Judgement – Flash Back Part 4
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Flash Back Part 4
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Fri Nov 19, 2010 @ 11:59pm
Location   Temple of Isosis
Timeline   Six years ago

"Jana Can you hear me?" Grant called. "Can you see what's pinning your leg?" He asked.

"Grant?!" She called out. "It's a couple big boulders from what I can see. I can't feel my leg at all!"


V'Mek glanced down at his tricorder, frowned, and reached through the hole. His fingers came back with a thin staining of red blood. Then he reached into his kit bag and brought out a medical kit. "Keep her talking," he murmured. "I am detecting a slow and steady drop in blood pressure, there is internal heamorraging."

Grant looked at him, troubled. "Can we get that rubble off her? Otherwise she will lose that leg..."

"Grant?" Jana said weakly, she fell back against the ground and closed her eyes. She knew that something was wrong..."what's wrong?" She asked.

"Jana, honey, we need to get that rubble off your leg," Grant explained, looking around to see if he could find something to pry her leg loose with.

Jana grabbed his pant leg to get his attention and pull him close so no one else could hear. "I know I am losing a lot of blood...I can smell it. If you take the boulders off I will bleed out...pressure needs to remain on my leg."She whispered.

"Well if we don't, you'll bleed out right here!" Grant replied. "As soon as we have you free we can get in there with our medical equipment and stabilize you."

"Grant...Luesha did this...find her if..." Jana's eyes closed and she once again lost consciousness.

Grant squeezed her hand, "Guys we need to get her out now!! We're losing her!" Grand spotted a fallen piece of lighting pole that had been erected to illuminate the interior of the temple. Quickly he pulled it out of the debris and inserted it under the fallen rock next to Jana's leg.

"Ok I'll prise it up, you guys pull her out!!" He said. "Remember as soon as she's out the bleeding will get worse, we need to stabilize her pronto!"

V'mek came next to him, and put his hands on the improvised lever. "I am stronger. You get ready to pull her out." Then he leant hard on the pole, his greater vulcan strength shifting the massive rock an inch or two. Holding it there he breathed deeply and strained again.

This time the rock raised another couple of inches, enough to to drag the young archeologist free.

Quickly Grant hooked his hands under Jana's shoulders and hauled the comatose woman's body out from the debris. "Quick let's get her into a medical pod before she bleeds out!"

Hannah took control and wrapped a tournequet around Jana's crushed leg, in the time it took her to tie it, her hands were covered in blood. Jana looked so pale. "She has lost too much Grant...I don't know if we can save her." She knew how Grant felt about Jana and he had to be prepared to lose her.

"We need to get her back to camp, and do a transfusion," Replied Grant. "Is it safe to use the transporter now?"

"Let's get out of the cave first." Hannah said, she was a trained medic as well as an archaeologist, that is why Jana had asked her to come along on this excavation. Her mind was running through what she read through everyone's files and was almost certain that there wasn't a blood match for Jana. They would have to work quickly when they returned to their base camp.

V'Mek spoke hurridly into his communcicator, arranging a transport as soon as they cleared the magnasite deposits in the cave. "Once we are outside, Kasikova and yourself will be transport directly to the nearest medical facility." He told Hannah.

Grant watched them beam out with a feeling of helplessness,he then set off for the base camp on foot, it was'nt a long walk and he wanted to get back before night fell.

Luesha Darque wound her way carefully through the crypt, and to her surprise,discovered that it began to work up again, rising up inside the cliffs, into the dense bedrock the scanners had been unable to penetrate, instead of down as she had expected. This was not good. The tons of rock she had dropped on the irritatingly moral Kasikova had come from above, afterall.

She inched her way along carefully, scanning every few meters. Eventually she found her goal - the central shrine, with its carved stone statue ofthe serpent goddess, Many Armed Isosis and its decayed and dessicated offerings. But instead of being held in the basket that should have been in the statue's arms, they were scattered around a gaping hole in the floor.

Oh no, she thought, her eyes flying to the statue's waist, where the prize she sought should have been strung No, no, no, no!

But yes. The cave in below had snapped the arms of the statue, and in turn they had snapped the stone moorings that held Luesha's goal, the fabled jewelled girdle of Isosis. Risking a glance down caused her to swear silently again. She was just in time to see the simpering man boy that had been mooning over Kasikova place the string of ancient gems on the blonde archeologist's unconscious form. All she could do as they carried her away, was hurl telepathic rage, fury, and dark promisis of revenge at Kasikova's unconscious mind.


Vulcan geo-physicist
NPC by Notty


Luesha Darque
Villainess and Archeological terrorist
NPC by Notty


Lt. Jana Kasikova
CSO and Archaeologist Extraordinaire


Hannah Blaire
Field Medic
NPC by Nan


Grant Malone
NPC by Brad