on one of the lower levels. She had to be quick.

Pip rummaged in her bag, twisting the cylinder so that the yellow and red pattern aligned. an irregular, jagged shaped button clicked out of one end - once it was presed she had nineteen seconds to drop the bag and get clear.

Twenty seconds for Getal to get the message ... Pip counted down the seconds in her head.

Pip pressed the button with her thumb and let the cylinder fall into the bag.

Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven ...

She crossed the promenade and entered the open outer doorway. The inner door was closed.

Ten, nine, eight ...

Pip dropped the bag in the darkest corner.

Seven, six, five ...

Pip turned and walked quickly away and to the left as the inner door opened and the Ambassador emerged.

Four, three, two, one ...

A white blaze erupted from the doorway. The rush of heat and air propelling the Cardassian Ambassador forward and through a window. Glass shattered all around, alarms sounding, people screaming. A crimson fire taking hold of the entrance to the Cardassian Consulate.

From a distance Pip watched without a flicker of emotion on her face, oblivious to the shards of glass that had cut through her sleeve and into her arm.

It was him, she knew it. This was revenge, and for those caught in the explosion, for the damage, it was all part of justice.

She wanted to watch him bleed.