Judgement – The Elephant In The Room
by Patrick Shark

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Title   The Elephant In The Room
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Patrick Shark
Posted   Wed Aug 24, 2011 @ 6:27am
Location   Shark's Bunk
Timeline   SD 39 2320
After meeting with his new pharmacist, Shark went back to where he was staying on the station and sat down at the small desk that was there. He pulled the small viles of poison from his pockets and placed them on the table. He stood up, went to a small footlocker that he carried with him and opened it by placing his thumb on the scanner. He pulled a small shiny metal case from the footlocker and went and sat back down at the desk. Placing the case up to his eye, a retinal scan went underway and one thing of locks opened. He placed his thumb on another pad which opened the case, showing a foam and leather interior. He placed the poison in the case and closed it.

“Need to hide that later,” he said to himself.

A pop of the neck came as he sat back in his chair and started staring at the ceiling. Shark started scratching his forearm, reminding himself of the Romulan text across it. A sigh came from the man as he tapped the computer that was on the desk for the screen to open with the star fleet insignia. A PADD was pulled from the desk and kept in his hands. A few quick swipes on it, and the computer started a call.

“Clestine resi – Shark!” A beautiful blonde woman appeared on the coms, her green eyes piercing with excitement. “God it good to see your face! How have you been?”

Shark smiled at the woman. “I’ve been ok. Working like usual.”

“Where are you now Patrick?”

He shook his head a little and dropped his head before looking at her again. “You know I can’t tell you Rachael. Please don’t ask.”

She shook her said herself and nodded. “Mina misses you. Actually, I do too. It’s been almost nine months since we’ve seen you.”

“I know. Its why I called. I wanted to see how everyone was doing.” He smiled a little, chocking back his own tears due to missing his only real family.

“Mina’s been good. She’s finally coming around in school to the point that she’s making friends. I know it’s been three years since she started school but it’s finally happening. Serva is helping her along as well. The two of them really due act like sisters.” Rachael laughed a little. “The other day I caught them arguing about toys.”

A smile cracked across Shark’s lips. “That sounds like the two of them. Both of them are stubborn as hell. I need to get home soon I think.”

“Yes, Patrick, you do. You’re missing your own daughter growing up. I know she’s adoptive, but I know how you look at her. And we both know she can’t go back to Tawnee on Adigeon Prime. Hell, you can’t even go back without getting almost killed.” Rachael’s voice went from sweet to stern very quickly. “You need to be here for her. And – “ she paused for a moment, “for me.”

Shark pounded on the desk. “I know that! You don’t think I don’t know that Rach? I’m doing this for all of you!”

“If you were here I’d slap the taste out of your mouth Patrick Shark. Don’t you dare try and say you’re doing this for us.”

“Then what else am I doing this for?”

“You own fvadt pride!” he said screaming at the top of her lungs. “Since Rohran died and since you lost your position with the Marines you’ve had to kill something. And all you’re going to do is get yourself killed and leave me alone again!”

“What?” he said almost startled. “What are you talking about Rachael?”

She looked up with tears swelling in her eyes. She didn’t say a word but her eyes said it all. Rachael dropped her gaze down back to the floor again as the tears finally started to fall.

“Oh Rachael,” Shark said with a bit of exhaustion in his voice. “I’m not worth that.”

“Don’t you dare,” she said back on her gusto from earlier, tears still falling. “That is not your call to make. It’s mine. And you’ve taken care of me and Serva since Rohran died. You two were like brothers but weren’t. And that last night before you left –“

He interrupted her quickly. “Don’t you say it Rachael. You know that shouldn’t have happened.”

“But it did Patrick. And we can’t change that. And you can’t change how I feel. Patrick I,” he paused for a moment looking away, trying to muster the strength she could. “Jol-ao au. And if you can’t deal with that, then don’t bother coming back to San Fran.”

At that moment the link went dead and Shark’s PADD beeped. He didn’t say a word at the moment because, well, he didn’t know what to say. Rachael was his best friend and brother’s widow. He had, in fact, taken care of them for a long time, and his relationship with her had grown in the past few years, but never in his life did he think it was going to go this far.

“Rohran, I’m sorry.” A sigh came from the lips of Shark as he got up. He figured it was time for a few more drinks.
Patrick Shark
Bounty Hunter