Interlude – Foraging for Fun
by Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Foraging for Fun
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jul 25, 2010 @ 9:21pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD22 22:50

Jackson stepped through the doorway into the Box of Delights. He was now changed out of his duty wear, which on it's on displayed his stature, and changed into a tight black, short sleeve t-shirt, and form fitting blue jeans. The final addition to his attire, brown leather boots, reflected his southern upbringing.

He had only been on Deep Space 5 since the morning, but already he was brimming with the need to find casual conversation, friendly encounters, intimacy, etc.

As he stopped in the doorway, his hips leaned slightly to the left, his muscular arms draped lazily at the side., he looked around the room with a small smirk and a slightly raised eyebrow. Finally deciding on a destination point as he eyed the bar.

As he walked through the room he received many passing glances from crew-members The usual flirtatious stares were the most common, couple with some even more intense looking, and the common challenging stares from the men who thought of themselves as tough.

Finally Jackson reached the bar, and without looking towards it, tapped on the bar, "Bourbon." he said simply.

Perched on a nearby stool was a diminutive Orion with aggressively ginger hair.  She looked up from the padd she was working on.  "I'm sorry, but our chief barman has gone AWOL, so everything's taking a bit longer than usual."  She put the padd down.  "If you can tell me which one is bourbon, I can speed things up a bit."  She waved a hand at the dense collection of bottles lining the shelves behind the bar.

Jackson turned his gaze towards the inside of the bar as he momentarily scanned to find the source of the voice. Finally settling his eyes on the very small stature Orion he flashed her a large smile, "I sure can hun." he said, maintaining his face's expressionistic glee. He put his hand up and pointed towards a bottle, "Third row down, fourth from the left."

Klia moved around the bar to grab the bottle and a glass of ice,  and poured three fingers worth out for him.  "I'm guessing you've not been in before.  First one's on the house."  She pushed it across the white marble counter-top, and looked him up and down in a frank and thorough appraisal.  "So, new to the station?  Fleet or civvie or alien in disguise?  Passing through or stopping a while?"

Jackson downed his glass in one gulp and smiled at the eagerly talkative woman, "Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester." he said, lifting the glass and nodding his head in salute, "Ma'am." Jackson put down the glass and slid it over to her to signify his need for a refill, "I'm DS5's new Command Chief." Jackson looked around the bar for a moment, "and apparently Boatswain."

"Jester?  For real?" Klia didn't bother to hide a grin.

Jackson smiled, "Yes Ma'am." he said, smiling through, his accent strong.

"You have no idea how much willpower I need not to make a bad joke.  but I guess you've heard them all."

Jackson laughed, "Not really." he said simply, "Most men are too intimidate to try, and most women are to...distracted to care."

"I'm going to have to pinch the name for a holodeck character.  Its too good to waste."  Her brain caught up with the rest of Jackson's  reply.  "Why apparently?"

Jackson sighed, "I wasn't informed I'd have duties outside of the Chief of Boat standards." he explained simply, "It's not too much of a bother, and I won't complain." Jackson was lying a bit, he did want to complain. He was more than content overseeing the simple duties he was used to, however he also knew advancement, not necessarily situational advancement, but personal advancement, came through sacrifice, "Just a bit of a snake in my boot."

She filled his glass with another, very large, shot. "Ah, the mushroom principal;   Kept in the dark and fed shit."  She raised the bottle to him in toast but didn't drink.  "I can relate," she muttered to herself.  Then she gave him a sunny smile.  "Well, you've certainly picked an exciting spot to get more than you bargained for.  It all happens here; Romulan attacks, assassinations, weird space-time thingies.  Not to mention all the growling and chest beating the funny forehead brigade do.  You're going to have fun."

Jackson smiled, "Sounds good to me." he acknowledged simply, "Being on Starships like I've been were difficult..." he said simply, "Very limited socializing, not many comings and goings..." he paused, " speak of." with a faint laugh he continued, leaning over the desk with his large arms crossed, supporting himself, "Here it's like a city...constant lines in and out, new people, new happenings." Jackson smiled, "Plus, I only got my warrant recently, and was made Master Chief when I came it should be fun." Jackson again lifted his glass, pausing first, "Master Chief Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer First Class...preference..." he trailed off, downing the glass.

The Orion girl glanced at the fabric stretched tightly across his upper arms, and purposefully poured another large measure for him.  "That’s why I avoided Starfleet when I left home.  None of that made sense. What do you do when you aren't being a Master Warrant wotsit?"

Jackson let out a big chuckle and smiled, "Master Chief Warrant Officer." he said simply, "Cute." he added on at the end, "To answer your question, namely, I'm a martial artist." Jackson smiled and looked the young Orion in the eye. It was often easy to tell what a person thought about you, and what kind of person they were, by their reaction to this. Some people were amazed, some didn't care, some were amused, etc.

"that must keep you in shape."  She glanced at the bottle.  He'd had enough that he must be feeling pretty relaxed by now, maybe even relaxed enough to say yes to what she had been considering since he came up to the bar.  "Ever considered modeling?"

At first Jackson didn't notice her question, he was merely basking in another egotistic glee due to her observation, "Well yes it does." he said simply, "That and a pretty rigorous workout routine I do everyday, supplements, steady diet. I'm up to 190 now, kept my body fat percentage at less than 6 too."

Then Jackson realized what she'd asked, "Modeling?" he inquired in response, "Well...yeah...obviously." he chuckled, "But why?"

"I write holodeck programs, I'm always looking for new references for characters.  I can think of a dozen commissions on my books I could use you in." And in case he had any doubts, she added, "I've won prizes."  But decided not to mention what for just yet.  Even on a man as confident as this one, it might not go down too well.

Jackson smirked as he lifted up to rest with his arms extended, "Let me get this straight." he inquired, his triceps bulging and his eyebrow cocked, "You want me to model, in order to recreate me holographically, so you can use me as a fictional character out some stories?" Jackson tilted his head, slightly confused.

Klia nodded.  "That's about it, Though I can also mix bits of you with other sources, or alienize you, for variety.  One human easily becomes a whole bunch of other species.  You'd make a good Orion  Physically, any way."    She paused, wondering if he'd take her up on it.  "You don't have to answer right away, think about it.  Drink more of this."  She topped him up, "The offer's always there."

"Nah nah nah nah nah." Jackson said quickly, sliding the glass back, "I know what you're doing." he said, smiling and pointing a jovial finger, "You're drying to get me tipsy so I'll say yes." Jackson let out a chuckle, "But unfortunately." he continued, "I must decline." Jackson then picked up the glass anyway and downed it, "This perfection." he said, referencing to his face, then his body, "Is for the women who enjoy it, and myself."

"This woman is  enjoying it.  And if you come model for me, so many more women will enjoy it as well."

Jackson smiled as he leaned in close to the Orion, "You." he said, pointing at her, "I'd model for." smiling, he continued, "But for your eyes only, Ma'am."

She pouted. "That's..." She could say yes, and let her pheromones take care of his resistance.  But she'd promised Yolanthe when they had dreamt up the bar she wouldn't use them on customers.  Except Yolanthe was off somewhere with the Cardassian ambassador, completely heedless of Klia's warnings.  " offer I'd take you up on...But it will have to be another time.  The boss is missing, so someone has to mind the store."

Jackson smiled, "Good girl." he said, trying to avoid a condescending tone, "Now that's being responsible." Jackson shook his head, only now was his large stature allowing the alcohol to take affect, granted it was a small one. However he preferred to never get drunk, "Time to lay off the heavy stuff." he said, "Get me a bud classic."

"Responsible? Hah!" Klia muttered.  "One of us has to be."  She had to hunt through a handful of fridges to find the drink, before knocking he cap off against the counter top.  "There you go."  She sighed and came back to her bar stool.  "And speaking of responsible...holonovels don't program themselves."  She waved the padd. "Sure you don't want to model?  I could make you famous."

Jackson laughed yet again at the girl's persistence, "Within a couple days of me being on this base..." he said, taking a drink of his beer, setting it down, and while sporting a winning smile, winking at the girl, "I'll be famous all on my own."


Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Jackson Jester
Chief of the Boat
Deep Space Five


Genius Holodeck Programmer
NPC'd by Yolanthe