Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reunion on DS5 part one
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Reunion on DS5 part one
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Tue Jun 09, 2009 @ 9:54pm
Location   CDO's quarters
Timeline   Evening after the Freedom returns
Now that the formalities of reporting in were over, he could get back to his scheme. Charg and Xae walked down the corridor. "Your cousin Ayren told me that a friend of mine was on the station. She agreed to help me set him up...surprise him really."

X'aedell grinned at him. "Really? That is great..Who is it?" she asked, hooking her arm though his.

"A friend of mine we served together in the same fleet for a while, both as Security Chiefs too. Your cousin told me he just got a command of his own too." He went quiet for a moment. "You know if it hadn't been for that….. of a CO I had I would probably have a command as the very least another pip."

X'aedell sensed what that did to him. "You would make a good CO. Charg, and experiences like that can only serve to make you *great*," she said and didn't only say that because he was her mate. She would never dishonour him with flattery or cheap support. "I'll serve under you anytime... well mostly..." she chuckled.

"'That which does not kill us makes us stronger', huh? Well, he may have held me back and cause me a lot of trouble...but I won that battle in the end." Shaking his head. "I only wish he hadn't take my friend down with him, though Kaf made his choice and now he too is paying for it. But enough of the past..."

As they reached Ayren's quarter's he pressed the chime and waited. Leaning towards her, "thanks for the vote of confience...I can see it now everything broken in my ready room...."

X'ae gave him a tight lipped grin close to his lips. "And that is if I agree with you.... if I don't, you will be broken..." she teased him.

"You were the one that got broken last time..."

"Hmm... perhaps...but I can have revenge under Klingon law, not so...?"

At that moment the door opened and X'aedell slipped inside Ayren's quarters, before Charg could answer. "Hi Ayren, I hear we are going to have some company tonight.." she said as they walked in. Her acute senses picked up that her cousin was not entiry indifferent to the man, although it was quite obvious that Ayren didn't allow herself to even consider any possibilities.

X'ae pursed her lips slightly. She had always admired her beautiful and elegant cousein. She had never had to think about style, it was part of her in the way she spoke, dressed, moved. X'ae had always thought herself as a clumsy clot in comparison, not that she minded, they were just so different.

Ayren looked up from the workbench where she was preparing a dinner. "Hi... your guest will be here shortly," she informed Charg. "He has no clue and you owe me," she said smiling.

Putting a hand to his chest innocently, he said: "My guest...don't you mean your guest? These are your quarters after all."

"When you married that one," Aryen said pointing to X'ae, " You became family, so you don't have guest status," she said with the sweetest grin, "So don't try that one..... he is your guest too," she said chuckling.

"Oh fine....Hey do you you know if Anita is coming to? I can't imagine him leaving here behind, though Starfleet might frown on him posting her on his ship as CMO."

The bantering and smile dropped from Aryen's face. "Charg," she said gently. "His wife passed away during complications at the birth of the twins," she informed him gently.

Charg nearly leap from his seat. "WHAT!!" He remembered the last time he had seen his friends bond mate. She was petite looking next to him but he could tell Da`nal was happy with her. They were planning their wedding too. Then the rest of her words sunk in. "Twins? How do you know all this?"

"I met him earlier today, and the twins. I welcomed him to the when they had arrived," She explained. "Akhil and I were with the twins in the diplomatic offices during the attack." If he knew Da'nal he probably knew Akhil too.

He was just getting things straight and she throws another persons name at him. "Ok who's Akhil?"

"I am sorry, I thought you knew her, she is the child minder. As far as I can undertand, even Da'nal grew up in her care. She'd been with his family for years," she explained, while she started to get to work on supper. With three Klingons, there was hardly any doubt as to the cuisine, although she had ordered most of the food from the Qe', as there would be little time to prepare everything

Ok now that he had the story straight he wouldn't look like an idiot when Da`nal showed up. It was still hard to see how so much could have happened in the short time since he had first met Anita. Then again he recalled all that had happened to him. Most likely Da'nal would feel it just as difficult. Leaning over to Xae he whispered to her. "Do you think there was anything going on...potentially anyway?

A conspiratory grin formed on X'aedell's lips. "I think she likes him, but won't admit it..." she whispered back, watching Ayren who busied herself with preparing their meal. X'aedell had always thought Ayren would be married before her, but she wasn't even seeing anyone. That was something she couldn't understand. The fact that she herself had struggled with men, that could be understood, but beautiful and feminine Ayren.....? X'aedell knew her cousin's tastes though, maybe that was the problem, but this Da'nal might just fall into that category.....

Ayren Kelan

Commander Da'nal
CO USS Freedom

Lt ChargwI'IH
USS Merlin
NPC by Chris

Lt X'aedell Kelan
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin
NPC by Sharon