Beg, Steal or Borrow – Love taken away
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Love taken away
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Jun 08, 2009 @ 2:34am
Location   Starfleet Command - Security Investigation Office
Timeline   2376 (Shortly after the treaty of Bajor)
Dorian looked out of his office window at the view before him and simply smiled at the beautiful sight before him. The birds outside the window chirped continuously as they flew by the window. Dorian's face was bathed in the warmth of the sun's rays as he stared towards the other side of the Bay. His view of the bay was blocked by the large assortment of dignitaries and representatives that flocked to be present for the remembrance ceremony of the rebuilt Golden Gate Bridge.

"This bridge is a testament to the strength of not the Federation," Dorian said as the doors to his office hissed shut behind the younger ensign. The younger officer's leather boots padded softly along the carpet coming to a stop behind his mahogany desk.

"You'd think that President Enjoku had rebuilt the bridge herself." the man smirked as he sat down. He took several moments to observe the younger Officer that stood before him. "What can I do ya for?" Dorian asked with a casual smile.

"How's the office workin' out?" Ensign Carey asked. It was the first time that he had been down to Gabriel's office since his latest assignment to investigations for Starfleet Security.

Dorian reclined back in his chair as he looked at the man. "Are you kidding me? I'm planet-side, I have Earth's beautiful sun shining down on my face, and I get to see her." Gabriel said as he pointed to the picture that sat ontop of his filing cabinet.

"Oh yeah, Dr. Serenity Morgan" Carey said with envy. "How did a cynical bastard like you end up wooing the Deputy Directory of Research and Development?" He asked referring to Gabriel's fiance, Dr. Redding.

Gabriel looked at him seriously for several moments before responding. "Simple, with my wit and charm. " Gabriel responded contently.

"Whatever, I'm sure you've got some whacko conspiracy to investigate, so I'm heading out. Catch ya later." Carey said as he strolled outside of the doors back towards his office.

Gabriel chuckled as he pressed several buttons on his console. "Computer, open a channel Starfleet Research & Development on Privus Prime, Mya Redding." He said as he casually watched the ceremony through his window. It was the little moments in life such as these that he appreciated the most. The War was over, the Federation was slowly rebuilding, and the other races within the galaxy had committed so much to the Dominion War that conquest and treachery was the last thing on anybody's mind. He could finally begin to concentrate on the more important things in life such as. . .

"Romulans!" Gabriel's fiance said as the communication was established and her face replaced the Federation insignia. "Pig-headed Romulans! They just won't listen to reason" She added.

"Excuse me?" Gabriel inquired.

"Remember how I told you about the new project that I was working on with the Romulan Government?" She asked.

"Yeah, you said it involved the Romulans and some type of propulsion system?" Gabriel responded.

"Well, I've been assigned as the liaison officer to some Dr. Kur'ann in regards to researching how to completely mask a Federation ship that is at maximum warp while under cloak, a feat that we have yet to accomplish with the USS Defiant." She said in response.

"Well, I've was working on the project when I came across a communique from an unknown source within the Romulan Government. It went into detail about the development of a new propulsion system similar to transwarp, except it is more similar to the transwarp conduits that the Borg used during their last attack on Earth." She said.

Gabriel leaned in closer to the screen and pressed several buttons to secure the channel. "Are you sure about this? I mean, have you spoken to anybody about what you've found?" He said with obvious concern. "Honestly, I doubt the Romulans of all people are plotting some surprise attack against Earth anytime soon. " he said with a smile.

Have you spoken to him about the communiques that you discovered. It is possible that it wasn't even him, but someone on his staff that sent the messages." He said, attempted to ferret an alternative theory.

She shook her head softly as she took a deep breath. "No, I don't believe that either he nor anybody else from his government is aware that I know, but the thing that concerns me the most is what if Dr. Kur'ann is simply using the Federation to develop a new weapon to use against someone?" She said worriedly. The concern was beginning to show in her voice as well as her face.

"Look, don't worry, everything will be alright." Dorian said in response. He was beginning to feel her anxiety and concern, but not for the same reasons. "Just proceed as normal and don't jump to any conclusions. I'll check with my contacts onboard the USS Archer within the Neutral Zone to see if they have picked up anything recently." He tried to assure her. "If I found out something, I'll let you know. Ok?" he asked.

She nodded as she tried to compose herself. "Ok, Ok, Dorian. I have a meeting with him later tonight. We are scheduled to go over a few algorithms." She said, more or less to calm herself down than anybody else. "I'll contact you this evening after the meeting." She added. "That man just scares me, him and his Nausicaan bodyguard. The way he stands there, just staring at everyone on the base. It's just off-putting" She added.

Dorian nodded. "Ok, sweetie. I understand, this is very stressful for you. Just focus on the job at hand and pay no mind to the Nausicaan. He's there to look out for the Romulan Scientist, the best way to do so is to scare the hell out over everybody around him." Gabriel said with a smile. "I'm going to look into this. In the meantime, I want you to relax. Ok sweetie? I love you." He smiled to her as she returned the affection and then soon logged off.

Her face was replaced with the federation insignia. He spun around in his chair and leaned back as he began to think about her concerns. Knowing her she was probably worried over nothing. It was less likely that a Romulan would overtly try to obtain classified information right underneath the Federation's nose. However, her concern was still a bit troubling for him as he spent the rest of the day working.

Gabriel was awoken by the repetitive flash from the communication screen across from his bed. He sat up slowly as he began to regain his bearings and slowly recognized the flashing as an incoming message from Starfleet Security.

"Yes, this is Gabriel. How can I help you?" Gabriel inquired.

"Lieutenant, I'm Commander Muldeen. Chief of Security for Privus Prime Research Development facility." He said in his regularly stern tone.

"Yes. . .what is?" Gabriel asked as he realized that this was the same facility that Mya was stationed. When she didn't contact him last night, he figured that she had just become busy with her work and was too busy to call. It wasn't the first time that it had happened, and at the moment he was praying that it was the only thing that had happened.

"Yes, I believe it would be best if you sought transportation to this facility. There was been an incident involving Dr. Mya Redding. . ." The Commander said as the words came from his mouth and into reality, Gabriel's world came to a sudden and tragic stop.