Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Aftermath
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Aftermath
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 11:19am
Location   CMO Quarters

Chelsea got up and showered. She replicated breakfast and brought it to Ryan in bed. She set the two plates on the side and went over to him.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" she said softly, kissing his forehead to wake him.

Ryan groaned, he had managed to get the quilt secure around him. "It's not morning...ssshhh I'm not getting up..." he mumbled.

Chelsea laughed and tugged at the corner of the covers. "It so is morning! We're gonna be late. What time's your shift?" she grinned.

“What shift?” he asked. And then leaned up on his arm and looked at her, his eyes squinted. “I’m not going in” he said then lay back down.

Tugging harder at the covers, Chelsea managed to get a corner and slide under it, she put her cold toes on his warm naked back. "Oh yes you are Doctor! No sick note for you!" she laughed.

"No Chelsea, I'm really not..."

She sat up and swung her legs back over the edge of the bed. "Seriously?" she asked.

"Seriously..." he answered her.

As he was answering her, Chelsea moved to the side where she had left the breakfasts and retrieved them. She brought them to the bed and balanced them on her knees.

"Don't you want this?" she coaxed, beginning to feel a bit worried now.

"In a little while..." he said as he heard the door to his quarters hiss open and close and stampede like footsteps coming towards the bedroom. He looked at the doorway wondering who it was.

Chelsea was helplessly holding two large, loaded plates, one in each hand and balanced on the edge of the bed wrapped in a bath towel.

She looked alarmed as a herd of elephants sounded as if they had just come in and were coming towards them.

"Ryan Milarno!! You had better be awake!!" came the voice of Rachel as she stormed into the bedroom, put stopped in her tracks when she saw a woman with him. "Oh sorry..."

Chelsea's eyes widened as she would have stood up, but was afraid if her towel slipped she'd not have a hand free to catch it, so she froze, breakfasts in her hands and her jaw on the floor.

"Oh yeah, just barge into my room why don't ya" he said quietly keeping hold of the quilt around him.

"Hi..." Rachel said. Not knowing who the woman sitting on his bed was. "Ryan, let's see your face please..."

"No...nothing to see, we sorted it..." he informed her.

"Wait... just a minute!" Chelsea began to protest. " DO you mind?"

"Chelsea this is my sister Rachel...Rachel this is my girlfriend Chelsea"

"Er.. Hi.... um.. breakfast?" Chelsea offered one of the plates, hoping that if she had at least one hand free she could get up off the edge of the bed safely.

"Yeah sure why not, saves throwing it at him" she said as she looked at Ryan but then looked at

Chelsea smiling. "Good to meet you" she said as she walked around the bed and took a plate.

Relieved, Chelsea clutched at her towel just in time. Placing the other breakfast back on the side now that she was free to reach without fear of disaster, Chelsea didn't return to the bed but went and sat in a chair. She was overwhelmed. She hadn't even known Ryan *had* a sister!

Rachel sat next to Ryan on the bed. "Come on...I checked in with sickbay, you're meant to be in there now..."

Ryan grumbled.

"Oh tetchy today are we?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I'll cover! Nice to meet you.... I hope to catch you later... gotta run... Sickbay to man... or woman... "

Chelsea burbled nervously, taking the first opportunity to bolt for the security of solitude.

Without even snatching up her clothes she pulled Ryan's dressing gown round her and hi-tailed it to her own quarters nearby, attracting some strange looks as she scurried barefoot along the corridor like a teenager caught in her boyfriend's room by his parents.

"You always make people nervous" Ryan told her as he sat up against the head board.

"I don't know why!" Rachel was genuinely confused. "What did i say?" she asked.

"Nothing I dunno..." he sighed. "You got too worried, you had to come and see me didn't you?" he asked.

"Course i did.. You’re my little bro.... who's to worry about you if I don't?" she huffed at first.

"Yeah well I'm fine" he told her.

"Ryan" Rachel took a softer tone. "I heard from Mum about the Bajoran thing.... about dad.... "

"Well that's pretty got your ridges...they suit you...but anyway, carry on..."

"They so do NOT, but yours *do* actually suit you! Anyway, yeah. How you doing about it?"

Ryan thought about it. "Coping...let's just put it that way..." he sighed. "It's been hard..."

Tucking into the breakfast Chelsea had left her, Rachel looked at her brother. "Oh please! This is Rach... not some dark haired scarcely-cat you can conn.... “She said. "I know you too well! You're not coping at all. You're a seething mess of anger and frustration and you can't work out why, right?"

"Correct...Woah...oh no...I’m not getting're tricking me"

"Yeah, well, it was worth a try" Rachel smirked. "But you should you know. It doesn't have to be your sister, but you should talk about it"

"What is there to talk about exactly Rachel!?" he yelled. He didn't see the point in talking when things had already happened.

"The fact that you're so angry Ryan, for starters. How do you think you're going to deal with it then? Keep getting into fights until you either get killed or finally accept who you are without being so deeply hurt by it all?" she didn't hold back.

"You don't wanna hear my reply to that" he looked directly at her then crossed the bed and got out.

"I want to hear you tell me you're not in denial, bro. Violent, self-destructive denial." she replied, looking straight at him as soon as she could catch his eye.

"Like I said, you don't wanna hear my answer..."

"Why not? Don't you think I know how you feel? Don't you think I haven't heard what the others all think?" she persisted.

"Because if I answered that, you would have me straight to the captain..."

"Ryan Milarno! I would do no such thing. Have you never heard of patient confidentiality? Well, sibling confidentiality is even more strict!" she said. "Like I said, I know you too well. You're the one the fire in your soul. Of all of us, you were the deepest and the most insular. You'd never let anyone past your shields if you could help it and that's gonna make it hardest for you, more than anyone, to deal with this."

Rachel got up and put the empty breakfast on the side. Then she walked over to her brother and put her arm around his shoulder. When he shrugged her off, she put it back and pulled him towards her. "Ryan, you have to let *someone* in some when. I don't care if it's a stranger, or your Chelsea, or a counsellor, or whoever you like, but you can't keep this inside you and deal with it alone, much as I know you will want to. Just tell me you'll at least *think* about what I've said? Please?"

"You'll know soon enough..." he told her and walked out the bedroom.

Rachel stood for a moment, wondering what her brother meant, and then she rushed after him. ~What was *that* supposed to mean?~ she began to worry. Rachel Milarno was not the sort to get in a flap about anything. No-one who had ever known her would have believed it if they had seen how affected she was by her brother's reaction. She had pushed him to get him out of his denial but perhaps she had been overconfident about how well she knew him.

She flicked her comm badge to track him but his comm chirped beside her on the table. Now he had vanished and for the first time in her life she was in a real panic...



Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

Lieutenant JG Chelsea Adams


Lieutenant JG Rachel Milarno
NPCed by Ryan and Chelsea