Time is Fleeting – Tests
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Tests
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 10:00am
Location   DS5 Air Space
Timeline   MD14 13.00

"Klingon vessel you are approached protected Federation space. Please lower your velocity and identify yourself," Vincent repeated for the third time in thirty seconds. The red of the control center hid his sweaty brow.

"Klingon vessel is still not responding to our hail, sir," one the communications ensigns informed him.

"Can we fire a warning shot?" Vincent asked the woman to his right.

"They are still outside range, Mr. Tan," the tactical officer responded. "I would advise that we not fire until we know who we are shooting at."

"Still working on it," the science officer said from his console. "Scanners are working and I'm searching the database right now. Give me a few minutes."

"I don't think we have the time," Vincent curtly cut him off. "Based on their trajectory and velocity they will be in the path of that Ferengi cargo ship in two minutes. here will be big collision right next to our already weakened shield generator!"

The room was silent as the seconds ticked by. "Get me Dunham," Vincent said after counting off 10 seconds.

Dunham and the rest of Bravo wing held a 'V' shape formation around the wallace escort class frigate. In front of them they could see the target in front of them. His sensors showed a Klingon bird of prey about to collide with a Ferengi ship. He didn't even need to order the wing into a defence pattern around the ship. The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters simply glided into a new holding pattern around the ship. Not that it really needed it the garrison ship was one hell of an over powered ship for a vessle its size. It had Ablative Armour, two type U Pulse phasers, four Type VII phasers Arrays, Auto-Modulating Shields, Metaphasic Shielding, Quantum Torpedoes and photon torpedoes. THe whole thing was only two decks big. It gave a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Big Teeth'.

Dunham got a comm from the garrison Ship =^= Dunham =^=

"Bravo One, we have an unidentified Klingon vessel approaching protected Federation space. They are not answering our hails to change course and their intent is unknown. I am uploading an intercept course I have plotted. Please close in on the target designated alpha-alpha-one and ascertain their intent."

Dunham read the target data as it rolled up onto his screen. He laid in a intercept course and issued orders to the rest of the fighter wing. They formed up again. in a large 'W' formation from the side it looked like a pair of bird wings. With their shields raised they approached the vessle. Dunham was about to comm the ship but beofre the words left his mouth a series of phaser shots lanced across his port side. The wing broke formation and then looped around to try and get of of range. Dunham then activated his comm to Tan.

=^= Intent is hostile =^=

"Really?" Vincent asked sarcastically. "Klingon vessel, you are in protected Federation air space and have opened fire. You will identify yourself, lower your shields and allow us to board immediately. If you do not, we will be forced to fire upon you."

Vincent watched the screen as the ship continued on its course, closely shadowed by Dunham's fighters, who demonstrated an enormous amount of discipline to hold their fire. After another 10 seconds, the communications ensign reported that there was still no response. Vincent judged that Dunham had about two minutes to take the ship out before the shipping lanes were in significant danger.

"Klingon vessel, you have failed to identify yourself and leave us no choice but to attack you. Dunham, take him out."

Dunham got on the comm to the rest of his wing =^=Ok team. Go in low, attack pattern omega three. I want her shields down and her engines disabled. Keep it tight. Hack=^=

Green phaser fire burst across the fighter wing above and below their hulls and canopy. They split unperturbed by heavy fire. Then each fired a series of torpedo bursts onto the enemy vessle. This reduced her shields to nothing. The fighter wing banked and and looped around to begin another attack. But the warbird was not done and launched her own attack diving between the on coming ships while firing her phasers. This took down two of Dunham Ships. He ordered the wing to split and go again.

"Dunham," Vincent said, urgency creeping into his voice. "Keep that ship away from those freighters!" He watched his screen as the warbird increased speed towards the Ferengi vessels. "Ferengi freighters epsilon 1 and 2 commence evasive manoeuvers."

~Persistent isn't he~ Thought Dunham as he gunned in a pursuit course at full throttle. =^= Squad pursuit course full speed. Lock torpedoes onto this location of the warbird=^= Dunham pressed a few buttons on the flight console. When he got the signal from the rest of the wing they flew in almost onto of his impulse trail then each let off a series of shots from their torpedoes each one hit the drive unit of the enemy vessel it began to spin out of control.

Vincent watched in horror as his sensors showed him the warbird heading straight for the freighters despite taking fire from Dunham's fighter wing. With the impulse engines disabled, the ship had no choice but to allow its momentum to carry it into the awaiting Ferengi ships, whose bulk and nature made them very slow. "This is not good, Mr. Dunham," Vincent reported calmly. "Might I suggest you vaporise that ship before it gets too close? I do not need to remind you that the shock-waves of an exploding warp core are not pleasant things to be buffetted by. I do not think our unshielded Ferengi friends with their volatile cargo would appreciate that."

Dunhams fighter wing streaked towards the warbird unleashing everything in their arsenal of weapons. Each hit caused a critical damage to the Klingon vessel. The ship blew apart in a mirada of explosions and chunks of shrapnel. A wing of the warbird started spinning erratically towards the ferengi transport

Vincent watched as a wing of the warbird clipped a Ferengi freighter, pushing it into the path of another before they both exploded in a bright light show. The ensuing shockwave buffetted several other small craft in the area and pushed some into the already weakened shields of the station. Slowly, a chain reaction began as the station started to blow itself apart.

"Computer," Vincent said with utter disdain, "End training simulation." The view screen immediately restored everything to normal and the station was restored to its position in space with the usual space traffic.

"Mr. Dunham, care to come aboard for a debrief?"

"Yes I do Mr Tan. Beam me over."


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Chief of Strategic Operations