Unity – [BACKPOST] Sins Of The Father
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   [BACKPOST] Sins Of The Father
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Tue Apr 13, 2010 @ 11:18am
Location   Quarters
Timeline   SD15 0700

A Bajoran transport had just disembarked from the station after dropping off a load of new arrivals. The arrivals included Ryan Milarno; he had left the station a while ago to explore his Bajoran heritage and to generally have a break.

After walking through docking port doors he stopped and looked around, as the other new arrivals headed off to wherever they needed to go. But for Ryan he didn’t really have anywhere to go, he took in a deep breath. “Welcome Home” he mumbled to himself. He remained still for a further few moments before heading to his old quarters.

On the way he saw many familiar faces, who nodded in greeting to him on passing and yet some un-familiar faces who just ignored him, which was fine.
When he came to his quarters he hesitantly walked in, a few items had still been left behind. The captain was kind enough to keep the quarters for him for if he ever returned. He stood in the quiet, plain room where he had lived constantly. Ryan set his bags down on the sofa and he walked to the replicator. “Coffee – black” he stated and the drink materialised instantly and he picked it up and took a sip and then set it down on the coffee table on his way to the bathroom.
He sighed as he stood in front of the mirror, looking at his altered appearance. “Bloody Cardassians...” he groaned as he shook his head then proceeded to freshen up.


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Assistant Chief Medical Officer