Judgement – Cutting to the chase
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Cutting to the chase
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 11:46pm
Location   Intel office of Jarred Wallace
Timeline   SD 37 0935 (Change if in conflict)

Unlike most officers in starfleet, intelligence officers seem to naturally lack sleep, and not show its effects, that or the near endless supply of coffee seems to contribute. The three ensigns walked in circles, occasionally taking turn trying to crack the codes that locked out Jarreds' computer terminal. In the span of seven hours they had managed to access most of his files accept for two key areas. Something Called AQS, and another file called DWMD. Those seemed to be locked out with passwords that they couldn't figure out, they needed help.

Rhiana had gone through his personnel file with a magnifying glass and come up empty, John tried some klingon terminology with no success either, Martina had talked to the Chief and struck out as well, as they had less and less luck accessing the two remaining files, they came to the conclusion that the contents of these two files were the reason behind his abduction. In a last ditch effort, Rhiana was going to escort Claire down to Jarreds' office to see if she knew any potential passwords, or might know something about the Lieutenant that they had missed.

As Martina slept in her office John, tried another algorithm to crack the encryption, again no luck, he looked at the time, the Captain, Colonel Darson and Lieutenant Tan were due shortly looking for an update, and they had less than nothing, just suspicions and a few data fragments. John refrained from swearing as Claire entered escorted by Rhiana.

"Ms. Mckenzie we won't keep you long, we were hoping you could maybe help us figure out the last of Lieutenant Wallace's' passwords, hopefully that will unlock some data on why he was abducted." John said trying to be reassuring.

Rhiana spoke next "Can you think of anything, a favorite book, academy instructor, place from home, that kind of thing?"

Claire was tired, she was due in a couple of weeks and she had spent the previous three nights awake wondering what had happened to her fiance. She shook her head. "He is very secretive...even with me. Would his brother's name be too obvious of a password?" She put her hands protectively over her stomach. "Wait...he was fascinated with planes...a specific plane...what was that damn thing called?!" She nearly stomped her foot in frustration.

=+="Voice print recognized"=+= the synthetic computer voice called out.

"What" John said as he sat back down then his face went pale, "This is the entire strategic arsenal information archive," John paused thinking "why would this file open with her here.....then...." John paused again "Computer open file marked nebula intercepts"

After a few seconds the file opened and several short video clips appeared on the viewer behind Jarreds desk, "What the hell is that?" called Rhiana

"It looked Borg in some ways." John said without thinking "but not one hundred percent Borg."

"John...what are you saying? Jarred is with The Borg?"

The younger ensign looked at Jarreds' spouse, "Not exactly, theres' always been suspicion that a large number of freed Borg may have settled in this sector, but until now that was only a theory."

Rhiana spoke next "the only thing we know for sure is we now have a way of finding Jarred faster." Rhiana was interrupted by the Captain and Colonel Darson arriving.

Tasha had received the invite from Colonel Darson, though it was addressed as more an order than a request.
The door parted and she saw the three ensigns milling around with intent and she knew that they were getting closer to finding Wallace.
She was about to ask when James made his usual over the top entrance.

The hatch opened with a hiss and Darson entered graciously after Captain Tahir, cape swirling about his booted feet as was the norm. His masked face was the same as always, but his aura was that of an subtle and unusual impatience. He addressed the lower ranked intelligence officers while at the same time giving a curious glance to Claire, “Ensigns, did you manage to discover anything from your investigation?”

"Anything not circumstantial." Tahir added.

=+="Voice print recognized."=+= the computer spoke again, this time a ghostly image of Jarred appeared in the room and began to speak.

"Well chances are if your seeing this I've been taken prisoner by the pirates operating in this area for some time now and my attempts to gather information has drawn too much attention to my efforts and possibly the station." the image paused as the large view screen activated "This G-type starbase located in the nearby Koric star system is home to a weapons cache that will be at your disposal should you need it, its also the temporary home to what I've designated as the great equalizer, three Arrow class ships and USS Yellowknife, a Rapier Class destroyer."

The Images of the viewer seemed to move as the hologram spoke, "The pirates are as I began to suspect a few weeks ago, are former borg." there was a pause as the next images loaded "These images were taken from the cargo ships that were raided approximately two months ago, second set of images arrived confirming my theory." the hologram pointed to another set of images and video scrolling by. "My initial thought was how are they able to get information so easily and when I discovered that the three shop owners may have been former Borg, and the least mutilated from assimilation I took the steps I needed, Captain this is a dangerous time and there may not be enough time to get all the resources you need from starfleet, if this message has been triggered then Admirals Morgan, Collins, and Janeway have been informed and will make efforts to provide what ever support they can, I've uploaded all the data you will need on locating the pirates and accessing the resources that are now at your disposal, assuming that Colonel Darson is there, your marines will have access to Dragon mark two assault rifles, since from all reports the pirate boarding parties were fairly resistant too normal phaser fire, good luck."

As the holograpic image disappeared, a PADD appeared on Jarreds' desk as if it had been transported there "The Paulson nebula awaits captain." Rhiana said as she picked up the PaDD to hand it to the captain.

“That idiot,” Darson said flatly as he looked towards the gaggle of junior intelligence officers and the Captain, “He went and got himself captured. And now we have to pull his ass out of the fire. Not just him either, but I’m assuming that there are some hostages as well from the ship that he went to rescue. All this complicates matters…and the Paulson Nebula? That place is a wasteland. Galactic pea soup. Like the Badlands, but a little prettier to look at. It’s going to be hell to navigate through and even more difficult to mount an attack.”

"That wouldn't be a problem if your marines knew how to keep there mouths shut." Rhiana said as the surveillance image of three marines talking with one of the suspects and on the split screen they were sitting in a brig cell, "in reality your the last marine commander I want here."

“I do admit that managing an entire regiment leads to some bad eggs getting in,” Darson conceded in a tone that somehow still managed to have a tinge of condescension, “but it is all being taken care of. Through careful analysis of surveillance and other records, I have identified the perpetrator. I’ve cross checked duty rosters and communications logs, and I’ve found the person under my command who has been feeding information to the pirates.”

On screen, the forcefield dropped around the cell and three black clad figures entered the room, tactical masks covering their faces. They went for one of the three Marines and wrestled the struggling man out of the room, while the other two looked on in worry. Darson wandered over to the control panel and cut the feed, “He will be interrogated accordingly and I can assure you I have prepared extensive… disciplinary action for the one who betrayed my trust. You don’t need to worry about any more leaks to these pirates from my department,” he placed a subtle stressing on the last part as well as making a mental not to review the feeds from his complex that could be accessed elsewhere.

“And,” Darson said with a dismissive wave of his hand, “I said it would be difficult. I didn’t say it couldn’t be done. Especially with me here. My anti-pirate taskforce is not here yet, but thanks to the good Mr. Wallace, we do have some alternatives. Without knowing the strength of the pirate base, I would advise a decent size detachment go, take command of the ships that are waiting and go in. Run as silent as possible and take the base by surprise. That’s the only way we’ll be able to get in past the defenses, quietly. Once in, fire-teams will locate and extract the hostages, as well as grab any intel that they can.”

“However, its not going to be easy. Borg, even former Borg, are dangerous adversaries if approached without care. Bodily modifications make them stronger, faster, more durable then the average Marine. Phasers won’t be used in the event that any of them maintain a personal force field. Ballistic load-outs and special qualifications for every person going in. The Dragon rifles are a good touch, how Wallace got a hold of them I don’t know but I don’t care. Problem is, he’s still thinking like a fleeter, not a Marine," Darson looked around, "Where the devil is Mr. Tan? I would to have him here to start coordinating."

Marti looked at Darson, her eyes attempting to burn hole though the pompous ass, "Maybe Lieutenant Tan knew you were here and is avoiding the meeting." she fired her first shot "The lieutenant had a tracking device implanted in his leg knowing that this was a possibility, he also has one in his field bag and it in all likely hood is still aboard the ship that was captured, so unlike your jar-heads the Lieutenant knows what to do and how to do it." she paused as a new display came up on the viewer, "As large as the Paulson nebula is, if you want to throw in the towel I'm sure the Marines from the Regant or several other starships wouldn't mind to take on this mission."

Vincent stood in the doorway, arms folded, chomping on his cigar. "Tan is right here, Mr Darson. And I usually go where I'm needed and not at your beck and call, Colonel. I am not one of your marines." Vincent gestured to the men behind Darson. "Besides, no one wants a marine that can't run," he said, indicating his leg.

“I would watch your tone when you address your superiors Ensign,” Darson said in an even tone, ignoring the killing rays coming from the younger woman’s eyeballs, “As for the other Marines, the man power is always welcome…and in truth at this particular time I don’t want to draw too many forces away from DS5…but don’t ever think that I would ever throw in the towel…I’ve only done that twice, and both times it was so I could strangle my opponent with it. About this tracking device…can we detect it with all the interference the Nebula is throwing out?”

"Its a directional signal being emitted on a signal bandwidth that is restricted, so all we have to do is lock on, the hard part will be getting in." John said "This would be easier if we knew what his ERT team was doing there."

Deciding that now would be a good time to head off Colonel Darson's rash tendencies, Vincent responded quickly; "The ERT team is here because we want them here. They will go when we are ready for them to go. No engagement will take place until we have the right information to act on and the timing is right."

Vincent paused for the marine commander to reply, but when none was forthcoming, he continued by bringing up a map on his PADD and tossing it onto the table. "That," he said pointing to the middle of the screen, "is the Paulson Nebula. That little blinking dot is the tracking device in Jarred's bag. I can't trace the one from his leg, so we can assume that the signal is too weak or that his leg has been destroyed. Take your pick."

"That dot," Vincent said, tapping the screen for emphasis, "has not moved in half an hour. Either the bag has been thrown out into space or, and here's the happier scenario, that ship has stopped probably to meet up with some allies. Thought, ladies and gentlemen?"

Tasha was content to let James take point on this. It was going to get dirty and she knew that there would be multifarious ramifications from Starfleet.
"There are several ships docked that you can utilise. I would recommend the USS Shimarato, Norway class with uprated weapons and recently refitted and awaiting a crew and a commander, but I am sure that the repair yard will assist. Colonel, Lieutenant, assemble a team, one you can trust." She looked around the intelligence officers. "I would expect of course, that some of you would volunteer to be a part of this mission." She urged.

"I would volunteer, Captain, but no one wants a team mate that can neither march nor run away," Vincent said, lifting his injured slightly. He cast a sideways glance at the marine colonel. "Perhaps some of the more gung ho members of our crew would be willing?"

"Well I'm not sitting on the sidelines for this one, so what are we waiting for?" Martina said

"I'll need an hour to get the proper tracking gear for the tracking implant, until then??" John said.

“Of course my Captain,” Darson said with a little bow, “And I’ll endeavour to resolve this matter with great haste…lest some other matters we have to take care of get away from us.”

"Until then." Tasha ended.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Colonel James Darson

Lieutenant Vincent Tan

Lieutenant Jarred Wallace