Judgement – Update and Upgrade?
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Update and Upgrade?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 10, 2011 @ 10:55pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   09.00 SD 37

Chelsea was doing her rounds when she noticed Kaelin coming out of the lab. She waved. "How's it going, Ensign?" she came over and asked him, putting the padd she had been carrying down at her side and indicating the office as an invitation by holding her hand out in that direction.

Once inside she went to the replicator and offered him a drink.

"What will you have?" she asked.

"Energy drink, please," Kaelin said politely, reaching up and rubbing his eyes with his fingertips to get some of the sleep out. He hadn't slept a wink the night before, and couldn't wait to get to his quarters after his shift to catch up. He'd had three energy drinks so far in the day, and ignored the odd looks from people who saw the health freak actually drinking them down.

"Energy drink???" Chelsea screwed up her face involuntarily. "You mean something cabonated with an overdose of processed sugars and caffein? The ultimate pancreatic slow killer, insulin roller-coaster and internal-reserves wrecker? Didn't they outlaw those in the 21st Century after a whole generation went burn-out and diabetic in their 40s?"

"Maybe on your planet," Kaelin pointed out.

"Ensign, do you need to take the rest of the day off to sleep instead of damaging yourself further?" The CMO looked concerned.

Kaelin shook his head. "No, thank you, Commander, I'll be fine. And I've been living healthy all my life. One day off isn't going to kill me," he explained. "I just haven't been sleeping well, and if I go to try now, I'll just fail at it again. I've just got a lot on my mind and work actually helps," the Deltan explained.

"Okay" Chelsea nodded understanding. "In that case, what are you working on right now?" she asked as she brought him the drink he'd asked for and sat down with her own.

"Well, I've finished the report on Klia's lab work and I just need to read it over again and it'll be in your office by the end of the day. I'm also running scans on the Morgan boy's tissue samples to see if we got all the infected areas. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Just regular lab work," Kaelin shrugged, taking a small sip from his glass. "I think I'll have to reassign my intern to another doctor though. He has no idea what he's doing. Last night he called me when he accidentally stopped the cytopathology analysis of a patient's uterine tissue. He was under Dr. Casey's surveillance, doing some blood work and stopped the wrong machine. The tissue was ruined. Had to call the poor woman back in to get another sample and run the test all over again. But the tragic part is that, when he called me, he thought he'd turned off the DNA analyzer."

"Oh dear" Chelsea sighed. "He's really not doing his homework is he?" It was a rather rhetorical question as that was very obvious. "How about transferring him to Bridget Stapleton? She's very good and i'd like her to take a turn in the lab sometimes too, it'd be good for everyone to keep their hand in."

The CMO sipped her tea, frowning sub-consciously.

"Sure, why not? Bridget's nice. Just as long as Murdoch doesn't get a turn. As unprofessional as it sounds, Commander, I just don't like him. His whole emotional state just upsets me," Kaelin confessed, surprising himself as the words left his mouth.

"I have suspended Dr Murdoch from active duty, Ensign. He won't be supervising anyone until he can behave in an appropriate manner." Chelsea said without giving away any emotion or tone, her professional *doctors' straight face* in full employment as a turmoil of emotions raged beneath it.

Kaelin nodded, deciding it was better that he not comment. Instead he turned the topic to something else. "I think you'll find the lab report for Klia interesting. I found some residue in her kidneys. A sedative. Unfortunately, it's pretty basic, something pretty much anyone could get," he told her, knowing she'd know which sedatives he'd mean. It wasn't uncommon for civilians to get a hold of sedatives that were generally safe without anyone keeping any important records. Not for lack of trying of course, but the Federation couldn't sanction everything, as some non-Federation manufactured drugs tended to slip through the bureaucratic cracks.

Chelsea's frown creased her light Bajoran ridges closer together. "This day isn't getting any better." she muttered. "Have we actually progressed at all on the Klia case?"

"Not sure how much we can do, aside from the lab work, which is now finished. I do know that they've apparently arrested Yolanthe. Between you and I, Commander, I don't think she did it." He said the lashed in a quiet voice, tentative. It wasn't really his job to decide who'd done what, but he was is a slightly more vulnerable state than usual and didn't really like hiding what was on his mind.

"Do you have any reasons for that feeling? Shreds of questions that nag at you, or just an instinct?" Chelsea asked gently.

"Well," Kaelin began hesitantly. "A mix of both, really. I mean, Yolanthe is a lot bigger than Klia, so she wouldn't need to drug her to subdue her. And they were best friends, so there's no reason Klia would need to be knocked out to be brought somewhere else. So, there really is no reason for a sedative. And, the day that Yolanthe found out we had Klia she came to see me. She'd brought a change of clothes for us to use once the autopsy was finished. When she came in, I couldn't breathe. She had so much...grief and hurt inside her that my mind couldn't process. I had to touch her to take some of it away," he admitted, remembering the sensation of sharing Yolanthe's pain. "I can't imagine that kind of pain in someone who caused it. Or maybe I'm too idealistic to imagine anyone capable of killing someone else and I'm just making excuses, I don't know," he added tiredly, taking a sip of his drink.

Chelsea nodded, seriously studying the facts as he presented then, her soft Bajoran ridges creased together intensifying her frown.

"Makes sense. Of course, the French of 21st century Earth recognised a *Crime Passionelle* - crime of passion - which would account for intense emotion. Is that a possibility?" She was exploring the options more from a 'Devil's Advocate' angle.

"I don't know. I'm not a Betazoid, I can't read thoughts I can only tell you that when I touched Yolanthe and felt her pain, it was real," Kaelin just told her. He didn't know Klia or Yolanthe really, all he knew was what he'd felt.

"I believe you, Kaelin, but we would have to *prove* that in court with something more tangible." Chelsea frowned again, trying hard to think of something medically sound that would back up what her Pathologist was telling her.

"I know thiis autopsy has been done, done and done..... by experts, your own self included, but *could* we have missed a clue? Perhaps not the physical evidence because of course you have all that covered, but have we missed a link of things that couldn't have gone together somehow? The sort of thing that would show us an attempt to frame for example, or tampering of any kind witht the sequence of events as we can reconstruct them? Can we *do* a form of medical reconstruction of what happened first before whatever else...... if that makes sense?" She asked thoughtfully.

"I know what you want to say, but I don't think there's anything we can really do. From what I can tell, with Yolanthe's DNA and her having owned the murder weapon, not to mention motive and opportunity, it looks like an open and shut case," Kaelin explained, sipping his drink. "I can do the routine tests over again today. There's not much work in Pathology right now but I can't see how that will do anything more than confirm what we've already noticed. Besides, I recheck things anyway," Kaelin shrugged.

"i understand. I wasn't doubting what you've done, i was just desperately looking about for a break. I wondered if there was evidence that the dagger was stabbed into her before or after she was dead, that sort of timeline clue. if perhaps she *was* killed some other less obvious way but then the dagger was added as a red herring. I do know, however that would be something it would be nigh on impossible to get past someone of your level so i apologise for asking the most obvious and basic questions that you've already gone over twice before I even thought about it." She sighed.

"Don't worry, Commander. Believe me, I am way too drained to take offense," Kaelin assured her with a small smile before sipping his drink once more. "But, I'll look into it all one more time when I have the time, maybe after my shift. Just to make sure nothing could've been missed," he added.

"Thank you, Ensign." Chelsea replied softly, feeling pretty drained herself too.

"By the way, I meant to talk to you about your work in Paediatrics. I'm grateful to you for covering for Dr Esco in the afternoons since he went off sick.

"Oh," Kaelin just said at the change of subject, but nodded. "It's not a problem, ma'am."

"I was thinking, as he looks like he won't be back for some weeks, i wondered if you would be interested in formalising your specialisation in the field and stepping up into the position, at least as Acting for a while and then, if you like it and it goes well then we can cross that bridge when we see how well Dr Esco recovers?" she suggested.

"Oh..." he repeated. He had been hoping the good doctor from paediatrics would be feeling better. "Well, that's...a thought," he began. "Um..." he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of helping out, of course. But, I don't know if I can make my position their official in any way. I mean, I don't know if you know my history, but I love paediatrics. It was my first love in my career. I simply adore it. But, I can't handle paediatrics. It's too much of an emotional investment for me to be able to take the role of Head Paediatrician on a permanent basis."

"Okay, well, perhaps Esco won't need you to do it for long, he may come back sooner rather than later, hopefully. What if you just try it for a while and if it gets too much, let me know and we can stop and have a rethink? Does that sound acceptable?" Chelsea offered.

Kaelin nodded. "Okay, that sounds good," he said before offering her a smile. 'You can handle this,' he told himself.

"So, how is the wedding planning going?" he asked finally, mostly wanting to change the subject and get the focus off himself.

Chelsea rolled her eyes and shook her head. "If anyone were to ask me if they should get married or not, right now I'd say definitively... NO!" she said with half a smile. "But ask me when it's all over and hopefully I'll be singing a different song. It's only that there's so much to organise and so many details to finalise."

"It'll be worth it. Are you going to go on a honeymoon?" he asked her curiously, wondering who would take over if she did. Hopefully it wouldn't be Lance. But that was unlikely, considering the fact that he was an insufferable bastard. And suspended.

"Yes, we are. But Ben Kensington, my ACMO is back from his away mission, so he and Bridget will be running the show together and it's only for a few days" Chelsea answered.

A JP Between:

Ensign Kaelin
(NPC'd by Maja)


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO - DS5