Judgement – How to do Work Without Access
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   How to do Work Without Access
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Jun 16, 2011 @ 8:09pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD37.
=^= Romulan Consulate, SB Deep Space Five =^=

Rhiana was at the terminal that she was assigned until she was assigned a primary work space. She was just trying to access some old memos and other reports to help get caught up on what was going on. But every time she would input her access code she would get the damn red blinking, "access denied". Slaming her palm against the computer a couple of times she tried it again and again getting the "access denied".

"Piece of ryakna kllhe!" Rhiana screamed to her computer causing some people to look up and look at her. And unfortunately one of them was the<> Head of Security<> or maybe it was fortunate for her either way she attracted some unwanted looks.

tr'Dor was passing by when he spotted the new face looking quite frustrated at the console in front of her. He raised an eyebrow and considered her for a moment before approaching. He noticed her uniform and then spoke. "What seems to be the problem?" the Arrian asked, glancing down at the flashing 'access denied'.

Rhiana was so frustrated that she didn't see the rank of the officer, "well if you can read I think you can see what the problem is." Rhiana said turning around and seeing the officer.

tr'Dor raised an eyebrow at her. "Yes. I'll take you to Arrain t'Merek to sort it out. You must be new," he added, giving her another, less than friendly look before turning on his heel and going towards t'Merek's office.

Rhiana stood and followed the officer and she just realized the mistake she just made but she made sure not show it on her face. She figured this t'Merek was the head of security for the consulate.

He pressed a button on the panel by the door and waited for a moment. They heard a beep and the door swished open. He motioned for the woman to enter. He followed after her and they walked into a plain looking office. It wasn't decorated with anything special apart from a few things on the large desk on the far side of the room, opposite the door. Behind the door sat a woman with pale skin, jet black hair pulled back in an elegant, yet practical bun and piercing pale blue eyes. She looked up from her desk, taking in their appearance before looking to tr'Dor, who saluted her. Arrienye stood up and returned the salute before looking at the woman standing next to the other officer.

"She was trying to access files without permission," he explained.

Arrienye nodded. "You may go," she told him with a nod. Returning it, tr'Dor left without a word. Arrienye sat back down, motioning to the chair opposite her before accessing her personal computer. "Name?"

"Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren." Rhiana said remaining at attention.

Finding the woman's name on the list of employees, she leaned back in her seat. "You are a new transfer," she said simply. "I have recently been handed complete control of Security for this Consulate and some new rules have been enforced," she began to explained, tapping away on her console purposefully. "What duties has the Ambassador given you?" she asked.

"She has me dealing with majority of the incoming messages and then dealing with them or informing the Ambassador if they're important or require her access to handle what needs to be handled."

t'Merek nodded, typing away quietly for few more seconds before taking out a security access chip from an open panel on her desk and sliding it through her computer console. She turned to look at the newcomer again, finally looking her in the eye. She held out the chip to her. "This is your security chip. You'll use this to gain access to the Ambassador's messages and any other access to the diplomatic sections a diplomat with your position needs," the blue-eyed Romualn explained. "Any access to files for the Galae are not under your jurisdiction, so you do not have access to any files above the public records," she added. "You should also be aware that any files you do access in both your on and off duty hours are being monitored and recorded."

Taking the data chip Rhiana just nodded she had the same speech given to her by her father when she was allowed to use his black card. "Understood and khlinae arhem hhei." Rhiana said with a slight bow.

Arrienye noted the formality and simply nodded back. "If the Ambassador decides to grant you any more tasks that that security clearance is unable to provide, be sure to speak with me personally. I'm the only one who can grant it," she told her.

"Of course ihhai." Rhiana with a bow she then turned and headed out of the office so she could get some work done.

Arrienye watched her leave, finding the fact that she hadn't asked to be dismissed rather rude and inappropriate. She didn't comment though, simply filing the information away in her mind for future consideration as she went back to her work.


JP by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security of the Romulan Consulate
Ambassador's Aide
Temporary Chief of Staff at Romulan Consulate
and all round busy girl


Dip Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
ne'Lleifven (Jr Attache)
Romulan Diplomat to Deep Space Five