Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Saying Goodbye
by Commander Rakka

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Title   Saying Goodbye
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Rakka
Posted   Sat Nov 15, 2008 @ 6:22am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   1820
After waiting for the last of the medical staff to vacate the area, Rakka turned toward Riley's body. She stood over him, brushing the curly hair from his pale forehead.

"I guess this makes you a hero," she whispered. "But god... I wish it didn't have to happen this way. I... I'm so sorry," she whispered. "If I had been quicker... it might have been me instead."

~Don't be silly, Commander,~ she imagined him saying. He would laugh... of course he would laugh. ~It's not your fault.~

"Regardless... I'm sorry for how things were... between us. I'm sorry that... the last thing I did was scold you. And for what? Things that shouldn't have even mattered. That stupid Cardassian woman.... Riley, to tell you the truth... I think I was jealous after all. And I yelled at you... because I couldn't handle it."

She shook her head slowly, pressing her hands against her temples and trying to come to terms with all of this. "Riley... sometimes you just... provoked me. And I know you did it on purpose. Just to get a reaction out of me. You drove me crazy sometimes."

Rakka quickly whisked away two large tears that were starting to escape. "I'm going to miss that. I'm going to miss you arguing with me about everything... barging in on my holodeck programs... always sticking your nose where it didn't belong. Who's going to do all those things now?"

She sniffled, trying to keep herself together. "I think what I'm most sorry about is... I never got to tell you all the important things. You were so promising... you had so much potential. Riley... I hate to admit to such things, but you were always my favourite. With a little more experience, you would have been a phenomenal officer. I had so much hope in you. Did I ever tell you how proud I was of you for the work you did, and the way you took on everything so wholeheartedly?"

She wiped away two more tears. "I think I was too busy telling you what you could have done better. I'm so sorry. I hope you knew, though. I hope you knew I was proud of you, and that I was grateful for the little friendship we had, such as it was. I hope you know how proud I am especially of what you've just done. An officer can do nothing finer. You gave everything. Thank you, Riley."

She placed her hand on his. It was starting to grow cold. "Wherever you are, I hope you're able to find your brother. I... wish you a peaceful journey. I won't forget you."

She stepped away and headed toward the door, surreptitiously making sure no one had eavesdropped.

"So long, Ensign."

She drifted out of sickbay in a haze, a thousand duties ahead of her.

Meetings, reports, meetings, reports....


Lt. Cdr. Rakka
CSO, Minus one great officer....