Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Pinning Echoes
by Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk

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Title   Pinning Echoes
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant JG Cheyenne Thomas Faulk
Posted   Thu Nov 13, 2008 @ 1:07am
Location   Runabout Aristotle, Hadri Cluster
Timeline   1500 Hours
The Danube class runabout Aristotle slipped into normal space from warp expertly, betraying a sense of negligence that comes only with practice. The soft glow of its nacelles was only a drop in a vast ocean of light that flooded this system.

"Holding speed at half impulse," Jayfe spoke quietly. He was a competent pilot and a confident scientist, but this mission had been different from the start. Unusual. He had been guided here by something that couldn't be quantified on PADDs or summarised in reports. An unconscious insight or something more abstract maybe. *Betazoid intuition,* he was sure someone might call it. He shuddered at that. He hoped he hadn't drawn the newly arrived Lieutenant into this mission needlessly.

"What've we got on preliminary sensors?" He tilted his head to study her console next to his, curious to hear her interpretation.

Cheyenne had been focusing on the sensors, hoping that she would pick up on anything, but all she was finding was radiation readings. "I am not picking up on much of anything. At the moment, there is too much radiation on the sensors," she told Jayfe.

Jayfe stood from the controls and moved to a wall console in the back of the cockpit. "I'm rerouting more power to sensors. We need to increase the resolution to cut through that interference."

"I agree," she said to him. "What do are you hoping for us to find out here?"

"Well," he hesitated. It was an obvious question but he still couldn't really answer it. "I'm not entirely sure. Look at this -" his hands slid over his console, keying in commands. Sensor reports were displayed on the main viewer. "These are high resolution scans of the system I conducted from the station, but our sensors here are indicating the same thing. As you can see the radiation is too intense to glean any conclusive findings, but the actual dispersal pattern of the radiation is what is so strange." He pointed to gaps and eddies in the pattern on the screen. "I'm convinced there is something in the centre of those three stars obstructing the radiation field. A debris field, maybe... but whatever it is, it has to somehow be keeping itself in one piece against all that gravitational sheer."

Jayfe looked over at Cheyenne, studying her face.

Cheyenne studied the PADD that was in front of her. She was trying to figure out what to make of the readings. She also glanced out into the open space. She had not been a scientist for that long, so this was still some what new to her. "I am not sure. I agree it could be anything from a debris field to possibly a ship," she said looked at Jayfe. "I know it is a long shot because I have no idea how a ship could sustain being kept together what the gravitation like you said."

"At any rate, I intend to find out what it is before we leave here. I've had the ship modified with metaphasic shielding to give us some limited protection. We're going in for a closer look!" Jayfe begun entering commands.

The ship shuddered slightly as it entered into the edges of gravitational sheer generated by the thee stars.

Cheyenne held on as the ship shuddered. The last time she had been in anything like this was on the Atlantis, and she was not comfortable with the feeling of ships shuddering around her. It reminded her of the day the twins were born. She looked at Jayfe then back into the open space hoping to find something that would explain what was going on. "I still can't make anything out," she said looking out then looking at the console for any readings. "Something just doesn't feel right about this."

Jayfe furrowed his brow at her, while still concentrating on his controls. Feelings were a curious thing. Waves of anxiety buffeted him. The heat started to become apparent. A bead of sweat traced his face.

"Yes, this is better..." he murmured to himself. His hands worked quickly. "At this range I can almost make out a resonance pattern. There IS something there - making a pocket free of radiation. More than one pocket..."

He looked up. The viewer had automatically adjusted to filter out most of the light that would otherwise incinerate them or send them blind at the very least. Dark shapes begun to loom amidst stellar matter and orange 'fog'.

The ship jolted suddenly, almost throwing Jayfe from his seat. "What was that?" He demanded, reclaiming his position with a sweat grip.

Cheyenne was watching the sensors, and started to see a gravitational pull. "Oh, it could be any number of things. Another ship, a few asteroids, a big giant monster...take your pick," she said trying to make a joke, but knowing it probably wasn't going to work. "I am still not finding anything. I think the main thing we might want to consider is getting out of here."

"Wait, we're almost close enough to -" his mouth went dry as the forms that now dominated the cockpit view took shape. "Romulans," he rasped. Sweat poured from his face. The Romulan Warbirds were unmistakable at this range. The ship continued to shudder and jolt with increasing intensity. A small explosion in the back of the cockpit sent sparks flying.

"Alright, I think I'm satisfied now..." his fingers were slick with sweat as he keyed in the escape vector. "I'm taking us out."

Cheyenne went pale at the sight of the Romulan warbird. She had not ever seen one up close, and didn't like the idea of being this close to one as it stood. "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea," she said as sparks were flying. "They find us here, and they are liable to try and capture us. I am not one for wanting to be caught."

The ship shuddered hard again, the gravitational sheer of three stars tearing them apart. *How are the Romulans maintaining structural integrity?* He asked himself.

"Full impulse," he announced. The runabout launched through stellar matter, its shields disintegrating and its hull plating taking a beating. The Aristotle erupted into the cool darkness or space, mostly intact. "Alright." He sighed with relief, shooting Cheyenne a big smile. "We're alive. Maybe they didn't even see us." His mind raced, adrenalin still saturated him. Suddenly his face became serious. "We have to report this to the Captain. Romulan warbirds only a few hours from the station..." He studied his console. "Dammit. Long range communications are down. We'll have to deliver the news ourselves. Setting a course for DS5."

The Aristotle streaked into warp.


Lt. JG Jayfe Devero, CSO
Lt. JG Cheyenne Thomas-Faulk, Medical (borrowed for a quick spin)