Judgement – Damage control
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Damage control
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri May 06, 2011 @ 3:20pm
Location   Dhelan
Timeline   SD36 - 12:00

The argument with Rianni had sent an urgency flag soaring in Maiell's head. He personally had no problems with it, but Rianni was on edge, and word around the ship was that the crew was picking up on the tension between them, some even speculating Maiell influencing command. As much as he knew some people would get off on that idea, he hated it. He liked Rianni, but she was being completely irrational. He had hoped she would assimilate much better but so far, it wasn't even on the horizon. The crew didn't trust her, and once they'd gotten to the rumor of him overruling her on something, they were all anxious and waiting.

So, Maiell did the only thing he could. He called a meeting with Rianni, which she'd reluctantly agreed to. He didn't tell her about what it was about though. Arriving a good twenty minutes early, tr'Tahn hailed Deep Space Five, Admiral tr'Khellian's office, knowing he would be there at this hour.

"Maiell." R'Vek answered, somewhat surprised to be hearing from the Dhelan so early, and especially from someone other than Rianni, "What can I do for you, my boy?"

"I apologize for interupting you, Admiral, but there is an issue I feel should be dealt with right away, before you go any further on this mission. It's t'Khellian, sir. She's...not adjusting very well. There was an issue with the Deltan journalist she decided to bring to the Dhelan. The first issue is that his sudden presence caught me off guard. She simply sent me a note about it the night before our departure. That, I have gotten over. She wouldn't be the first CO to not discuss things with a Political officer beforehand. So, I scheduled a meeting with this journalist, Mr. Elley, soon after we departed." Maiell wanted the Admiral to know the issue before Rianni arrived so that, when she did, they would all be on the same page.

"Mr. Elley is Deltan. As you may or may not know, they, as a species, emit a very powerful pheromone that can affect other people's behavior. I don't need to tell you how dangerous and risky bringing someone like that aboard a ship is," Maiell stated. "So I requested that Mr. Elley take certain inhibiting medication to cease any emission of pheromones. It would be harmless to him, I've done my research, sir. But Mr. Elley refused. So, I decided that the only alternative was for him to leave. Sir, I'm honestly grateful for the trust you've shown me by giving me this position. I take it very seriously, and I simply could not allow such a possible security risk to freely roam the ship. When erie'Riov t'Khellian found out, she stormed into my office and demanded that he be told to stay. I tried explaining it all to her, but she simply wouldn't listen. She started saying how this was her ship and that she could do whatever she wanted. And you and I both know, Admiral, that that is not how things function on our ships. I tried telling her that, but again, she simply refused to listen to anything I said."

R'Vek shook his head and groaned in dismay, he'd hoped their past together would lead to a friction free working relationship between them, but they were already at each other's throat less than a day into their journey together, "This is most disturbing, Lieutenant. I had certainly hoped for a better result."

Rianni entered as her father was speaking to Maiell, still seething from her earlier clash with her soon to be former Political Officer, "Daddy, you have got to get this son of a bitch off of my ship before I shoot him out the motherfracking airlock!"

"erie'Riov, control yourself!" R'Vek snapped back, "You may be my daughter but while you wear that uniform I am still your superior officer!"

'Wow, just when thought she couldn't get more immature...' Maiell thought to himself, rolling his eyes at her outburst. He decided to keep his own mouth shut. He, unlike his new CO, actually had some professionalism.

"With respect, Admiral," Rianni continued, "I can not work with this man another second. I know he was given this opportunity due to your gratitude for what he did for me, but I can not deal with him. He seems to think he is in command on this ship and I can't tolerate that. I won't."

R'Vek sighed heavily, this was going worse than he thought. He could see it from both sides though: Maiell thought Rianni was being too emotional and she was, Rianni was mad because she felt Maiell had stepped on her toes in a big way and he had, "All right, tr'Than, what do you have to say for yourself on that note?"

"Admiral, it's my job to protect the interests of the Empire. Having a person who could directly influence others on the ship is unacceptable," Maiell explained, keeping his own voice calm, remaining as rational as possible. "What I feel the biggest issue here is the erie'Riov's inability to grasp the concept of a Romulan ship function, not to mention my role on the ship. The Political officer is a necessary, integral part of a functioning vessel. You, Subcommander, seem to have a problem accepting that I'm not trying to run your ship, I'm simply trying to keep it as safe as possible. That's my job. And while you have this idea that you have to deal with me, you need to understand that I am directly responsible for every action you take on your ship," tr'Tahn explained, turning to speak to Rianni. He didn't like this conflict any more than she did, but at least he was trying to resolve it as maturely and as professionally as possible.

"If you don't want to be 'responsible' for me. then ask for a transfer." Rianni snapped back, she could not believe the ego on this guy, ~Frack, and to think I ever thought this guy could be my friend. What an ass!~

"Enough." R'Vek groaned, Rianni's lack of knowledge of Romulan affairs and, for that matter, Romulans was beginning to show, "tr'Than's actions only brought him to my attention, his record got him this posting and neither of you are going anywhere." ~Unless this childish bickering continues then I may well send you both to timeout.~

"One more thing before we continue and I apologize for bringing up a personal subject," Maiell told them before turning to Rianni, a much more open, honest look on his face.

"I am deeply offended that you would think that I believe that I 'own' you simply because I helped saved your life and that I would use that to further my career. I am a Merek and I have earned everything in my life by my hard work and dedication and I never, in my entire life accepted favors or used cheap tricks to get ahead. I only accepted this position because of your father's insistence and because it is an extremely rare opportunity for someone like me. And if you knew anything about Romulan society you would understand all of that," Maiell told the new CO.

"Look, regardless of how you got the job, you're vastly overstepping your bounds here." Rianni replied, at that moment she didn't give a gorram that she had hurt his feelings, this man was making her life a living Hell right now. She turned back to R'Vek, "EnRiov, am I in command of this vessel or not?"

"You are." R'Vek replied, he didn't like this, she was about to draw a line in the sand and dig in for a war, her mother did this frequently and she was worse than a horde of rabid Klingons when she did, "And he as your political officer exists outside of your chain of command, he answers directly to me. Now, where is Mr. Ellev?"

"He asked to be put off at the next base." Rianni replied, "Needed to get away from Dr. Mengele over here. So, what are we going to do here?"

"Well, there's really nothing we can do now, is there?" R'Vek replied, smiling inside because Ai'lani Ellev had given him a way out of this explosive diarrhea of a situation, "Mr. Ellev had requested to leave the ship, as such he should be accommodated and will be. When he returns to DS5 I will thoroughly debrief him on the subject and I will get his slant on this issue. But, as it stands, it seems he wishes off the Dhelan and will be afforded that desire. Do either of you have anything else?"

"No, sir," Maiell answered first. "I've said my part," he told him. Maiell had hoped Rianni had a better understanding of how a Romulan society worked but aparently that wasn't the case. And that alone told him that this entire operation was going to have problems. "Is that all, Admiral? I still have a things to gather up before handing in my initial report," he explained, glancing at Rianni, then the Admiral. He knew she probably didn't know about this and wouldn't approve so decided she should still be kept in the loop.

"I'm unsure if you're aware, but I need to hand in a official Political officer's report on ship operations almost daily to the Admiral, my superior," he explained.

"I'm aware." Rianni answered curtly, "EnRiov, I would advise you that there is more than probably a chance Lt. tr'Than's report is slanted against me."

"Your concerns are duly noted, erieRiove." R'Vek nodded, hoping against hope she was wrong, ~Never heard of a Merek doing anything of that nature, so I doubt it.~

Maiell rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Question, why would I say anything against you just for the purpose of being against you?" he asked, turning to Rianni. This was turning into one of those scene where two kids are put in the office of their principle and told to 'work out their difference' from old Earth movies. He hated those movies.

"All right, enough." R'Vek sighed, "I am both of your superior and I've lost enough of my time to this. Neither of you are going anywhere! Now, here's how it's going to be: tr'Than, do try to be mindful of her authority as CO. If there's one thing I hate it's a political officer who tries to override the ship's CO at every turn, which is not to say I think you've done that, I'm simply cautioning against it as I would with any other political officer, especially a young one. Rianni, you stop acting like your Aunt! Because if there's anything else that rubs me the wrong way it's a damned diva! I've enough of that with your aunt and mother and their dueling divas act. Now, have I made myself perfectly clear to both of you?"

"Yes, sir," tr'Tahn said, understanding.

"Yes, Admiral." Rianni nodded, she got what he was saying, even though she still thought Maiell was just dead wrong, ~Wow, he's pissed, better not push it.~

"Good." R'Vek sighed, "Now, please, focus on your mission and save it for the pirates. tr'Khellian out."


erie'Arrain Maiell tr'Tahn
Political officer

erir'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
IRW Dhelan

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Tal Shiar