Unity – The time is upon us. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   The time is upon us. . .
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Jun 10, 2010 @ 10:22pm
Location   Throughout the station
Timeline   SD 16 15:00
Tag   Ryouske

"Anthony, you can begin uploading the coordinates to our system right now. Tell Hartsfield to begin setting the charges and begin targetting the anamoly." She said to the other Cordova halfway across the quadrant.


Cordova grinned maniacally as his hand moved to close the channel.
"Consider it done. Good luck." He said as he tapped the console and updated the co-ordinates and left the shielded room and headed off, seeking Hartsfield.

Hartsfield nodded as he looked at Lieutenant Tan. "I want the coordinates of that spacial anamoly that your station encountered several weeks ago." He said as he walked over to a nearby console and contacted the other teams throughout the station.

=^= "Ryouske! We're proceeding with the last portions of the plan. Get the designated charges from the Armory and meet up with the team that controls Engineering. Begin planting the charges through the Bay. We need a contained explosion for when we use the device to reactivate the anomaly and use it with the gateway." He ordered. "Keep me updated." ==

=^= "Sickbay, have the Doctors in that department gather the bio-memtic gel. Ryouske's team is headed towards the Engineering Bay as we speak to begin setting the charges." Hartsfield stated.

Tan'Rek acknowledged the message with a grunt across the comm channel. =^= the Doctor is unconscious =^= he admitted with a snarl as he kicked at her legs. Chelsea stirred but didn't open her eyes.

"I know that, and I'm sure that is a great stalling tactic that your current "guests" in Sickbay will use. We are dangerously short on time and do not have the luxury of anymore pleasantries. Use *whatever* methods are necessary to get the gel and deliver it to Ryouske in Main Engineering. OPS, out." == He ordered in a short manner.

Tan'Rek took hold of Chelsea's long hair and hauled her up into the air. Her feet seemed to find the floor beneath her and she groggily protested as the pain in her scalp began to wake her.

Ed McBain stood up with his hands in the air. "Let her go. I'll get what you want but you put her down first." he said.

Tan'Rek dropped the sagging CMO into a heap and grabbed a pretty, slightly-built nurse from the floor nearby. He hauled her up by her arm roughly eliciting squeals of pain as her shoulder slipped out of it's socket. Pushing the sobbing nurse into the arms of his nearest team-member he growled. "Bring her along."

Turning he indicated by waving the tip of his gun that another of his team should pick up another female medic from the prone crew on the floor and another unfortunate woman found herself shaken like a rag in a dog's mouth as she was forced forward too.

Ed stood angrily still. "That is NOT necessary!" he began to protest furiously.

Tan'Rek lashed out with the gun and left a savagely deep gash across Ed's cheek. "Nothing is necessary if you stop stalling and deliver.... " he spat.

Ryan moved and got stamped by a boot to the temple rendering him unconscious too. This was getting out of hand.

Ed moved to the secure holding cabinets set into the bulkhead fittings and opened two of them standing back to allow Tan'Rek and his monsters to help themselves.

"Fool!" Tan'Rek snarled, delivering another blow that dropped Ed to the floor too. A woman could be heard sobbing with fear somewhere across the room.

Armed with what they wanted the *sickbay team*of Nu Maquis backed towards each other and then as a group they moved towards the main doors. One of them began to work to on the sabotage they'd inflicted earlier so they could leave again.

Tan'Rek opened the channel. =^= I have the goods =^= he said curtly.

From the floor, Ed looked up without moving his pounding head. He couldn't see the canisters but he wondered if they had the right ones or if his quick pushing of the correct ones to the back while he appeared to be opening the second door had been detected. Perhaps they *did* know what they were looking for and had outsmarted him - maybe that was what he got this sore head for - but perhaps they *might* have just taken the ones at the front and been fooled? He couldn't tell, he could only hope.


Elliot rubbed the bridge of his nose as he tried to keep a steady head as the stress began to build for him.

Cordova entered and he could see immediately that Hartsfield was looking tired.
"Are you strong enough to continue?" He questioned empathically.

Elliot looked up at the man. "I'm willing to do whatever is *necessary* to put right what the myopic Admirals that are in charge of Starfleet have allowed to happen to the Federation!" He said angrily.

Anthonys hands fell to his side as he approached Elliott.
"We could postpone things for an hour or two if you prefer, or we could always transfer everything to the planet and..." He began, but Hartsfield hand came up to silence him as his eyes narrowed at the suggestion that Cordova had began to offer.

"There IS NO other way. Why do you think we picked *THIS* station? That anomaly they all encountered wasn't just some random thing floating in space. That anomaly and that Romulan core are intricate parts to this puzzle." He responded as he stood and made his way back to the console.

Cordova tipped his head in agreement. "Aye" He replied simply, following Elliott to the control console.

=^= "Science Lab 2, we need the information on that core NOW, we do not have any more time for distractions. " he stated.

"You heard him," Krah said nudging her disruptor into the Romulan's ribs.

People were often amazed at how patient Rh'vaurek could be. It was a skill that did not come naturally to him, but one he had learned over many years but right now he had had just about enough. "Its sent," he said tightly as he straightened. Rh'vaurek was doing nothing more, if they could decode the corrupted datastream then that was not his problem. He was staring right at his problem.

It was apparent that the Romulan had decided to make his move against the Trill at that moment, however just as the Trill was prepared to respond, the door to the lab opened and in walked in a Marine, a Bar Owner, a Secretary, and a wounded Executive Officer.

"Look what I found" I'Pho said from behind his phaser.


OOC: Lets gather sigs, folks.

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Anthony Cordova
By Mark

Founders of the Beginning's Soldiers
NPC'd by Thom