Things Past – Ivor Prime Mission: Escape
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Ivor Prime Mission: Escape
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Tue Dec 03, 2013 @ 4:24pm
Location   Ivor Prime Colony
Timeline   SD 75

The Dawnstar was at high warp for six hours, Dr Lander and Darryl had struggled to keep the often finicky warp drive from shutting down, but now it was well beyond what was considered safe use, they had pushed the engines non-stop, after getting orders to rescue an away team from the Ivor Colony following an incident.

Jason looked at his count down and spoke "Forty minutes to Ivor, we should be in communication range now."

Jarred stood, for all intents and purposes the people on the colony didn't know he was alive, they didn't know that he was in command of this ship, and they didn't know what to expect when they arrived, Jarred Just looked over at his first officer "Isha, lets go to yellow alert, Jason put the shadow cloak on stand by."

The crew of the Dawnstar had pulled together in the last week, and he was amazed at how Isha had taken on her unofficial role aboard ship, he looked to Darryl who was at the bridge engineering station, "How's the warp core?"

"We'll need three hours to regenerate when we get there, we can use the impulse and atmospheric systems until then."

"Open a channel, lets see if our people are there." Jarred commented.

=/= "This is the Dawnstar to the Deep Space Five away team." He paused.

The civilian cargo vessel drifted listlessly through the outer atmosphere of Ivor Prime. Life support systems remained functional and working as they should. However, the inhabitants of the vessel laid unconscious, unable to respond.

Jason looked at a read out "Cargo vessel coming out of the atmosphere, life signs are present but conflicting, should I intercept them?"

"yes, drop out of warp maintain yellow alert but lets raise the shields first." Jarred ordered "Marie meet me in the transporter room."

Jarred stood "Isha you have the bridge."

"Acknowledged," Isha replied simply. "Keep us briefed on your movements," she requested. A return to active service, even in this unique exchange was not one that Isha had ever entertained yet here she was.

"This is one time where risk is all we have." Jarred said as he grabbed his long coat, "Mr Costello with me please."

==Aboard the civilian Transport==

The trio materialized on the deck of the cargo ship, the red emergency lights provided an eerie reminder of missions past, "Tricorder?"

"Three definite life signs, no distinctions though" Marie reported

The blue shimmer finally cleared the eyes of Lieutenant Junior Grade Malak. He looked around the dead ship, the memories of past lives reminding him of the class vessel. His Tricorder coming out as well as he looks over the information,"Nothing insanely out of the ordinary here." He slowly offers as he goes over the readings.

Just outside the doors leading to the bridge laid the body of Lieutenant Michael Duquesne. His uniform was ripped throughout the torso and back area, revealing burns. The weapon fire had cauterized the wound, leaving only dark bruising throughout his body.

"Movement two sections down." Marie commented

The remaining crew members were located on the bridge in equal states of unconsciousness. Their injuries significant, but not fatal.

The trio walked the corridor when they saw an officer in a fighter pilots uniform "Who the hell are you?" Jarred asked as he reached for his side arm.

"I swear to God.." The Trill said as he cursed to himself softly,"How the hell do tricorders not work after a crash landing. You would thi..." He pauses and his other hand reaches for his weapon as well when he hears the voice. He looks up to the voice itself. He watches the trio as if look for signs,"..Lieutenant Malak Muz - I was looking for the lost crew and .." A pause,"something happened to my ship." He continues to watch carefully for any signs the other crew were having.

"Muz....DS5 fighter squadron right?" Jarred said as he looked at the younger man "Here." Jarred pulled out a pistol shaped phaser from under his long coat.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade.. Yes Sir." Muz says with a nod of his head. He pauses a moment when the pistol shaped phaser is handed to him and reaches for it. His eyes going to the pips on the mans collar if they are there. He looks back to his eyes,"Aye Aye Sir, Where to then?"

"There is a signal group three sections up, I hope its members of the away team." Jarred replied.

As the group moved forward, there was signs of a struggle, everywhere, blood, shotgun cartridges, phaser scoring, even what looked like bits of borg technology, "This looks borg, but its messed up sloppy, could this be a group of worshipers?"

"it's definitely not current borg technology." Marie commented.

"Then its something gone very wrong, here..." Jarred gestured to the slashed up door "Mr Muz lets cut through setting 15."

The air started buzzing with the high pitched hum of phasers attempting to cut through a welded door filled the air, the sizzle of the metal melting was followed by a sudden snap as the section of paneling fell out in a haze of molten metal and smoke, "Marie follow me, you two cover the door."

Marine started to scan the four men, "Cracked ribs, mild signs of oxygen deprivation on this one." moving left "Concussion grade two category one, and signs of a kidney infection." to the right "this one is dead looks like he got attacked by a poor version of the nano assimilation virus, three survivors in total."

"Wallace to Dawnstar beam Marie and her patients to the sick bay then beam the remaining team plus one back."

"Aye sir" a voice answered.

==Aboard Dawnstar===

Jarred followed by the newest passenger entered the sick bay "That looks like Master Cheif Ayers, and Lieutenant j.g. Michael Duquesne."

"Looked liked one hell of a fight, Ayers took a huge hit to the head, he'll be out of commission for a day or two, the other one should be ok in another hour." Marie reported "Now Mr Muz looks like he could use a meal and a shower."

Jarred snickered "Yeah, I think we could all use a clean up." Jarred changed topics "Mr Muz before you ask the obvious I've been dead for some time now, and to be honest going back to the station will cause some shock to some people."
