We All Fall Down – Late memo
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign David Harris

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Title   Late memo
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign David Harris
Posted   Tue Sep 30, 2014 @ 4:25pm
Location   Captain's Office
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2. 15:00

So far so good. Isha's second day of office had been in sharp relief to the first.

Rianni had returned, and through the swift and risky actions of the crew of the Dhelan had reduced the death toll by 311 - that left 41 unlucky souls, but oh, the luck of those plucked out before the defense platforms took their toll.

She had confidence in the Marshal, and was in the process of integrating his suspicions into the investigation into the disaster ... she also had confidence in the new Chief of Security, but his introduction had the potential to be far more troublesome - not because of the Ensign, but because of how the Interim Chief might take the news.

Isha had limited knowledge of Trellis, beyond the reports she had read. She thought him a little too fond of the bottle, and with a staidly objective head, she could not deny that under his control Security had been lax, or at least too many major events had occurred that ought to have been crushed at the first shoot.

Her fingers flickered over the controls and after a flit through the station conduits her message appeared on Trellis' console.

[Security Office 2]

Ever since the Department Administrative Assistant Alexia had transfer to a different ship, Trellis had found himself having to put out numerous 'administrative fires' in her absence. It was not until she left that he realized that while annoying and at times insubordinate, she was a valuable crewman.

Now, he found himself in the secondary security officer with another crewman searching for some item of marginal importance. He was about to give up the futile search when his terminal indicated a message had been sent to his personal console.

~Great. . .what now?~ He thought as he activated the comm unit.

=/= *Security, this is Lieutenant Trellis speaking.* He responded.

"Commander t'Vaurek wishes to speak to you, Lieutenant. Would you present yourself in ops post haste."

*Yes ma'am, I will be right there* He responded quickly, terminating the connection. He indicated to the Petty Officer to continue searching for the item while he left to speak with the Captain. "Captain", it was still a funny thing to refer to a Romulan Officer as the Captain of a Starfleet installation. However, he had learned rather quickly to not expect any sense of normality while serving on the station. Especially a station in which the head of Security is court-martialed for Murder.

"OPS" Trellis spoke to the turbolift after entering it, just as the doors began to close a hand slid inside and stop the doors from closing completely. The hand was attached to an Ensign who was just stepping onboard.

David stepped into the turbo lift. "Sorry about that, hope your not in a rush, Sir." He smiled at the Lieutenant.

The Captain's Yoeman, Peridot Quirm was there to greet them as the turbolift entered ops. She tossed her blonde main and requested that they follow her. Quirm was still thrilled that the new commander had insisted that there was a Yoeman between herself and any and all visitors. She'd grabbed at the opportunity to move on from being a mere intern, to controlling official access to the Captain, even if the woman was intimidating.

"Commander t'Vaurek asked me to greet you both," Peridot said as they walked, "After you," she added as they reached the door to Isha's office, before retiring to her own desk.

David was curious as to why he had been called to the Captain's Office. He expected as a department head he would be called in a lot and who was he Lieutenant with him.

Isha rose as they entered and her yeoman withdrew. This was not going to be an easy conversation, not for her, not for Trellis, and with the undoubted tension it would cause, not for Harris either. "Lieutenant Trellis, Ensign Harris," she said, "your prompt attendance is appreciated."

Trellis nodded, "Yes ma'am." He said as he stood at attention before his new commanding officer. He had been so busy conducting interviews with survivors and operators that were involved in the Guardian Platform incident that he had not had time to focus on anything else related to Security. It had been as if he had been stuck inside of a bubble that was completely oblivious to the outside world. However, there had to be some reason that the Captain had called both officers to her office.

David also stood to attention. He was trying to find his feet and he had been hearing rumors that if true would make him very busy. He had still not been briefed by anyone in his department and with no executive officer he really had no one to go to, but that was his issue.

Isha very much regretted the fact that it fell to her to do this after the appointment had been made. Events had made that impossible.

"Can I be of assistance to you Ma'am?" David was still standing at attention but he could feel the tension rising in the office.

"Lieutenant Trellis, I wish to thank you on behalf of all of us for stepping into the breach whilst a new Security Chief was appointed. This has been a difficult time and now, finally it is over," she paused briefly trying to assess his reaction, but he was giving nothing away. "Starfleet has chosen to appoint Ensign Harris in the role. I trust that you will continue your excellent work in his department."

David looked towards the Lieutenant. He was a little confused was he now the head of a Department with senior officers in his Department. A little unusual but not unheard off. "I could do with a handover, Lieutenant, I am hearing lots of rumors and I need to figure out what is fact and what is fiction."

~My. . .replacement!?! All of my hard work and they've sent a DAMN REPLACEMENT!?~ He thought incredulously.

"But.. .bu....he's an Ensign!" Trellis was finally able to get out of his mouth. He couldn't even bring himself to speak the officer's name.

"Starfleet believe that despite his rank, Ensign Harris is up to the task," she said.

"He doesn't have the necessary experience to handle a station this size, not to mention the extreme racial discord that has been taking over the station for months! It will take him that long just to understand the different factions at work here!" Trellis continued.

The Lieutenant was probably right, was he in a position to be responsible for the whole station's security, did he have the experience? Did he have the knowledge? Would he have the ability to command? "Maybe the fact that I am not aware of the factions is the reason why I have been sent Lieutenant."

"This is Starflet's directive, Mister Trellis," Isha reminded him, "and they and I are trusting you to ensure that Ensign Harris gains that understanding as rapidly as possible.

"But...he...I..." Trellis could not find the words nor could his brain properly articulate the right response for what he was feeling. He was stuck between the feelings of anger and inadequacy. He knew that this was not right, but he had no choice but to follow his orders.

"Yes....ma'am" He finally acquiesced.

Isha closed her eyes briefly. She would not have done it this way, she would have allowed the Ensign time and then found a way, but the orders were very clear. Lieutenant Trellis was not to retain control of Security any longer.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Trellis. You're handover will be most valued - I'm sure that Starfleet have another post in mind for you at your current rank," Isha added as consolation, though she had no word of the truth of it.

Trellis merely nodded, "Will that be all?"

~Or do you plan on ripping out my heart as well. . .~ he mused ruefully.

"I have an external meeting. If you both wish to use my office to continue the discussion, you may," she said as she scooped a pair of padds from the desk. This situation had the potential to be incendiary.

Isha sincerely hoped that Starfleet would not require he to deliver any further blows to Trellis - she was sure it would be she who was blamed for them, not her.

Trellis watched as the Commanding Officer left the office, leaving him with his new "Superior Officer". Trellis looked down at the table before him before looking towards the Ensign. He couldn't think of anything more he'd want than to just get away from everything.

"If there is nothing else, Ensign, I have work to complete within our department." Trellis stated.

"Lieutenant before you go I think this would be a good time for you to catch me up on what is going on. I have heard so many rumors and if true I have a lot of work." David was uncomfortable after all this was a lieutenant in front of him, but he had his duty to do and being a security officer he often had tell senior officers what they did want to hear and he had arrested one or two of them before.

Trellis stopped walking as the new Department Head spoke to him. He sighed inwardly as he slowly turned and faced the man. "What. . . would you like me to inform you about?" He asked tensely.

"The important things for the moment. I have heard rumors about a lack of defense. A murderer being on-board who was Chief Security Officer and a Department lacking discipline." David knew this must be hard for the Lieutenant, he would hate to be in his shoes.

"If you are referring to former Chief of Security, Dorian Gabriel, then that man was removed from power awhile ago by Starfleet Command for his involvement in the murder of a Romulan Scientist. If it were up to me I would've had him charged for a dozen other offenses." Trellis stated.

"More importantly, if you really want to crack down on corruption on this station, then I'd start with "The Box of Delights". That place alone has been responsible for at least 3 murders on this station and yet its owner, Yolanthe, remains protected because she is sexually involved with one of the Cardassian Ambassadors, Tharek Gatel" Trellis added pointedly.

"For whatever reason, the new Captain believes that the Department would be best in your hands." the Lieutenant said firmly as he continued to look at his new superior office. "So now I am at your command." He concluded.

"Lieutenant, we must get on for the sake of Security on this Starbase. I expect and require your support. Please have a full report on the state of my department on my table for 0800 hours tomorrow." David then left the office. He felt bad for speaking to a Lieutenant like that but he had to be a strong leader for now. What a nightmare he thought to himself.

Ensign David Harris
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space Five


Si'Lar Trellis
Assistant Chief of Security