Beg, Steal or Borrow – "You May Want To Be Here For This"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   "You May Want To Be Here For This"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Feb 08, 2009 @ 11:19pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD7 - 19:15 hrs
Penobscot watched as the Romulan woman, Monteros, drank the water he'd provided her, waiting to be sure her eyes were turned away from him. Once he was sure she wasn't watching him he dashed over to his console and sent a message to Lt. Gabriel: =^=Lt. Gabriel, the Romulan woman is awake. PO2 Penobscot.=^=

Gabriel tapped his comm unit in response. "I'm on my way, do not allow any non-Starfleet personnel to have contact with her." He said as he stood up and began to walk towards the sickbay.

"Umm, that's the thing, Sir. She's called for Isha, the Romulan diplomat." Penobscot said, "I don't think I can legally deny her entry. All I can suggest is you get here first."

Gabriel entered the nearest turbolift to his office and press his comm unit to respond. "Oh, I'm sorry, you see I was under the assumption that I was speaking to a *Starfleet* Officer. I had no clue that you were now a part of the Romulan Star Empire." Gabriel said with obvious ire. "I don't care if she calls the Praetor himself from Romulus, the fact remains that Monteros is a Starfleet Officer and is therefore under our jurisdiction. My orders still stand, is that understood?" Gabriel said as his lift came to a stop and he exited and began to walk towards Main Sickbay.

=^=Yes, Sir.=^= Penobscot replied, then added, =^=Anything that comes down from above is on your ass, though!=^=

Rianni heard that last part of the conversation, knew that that Petty Officer had called someone, from the sounds of his voice someone not Isha at that, ~Frack, I just came back from the dead. Why would anyone want to see me now?~

"Petty Officer Penobscot, wait outside and do not allow any non-starfleet officers to enter without my authorization." Gabriel ordered as he maintained eye contact with the Lieutenant Commander. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked unceremoniously.

"Yes, Sir." Penobscot answered, scrambling into the corridor like his butt was on fire.

Of all the people she'd wanted to see, this man was not on the list at all, "Good to see you still have your genteel manners." She managed, her voice raspy and weak, "And as far as why I'm here, you tell me. I just woke up here, I've apparently been here for a while. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm waiting for a visit from my family, so, well, there's really no nice way to say this, FRACK OFF!" The very act of yelling at that pompous ass made Rianni swoon and nearly fall, but if she lived another millennium she'd never deny it had been totally worth it.

Of all the calls that could have come hers had been the least expected. Isha had not even known that Rianni was on board the station; something else that Rh’vaurek had decided she did not need to know. When he returned she was going to have some serious words with that man, he just couldn’t keep doing this to her.

Getting to her feet Isha headed toward the door her feet crunching over the fragments of cut glass. She glanced at the damp stain that spread down the wall and across the carpet and at the bent and twisted flowers then shrugged and went on her way.

Despite the many hours she had spent with Doctor Adams Isha had never actually visited the infirmary but she imagined that the entrance was not usually blocked by a surly looking man in uniform.

“I think you need to step aside,” Isha suggested pleasantly.

The voice caused the hairs on the back of Gabriel's neck to stand at attention. Obviously the Petty Officer did not know how to follow orders from superiors, he would have to have a talk with him in the near future.

"This is a conversation between two Starfleet Officers, if you wish to join then I suggest you contact your locale recruiter." He said as he turned to look at the woman.

The corners of Isha's lips twitched with amusement, "Has the recruitment situation in the Federation become so dire, Agent Gabriel?" she asked with a sigh. "Yourself aside, I see only a relative of mine who requested my presence, not a Starfleet Officer

"Oh really? Because the last time I checked, she," Gabriel said while pointing a finger towards Monteros' general direction. "Was still a Starfleet Officer, and therefore she is within the jurisdiction of my investigation, unless of course . . ." He said as he turned towards the supine woman, "You've resigned your commission as an officer and are simply a civilian." He said.

"Which investigation would that be? Why don't you enlighten me while I let her know I have arrived."

"When such information becomes your concern then I will address you as is necessary, but until then you are best to stand in the waiting room and speak with the Doctor as to the current condition of your dear cousin. You can speak with her when I have concluded my interview." He said as he turned back to Monteros.

"Now, Ms. Monteros, let's talk about your lovely family." He said as he leaned against the door frame.

Isha folded her arms, "I'll remain here if its all the same with you, Lieutenant," she said. "Don't let me disturb you."

Rianni could see Isha standing there, lifting her heart for the first time in a long time. She nodded to her beloved Aunt and turned her gaze back towards Gabriel, the face of everything she hated, "All I will say to you about my family is that you are not worthy to speak any of their names, you cur." She stood now, emboldened by a newfound Romulan ferocity, and pushed by Gabriel, making her way to Isha, "I'm glad you could be here."

She took Isha's hand into her own and smiled softly, turning to face Gabriel again, "And, just for future reference, Lieutenant Gabriel, to you my name is either Commander Monteros-t'Khellian or Lady t'Khellian, I will tolerate no further disrespect from the likes of you, nor will Lady Isha. Understood? Or have you resigned your commission and as a civilian are no longer bound by military courtesy?"

"Save it for your J.A.G. representative, Monteros" He said as he turned to face the gathered women. "You mysteriously appear on my station out of nowhere with no mention or notification from the Captain of your ship, a ship in which you were the Executive Officer, and all of this conveniently happens after a bomb is "placed" onboard your previous vessel. " He said as he maintained eye-contact with Monteros.

"Until I receive sufficient answers to my questions, you are a person of interest in my investigation. So by all means, stay here and enjoy Dr. Milarno's care, although you might want to avoid making him mad, from what I've heard he doesn't respond well to certain Romulans" Gabriel said as he glanced at Isha with a knowing smile as he straightened his tunic and began to exit the room.

"You have no proof I or any member of my family has done anything, you fool." Rianni snarled weakly, her voice depleted but her hatred full and boiling, "All you have is the racist idiocy you cling to in an effort to make yourself feel like one of the good guys, like you're important." She stopped and made sure her voice was clear and strong, "You're pathetic."

"Oh, and just in case you get lost, I'll be sure to assign an "escort" for you during your stay here. Be sure to call me if you have any problems, sir" Gabriel said with a smirk as he exited the room and casting a glare at Petty Officer Penobscot.

Isha watched Gabriel leave. With a sigh she turned to Monteros who seemed to be clinging to her hand as though it might otherwise fall off. "Rianni," she said, thinking of the long discussion she had had with Rakka earlier that afternoon, "please avoid upsetting him too much, I've been put in rather a delicate situation, and the fewer people clamouring to break down my doors and for my removal from this station, the better." It was all she could tell her here and now. "I don't suppose you've heard, have you, that I have taken over the Consulate."

"Unofrtunately, no, I hadn't heard any of that, or anything else." Rianni replied, "I don't even know how long I've been here, or where Lee is. All I know is one of those fracking Borgs tried to kill me, something in my drink, and I woke up to an episode of when animals attack. But, congratulations, Consul Isha."

Rianni, now determined to leave this infirmary quickly and go somewhere comfortable, stood and began to get dressed in her uniform, "Looks like this is all I have for now." She paused for a second, "Where am I going to stay?"

"Here, until the medics release you," Isha replied. "While you consider what you are going to do next. I'd suggest talking with Tahir, but she has left the station. Remain here overnight. I believe that the refurbishment of my ambassadorial suite is almost finished - I'll find out, if it is in a habitable state, I will move tomorrow which will leave my current quarters free - they will suit you until Tahir returns, or until we know what you plan to do here."

Rianni walked to Isha slowly, the pain in her joints and her heart obvious, and layed her head down on Isha's shoulder, "I don't know what to do now." She said sadly, "I don't even know how I got here or where Lee or my Mom are or anything. All I know is that for the first time since I can't remember I am scared and I do not want to be here alone."

Eiheu'le kuoku (hush child),” she whispered wrapping her bony arms around Rianni’s shoulders and smoothing her hair with her hand. “Not much is known by any of us. Your mother and my relative, R’Vek were reported to have gone underground, the official story is that they have absconded, but I’m sure the facts will emerge in time. The fact remains that this is not the place to speak of such things.”

Isha placed one hand on Rianni’s shoulder and with the other lifted her chin until their eyes met, “Go back to bed and I will return in the morning with a solution, this evening I have a number of other matters that I must attend to elsewhere. You’ll be quite safe,” Isha assured her, “I have the utmost faith in Doctor Adams."

"Okay." Rianni nodded, "I'll just have the nurse bring me a few things and then I'll go back to sleep." For some reason Rianni figured in this case Isha would know what was best for her.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros t'Khellian

Lt. JG Dorian Gabriel