Interlude – Saoirs? Bokkai? CARDASSIAN?!
by Seth Mahuri & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   Saoirs? Bokkai? CARDASSIAN?!
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Thu Aug 05, 2010 @ 12:45pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD27 early evening

Seth walked along the promenade, with Kila in quick formation behind him. Seth had been trying to ease his schedule for some time to explore the vast space station. 'Where else to go other than the recreation decks?' he thought to himself. Just then, he saw a quaint 3 storey bar coming up on the right. 'That place looks good.' Seth stopped and admired it for a moment and continued, with the bar in view.

The two stepped into the bar, a humble band was playing on the stage to the right, dabo wheels were spinning hypnotically on the left and many races enjoying beverages together in the centre, and the bar behind them. Seth walked forward and squeezed past the tables to sit at the bar.

A Cardassian was already seated next to where Seth had perched himself. He looked unhappy and seemed like something was bothering him.

A charming lady of violet skin walked to the vicinity holding a tray of empty glasses which she deposited onto the counter and looked at him, sizing him up, or his pockets.

"Welcome to my Box of Delights. What can I get you?" She waved a hand at the vast collection of bottles lining the shelves that divided the bar. "Not a drop is replicated. Not even the ice."

"Umm, any Presterup? or Trenvape juice?" Seth asked, wondering if the women was equipped for Saoirs delicatessen.

She smiled, but shook her head. "I'm afraid they're obscure even for me. The closest I can do is Icoberry juice for the Trevape. I wouldn't know a decent substitute for Presterup, but I can recommend some rather good kanar."

"Yuck!" He wailed. "Kanar?! That’s a vile liquid!" He retorted. "I'll settle for icoberry, but I will bring you some ingredients for Presterup, it’s a cultural drink for my people." Just then, Seth realised they hadn’t been introduced, "My goodness sorry! We haven’t been introduced." He bowed to her and recited familiar lines. "Ra Seth Mahuri, Saoirs Correspondent."

"Yolanthe." She inclined her head in return, "Welcome to the Box of Delights; gin palace, gaming den, holospa and all round house of, hopefully, very good repute." She passed him a menu whilst she worked her away around the curving length of the bar, "Why don't you take a look and see if there's anything in there that comes close to Presterup."

In the meantime, she poured him an icoberry juice from a large pitcher resting in a basin of ice. "Shame about the Kanar. I have half a dozen decent types. Speaking of which, excuse me a moment." She took one of the twisted glass bottles from under the bar, and stepped away to silently top up the glass of the cardassian, and then returned to Seth. "Forgive me, I'm not familiar with your species...?"

"Neither am I with yours. I suppose then, we should introduce ourselves on a wider basis: I am a Saoirs male, hailing from the home planet S'ratalia, along with my assistant, Kila, opposite gender, comes from the sister planet, respectively named S'ratalia II." Seth outlined the basics of his people and handed his icoberry juice to Kila to share. "And what about you Yolanthe?"

"The butt end of the quadrant, my people are called bokkai. Generally, we don't leave home." She nodded at Kila, "I can get you one of your own, if you prefer."

Kila looked at Yolanthe and then at Seth, "It's alright Kila, you’re not on S'ratalia anymore." He then looked at Yolanthe, "Saoirs are extremely quiet and always ask permission for anything, I don't believe they should be treated like that, and I try to give her individuality." After Seth finished, Kila quietly spoke, "No thank you." Seth looked at her and back to Yolanthe who seemed bemused at the cultural difference. "She'll have one please. Another thing is that they don't like fuss about them."

Denat was watching the conversation all the time, and felt he should make a contribution to them. "On Cardassia, women hold high ranks, we are almost a matriarchal society." He added. Denat shifted towards the Saoirs and held his hand out. "Gilnn Denat Meran, Chief of Cardassian embassy security."

Seth clasped the hand in his. "Ra Seth Mahuri, Saoirs Correspondent." The two released the shake and returned to their drinks, but now Denat seemed to be attached to the conversation.

"Denat's being modest, he's so much more than that," Yolanthe told the two Saoirs, "For example, he's an excellent card player." She turned to Meran, "Which reminds me. Rennix was in last night begging me to ask you for a rematch. He wants to win his money back."

"Ha! perhaps later when I’m off my shift, tell him." He joked. Denat felt more relaxed and took another swig of his kanar.

Seth smiled with a scrunched face, "How can you drink that?" he said with a small chuckle.

"Well, it grows on you; just like a culture shock" He joked.

The bartender grinned. The shooter was turning out to be quite popular amongst the diplomatic community since Arrain t'Merek and Glen Telet had got incredibly drunk on them some time before. "I can make you a culture shock, but you might want to wait till you know your way around a bit more," she told Seth. "They pack a wallop."

"Haha! Of course; maybe we shall later." He laughed.

"So, Ambassador, what are you plans for you stay here on the station?" she asked.

Seth rubbed his neck joints and squinted trying to piece his answer together. "Well, really I’m here because my people need a diplomatic foothold on the station, and pretty much just a pass- through of any others drop by. I'm trying to get permission for an Embassy to be established, its going well." He drank some more of his drink.

Denat looked at the time piece on his padd and gawped slightly. "Sorry Yolanthe, but I have to dash!" He panicked, downing his Kanar and slamming it on the bar. "Tharek will have my head if I don't get back 5 minutes ago." He turned to Seth. "Been a pleasure meeting you Sir." He honourably bowed. Denat then rushed through the bar to the entrance and turned and called to them both, "Culture shocks, tonight!" He shouted.

"Mixed and waiting when you come back!" Yolanthe called back.

"He isn't like any other other Cardassian I know!" Seth said, surprised.

Yolanthe smiled. "I've only ever met the Cartesians here on the station. I've found them all to be charming." Well, Getal's young assistant was a bit frosty, but she hadn't got to know her yet. "Have you met many Cardassian's?"

"When I was back home on S'ratalia, I had to let a Cardassian spend the night because his partner marooned him there. And of course, during diplomatic meetings; there have been a few." He answered. "Many where you are from?"

"None. But very few species come our way. We really are in the back of beyond. And since we don't usually leave until we're menopausal, we don't get out much either. Embassies and the like would be pretty pointless. It must be nice to live in a civilisation that can be part of the rest of the quadrant."

"Well..." He scratched the small bristles on his chin "It has its benefits. But to tell the truth, it would be nice to be secluded from the galaxy; having no consciousness that people dart about space like a wayward boat does along the shore." He said. "It would be nice."

The two fell silent over Seth's last words, and Seth felt the conversation drawing to a close. With that, Seth drank the remaining juice that had gathered at the bottom of his glass and tugged his uniform down to fine the creases. "Well, Yolanthe, it's been a pleasure meeting you and your tavern. I would be interested to learn more of the Bokkai, with your permission." Seth asked. He was always intrigued with new experiences, despite his words of isolation.

"Drop by soon and tell me how your consulate goes," she told him. "I have a soft spot for ambassadors."

"Of course." He bowed to her, and Kila curtsied in her manner. "Then I shall drop by tonight with Denat for one of those, culture shocks, was it?" Seth asked, looking forward to his first wind down from work.

"They'll be waiting. Until tonight, Ambassador."


A Joint Post by:

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights


Ra Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Correspondent


Gilnn Denat Meran
Cardassian embassy Chief Security officer