Intermission – And here I thought I was rid of them
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   And here I thought I was rid of them
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Thu Jul 11, 2013 @ 1:35am
Location   Shuttlebay 26, Deck 74
Timeline   SD 73 0900

"Please pass along our thanks for the hospitality to your Captain." P'Trell, though courteous, wanted to get the Hell off of DS5 before something else happened. But matters of protocol were slowing things down considerably.

Extending a hand, Wyman grinned at how obvious the Andorian was being. "I'll do that. And tell Drakt thanks for the assist. And thank you, for keeping my feet planted firmly on the deck when things were at their worst."

Before Sharas could make any sort of pithy retort, An'ta poked his head out of the hatch of the Takaka, "Uh, Commander? You might want to see this..."

Though his shoulders didn't slump, it was obvious that P'Trell knew the contents of whatever his junior was about to show him would not be good news. Crouching to clear the low doorway, he entered the runabout - disappearing from Wyman's view.

Silently, the engineer waited for one or both of them to return. It seemed like only a moment, however, before he heard the the intelligence officer's booming baritone ring out, "He has to be joking..."

"I don't think that's the kind of thing the Commander jokes about, sir. And certainly not Admiral Myerson. I actually don't think I've ever heard him j..." The strategic operations officer stopped mid word. Though Steve couldn't see, it was obvious that Sharas cut him off with either a gesture or simply a glare.

Though he didn't move from the spot he'd been occupying this entire time, Wyman attempted to peer around the corner into the runabout's cockpit. "Um... is everything all right Sharas? You seem a bit perturbed. More than usual, anyway."

At that moment the large, blue humanoid reappeared at the Takaka's hatch. The lack of expression on his face belied the aggravation he was experiencing. "Steven, I regret that I must continue to impose on the hospitality of your Captain and Executive Officer. While Mr. An'ta will be returning to starbase 182 with the Takaka, I have been ordered to remain here on Deep Space 5. To... babysit."

Now Steve was even more confused than he had been before. "Um... the station has child care facilities, and schools for the older kids. Plus, and don't take this personal - I don't think Gwen likes you very much. In fact, I think you sort of scare her."

Narrowing his eyes and glaring at Wyman, P'Trell gritted his teeth. "Not to babysit Gwendolyn. Starfleet is dispatching an officer to Deep Space 5 whom Admiral Myerson and Drakt do not particularly trust, and with good reason. However, he is an expert in the Borg, and I've been made to understand that a team from your station may have found evidence of them operating on Ivor Prime."

"You don't mean... They couldn't mean. Wasn't Captain Shelby available instead of... him?" Steve blurted out once the last gear clicked into place in his brain.

"You mean Captain Calhoun. And no, she wasn't. Apparently, Drakt checked after the Admiral told him."

It felt like bile boiling up from the pit of his stomach, urging itself to escape. Finally, Wyman practically spit the name out, "Drant..."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

also starring

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Asst. Chief of Intelligence
Starbase 182
Designated babysitter


Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 182
Bearer of bad news