Judgement – Another Assignment
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Another Assignment
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 7:22pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD35. 09:30
There was not long before Isha was due to meet her cousin and niece who would then present a plan to the Federation, just another hour. But before then Isha had a number of things to do.

The first was to make t'Merek's life a little more challenging. There was nothing malicious in that intention, merely that Isha had recalled that t'Merek's posting as her head of security was a secondary appointment, one that Isha had thought pragmatic based on the woman's experience. t'Merek had been placed here as a diplomatic aide, and Isha thought it was about time that she gained some first hand experience in that role.

"t'Merek," Isha contacted the Arrain via the comm, "Would you come to my office, please."

Despite the polite phrasing it was not delivered as a request. And Arrienye didn't take it as that. Saving the message she was planning to send, she got up from her desk quickly and, checking her reflection in a bulkhead, left her office and walked across reception towards t'Khellian's. Nodding towards the guards outside, she pressed the chime. As she waited, she noticed Saren giving her a small smile. Rolling her eyes, Arrienye internally begged the door to open soon.

"Come in, t'Merek," Isha said noting a slight look of discomfort on the woman's face as she entered. It cleared quickly. Once inside, Arrienye nodded respectfully to the woman in greeting.

"Ambassador, you wished to see me?"

"Take a seat, Arrain," Isha invited with a wave of one jewelled hand. "Are you well?" she asked resisting the temptation to enquire as to how her 'investigation' was going.

Arrienye blinked and stopped half-way to sitting down. She paused momentarily, then sat down fully. "Yes, thank you, Ambassador," she said with a nod.

Isha half smiled. "I've been reviewing the terms of your appointment," she said gesturing towards a padd that lay flat on her desk far out of t'Merek's reach. "It almost slipped my mind that you were appointed here as an aide and that I thought you would be useful in a security role," she said. "You will understand that your superiors expect you to work in that capacity also," she added.

~Crap...~ Arrienye thought to herself. A great part of her had been hoping for the Ambassador (and everyone else!) had forgotten what her position on DS5 was supposed to be. She'd quite gotten used to being the Head of Security. "Yes, ma'am," was all Arrienye could really say to that while trying to hide the look on her face. And hopefully succeeding.

Isha passed no comment on what flickered through t'Merek's expression - even if she had not noticed, the relief when she had been given status as Head of Security told Isha enough.

"We are in an interesting situation," Isha said linking her fingers together. "It has fallen on me to present allegations against a Starfleet Officer and to lead the case for the prosecution," she continued. "And whilst I do that I must hand the reigns of diplomacy back to the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi." As she said it Isha made sure that her contempt for the Diplomatic Corps was apparent in her tone. "I trust you, t'Merek. And in an effort to both satisfy your superiors, and to make sure that my proxy does not get ideas that he should not entertain, I am appointing you as his Aide."

Arrienye nodded, processing the information. Luckily, there was a good thing in it. t'Khellian trusted her, which was something she'd been seeking. "I understand, Ambassador," Arrienye nodded her head, accepting the position readily. She didn't like it, but it wasn't like she had much choice. "And who is to be your proxy?"

Isha blew a slow breath out from between her lips. She did not want to do this, but she had no choice, a set of circumstances that was becoming uncomfortably common for her. "Koval tr'Rul," she said leaning forward and resting her arms on her desk. "He is the highest ranking representative of the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi here, and as erie'Khrein Raedhoel is absent, the only person I can cede responsibility to." A tone of regret bled into Isha's words, both for Rh'vaurek's absence, and for her having to rely on someone n whom she had no faith. "t'Merek, as his Aide he cannot dismiss you from meetings, you may see and hear everything he hears." Isha paused and drew a breath before extending a confidence. "I am asking you to be my eyes and ears, to convey my advice and intentions, and to inform me of what tr'Rul's intentions appear to be."

"I will be his shadow, Ambassador," Arrienye assured her. ~Perhaps this won't be as horrible as I think it will be.~

"Have you yet met tr'Rul?" Isha asked raising her left eyebrow very slightly.

"Once," Arrienye admitted. He was an older man, very full of himself, the classic political type. She didn't like him. At all. "He noticed I was new and wanted to make me understand how important he was. I was not very impressed," t'Merek admitted as well.

"I ask only one thing of you that you may find distasteful," Isha said with caution. "Humour him. He has the power to dismiss you from his direct service though not from that of my embassy, but you will do me no good if you are sent back to security and I lose my eyes and ears."

Arrienye nodded again. She noted that she did that a lot. Especially since arriving on DS5. "Yes, Ambassador. I understand."

"I am relying on you," Isha told her. "He will not be permitted to use this office, but remain in his own. I will take offices in the court complex for the duration of the trial, If tr'Rul should attempt to use this room, summon me and I will deal with the matter," Isha said in no uncertain terms.

Arrienye agreed once again. "I will increase your guard," she informed her, already thinking of suitable officers in her reserve.

"They won't allow it," Isha said. "I may take an escort there and back, but they will not be admitted, nor will they be allowed to wait. The court officials double as security," Isha explained. She did not think that t'Merek would accept this as readily as she did, but Isha was looking forward to being able to spend a few hours a day outside her embassy without being within inches of her bodyguard.

She wanted to be able to breathe.

"That's unacceptable! No one can 'double' as security. You are either a Security specialist or you're not. And I do not trust them to begin with. I am going to have a word with them," Arrienye assured her, the image of t'Khellian in a room full of aliens with no security showing like a nightmare in her head.

"Starfleet have assured me that I will not be at risk in Chambers. In the courtroom, I may be able to argue to have an escort in attendance," Isha said, appreciative of t'Merek's concern.

"Starfleet should be assuring me of your safety, considering I'm the one in charge of it," Arrienye told t'Khellian. "We could always slip a guard in and say he's assisting you in another position," Arrienye said, thinking outloud.

Isha blinked. "Perhaps that would be appropriate," she said, "but I must b free to interview witnesses, and some will not come forward if there is another party present," she exhaled, "Allow me to go alone, and we will review the situation as needed," she suggested.

Arrienye thought about it. Then she nodded. "Alright. But I'm still speaking to whoever is going to be in charge of their Security regimen." She was a stubborn woman, if anything.

"Of course. And I will take my escort with me and argue the point directly," Isha said though she was unconvinced that it would do any good.

"Alright," Arrienye agreed, feeling a bit better.

It was like having to ask one's parents permission to do something one knew that they would disapprove of, Isha thought, and as her parents were a corrupt old-school politician and a domineering authoritarian witch it was not a prospect that had ever brought her much joy.

"There's very little that can go wrong, t'Merek," Isha reassured her. "Apart from my chambers the place will be teeming with people. Nothing will happen in such a public place."

"If nothing could happen in a public places, I would have you walking freely around the Promenade," Arrienye pointed out.

"You're probably right," Isha sighed. "I just wish ... never mind," Isha curtailed her thought with a wave of her hand; somehow complaining about the strains and burdens of privilege was not going to wash with t'Merek.

Arrienye watched her for a moment. "Don't worry, Ambassador. This mess will be over soon," she assured her, meeting her eyes.

Isha nodded. That was true - soon. "I will be going out shortly, I have a meeting," she said, "Perhaps you would like to take that time to introduce yourself to tr'Rul." Isha reached for the padd and slid it across the desk. "Your orders to present to him," she said.

Arrienye took the PADD, but merely scanned it quickly with her eyes. "Yes, Ambassador. I will report to him at once," she said.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek