Time is Fleeting – {Wargame} Briefing
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   {Wargame} Briefing
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 4:55pm
Location   Briefing room (DS5)
Timeline   SD12 1530 hrs
Jarred escorted Admiral Morgan into the briefing room, they stood staring out the view port and began to speak, "So, you still haven't explained why I'm commanding the Bunker Hill."

"I reviewed your battle from the Asias' last battle, your the man I want to command the second ship in this exercise and your not afraid to throw out the book and do things your way, we need that again from you."

Jarred looked at the Admiral, his thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the CO and a person he thought was the CO of the Daedalus. Admiral Morgan interrupted and spoke "If everyone will take their seats we can begin."

Dirk walked over to his designated seat pulled out his seat and sat down. He was excited to get this started with it being his first mission. It was a little weird that he would be in the presence of a Admiral and a Captain. He however hoped he would be able to prove his worth and over time gain the rank of Captain. He turned and nodded to his XO.

Davies took a seat and looked at those around him. He had scanned the PADD briefly and had a sense of what the mission was, but didn't know why the Admiral was taking point.

"Gentlemen" he said as he settled into the chair, folding his hands into his lap.

Admiral Morgan stood and began to speak "Normally I would not be here for this kind of exercise, but recent events plus reviews of the after action reports have led me to attend this one personally. This exercise will follow standard safety rules for wargames, simulated weapons and hits recorded by he computers on the respective ships, Deep Space five will defend it self against a simulated attack from the bunker hill Commanded by Mr. Wallace and the Daedalus Commanded by Mr. Alphonse."

David shook his head. "Sir? Just 2 ships. By what means is DS5 to defend itself with. Any & all?" Davies enquired.

"This is a Celestial Class station is it not?" The Admiral said "You have fighters, guardian platforms, fixed and turret mounted defenses, these have been set-up with simulated systems as well, the stations engineering staff have done a wonderful job preparing the station for this exercise, even with the chief engineer participating as an 'enemy' combatant, the fighter squadron has been fitted with the same simulated weapons complement, the only question is how the stations defenses respond. The only question is how will the manned element factor into this simulation since computer simulations under the same circumstances came out as a stalemate."

"We are able to use every thing we have correct sir?" Dirk inquired of the Admiral.

"I would expect nothing less Commander, this for all intensive purposes is war, I want to see tactics for taking on a station and I want to see defensive tactics for defending our starbases, this is more about learning than who wins and who loses." the Admiral commented.

David bit his lip, holding back the grin that he wanted to flash.
"All's fair in love and war." He replied, knowing that 2 ships against a fully operational starbase had little chance of actually winning, unless of course, there were unknown operatives working against them from inside, similar to the Romulan attack a few days earlier.
David could not help but think that has something to do with the admirals presence on the station.

"Alright. I have talked with our Acting CEO and he is unsure if it will take one or two days to finish up some repairs that the Daedalus sustained. I shall keep all of you informed." Dirk stated looking to those in the room.

"And DS5 is fully operational." Davies said with a nod of gratitude to Bruce.

Jarred chimed in next, "The Bunker Hill is as ready as we can make it, I'm going to fill out a few critical positions later on, but we're largely ready to go, and we can go as soon as Daedalus is ready."

Admiral Morgan looked at Lieutenant Wallace then at Commander Alphonse, "We will begin the exercise soon as the Daedalus and DS5 are ready."

"Thank you for your understanding." Dirk replied to the other CO's compromise.

David watched the combatants ready to proceed with the gameplan and he could see their eagerness, but David wanted to be sure that all key systems were fully protected before he would allow the station to be brought into the fore.
"After a full systems check, DS5 should be ready by 06:00." He stated categorically, but he needed to check in with Lieutenant Freeman immediately after this meeting had reached its conclusion.

"Then for now, return to your respective duties gentlemen, if there are any additional changes they will be discussed at the final briefing tomorrow morning." The Admiral said.


Commander David Davies

Cmdr. Dirk Alphonse
CO USS-Daedalus

Lt. Jarred Wallace
Acting CO USS Bunker Hill