Things Past – Bittersweet Reunion
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Bittersweet Reunion
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sun Jun 08, 2014 @ 2:44am
Location   Andorian Embassy, Earth
Timeline   SD 86 1000 hours

=Andorian Embassy, Helsinki, Finland==

Being a people from a primarily ice covered world, the Andorians naturally elected to place their embassy in a similarly cold climate. While most of the Federation member worlds had their embassies near San Francisco (the seat of the Federation Council) or Paris (the seat of the President), the Andorians chose Helsinki, in the norther reaches of Europe.

With a whir and sparkle, Drakt, An'ta, and Rhe'la materialized right outside the embassy gates, where they were met by a very surprised looking Andorian Defense Force guard. The young man nearly jumped out of his blue skin at the sudden arrival.

"Can I help you..." he trailed off, not certain if he was speaking to gentlemen, ladies, or a combination there of. Noting the rank pips on Drakt's collar, he tacked on, "Commander?"

"Commander Drakt, USS Cavalry. These are my associates Lieutenant An'ta and Ensign Rhe'la. We are here to see Lieutenant Steven Wyman." Drakt explained, pulling a PADD out of his shoulder bag and passing it to the guard.

The young soldier gave the information a quick glance. "You're here to retrieve Commander P'Trell's remains then? The Ambassador wants to see you as soon as possible, sir."

After all the dealings he had so far with Andorian Central Command, Drakt shouldn't have been surprised that the ambassador also wanted a piece of him - but he was. "Well then, please inform the Ambassador that I am available to speak to him at his earliest convenience."

Buzzing the trio of lizards through the gate, the guard waved them through. "Commander P'Trell is lying in state in the rotunda. I'll let the Ambassador's staff know you're here."

Nodding in thanks, Drakt led his subordinates onto the grounds of the embassy. The building was extremely modern, but designed to fit in with the look of the rest of this section of the city, which had an almost medieval quality to it. The driveway was lined with birch trees; their bark as white as an Andorian's hair.

When the three entered the embassy building, they were immediately taken aback by how martial it seemed. In addition to a quartet of Andorian guards in full dress regalia, the walls were lined with paintings and tapestries devoted to great battles. In the back of the room, flanked by a pair of staircases, was a two story tall statue of the legendary clan leader Lor'vela; he who united the clans and by extension - Andor.

In the center of the rotunda was a torpedo casing which had been turned into a coffin. While it was draped with the flag of the Federation, there were a pair of Andorian flags flanking it. An honor guard of four Starfleet personnel stood vigil around the coffin. To the side was a fifth member of Starfleet, this one an officer. A human lieutenant in his middle thirties, with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His face was solemn as he regarded each individual who passed by to pay their respects. But when he saw the three Zarnac enter, he couldn't help but smile.

Turning on his heel and snapping off a crisp salute to the casket, the lieutenant shouldered his rifle and moved swiftly to intercept Drakt and his crew. "Drakt, you look like Hell."

"Steven - I am glad to see that you have cleaned up since we last spoke." Drakt replied, warmth in his eyes as he looked up at the gold trimmed officer.

Dropping to one knee, Steve grabbed Drakt and pulled him into an embrace. "I've missed you, buddy. It's just not the same without you around."

"I have missed you, too old friend." Drakt's voice was quivering; almost as if he was about to cry.

A few steps away, Rhe'la glanced over at her cousin. "You know how I know Drakt will die childless without taking a mate?"

"Because you're the only female he has regular contact with, and he has no interest in you in any way other than professional?" An'ta answer flatly.

Elbowing the intelligence officer in the ribs, the engineer answered, "Because he'll never find a female he loves as much as Steven. Humans have a word for this, you know - bromance."

Mulling that over; his tongue flicking thoughtfully, An'ta replied, "That... is a perfect one word summation of their relationship. Kudos to Federation Standard for having a word that our species probably never thought would ever be necessary."

Lt. Steven Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

Guest starring...

Commander Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry

Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry

Ens. Rhe'la, Daughter of the Forty-ninth House
Structural/Environmental Engineer
USS Cavalry