Things Past – Home Sweet Home
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Home Sweet Home
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Mar 12, 2013 @ 11:38am
Location   Bajor - Kendra Province
Timeline   2368
"So, what do you think of our new home?" Getal said to his spouse, as he opened his arms wide to accommodate his statement. "I think it's a little flamboyant. But we can tailor it to what we desire. We sculpt our zay'oul in this Province my love."

Imanil's cool gaze traced over the room appraising each detail as she went, "I do find Bajoran decor hideously unco-ordinated. Its almost as haphazard as their building methods," she observed, "I think we should rip out the entire interior and start again."

He smiled as he put his arm around his wife's shoulder and held her tight. "I couldn't agree more. The Bajoran's lack any sort of architectural or aesthetic skill."

"Its a wonder to me that they have survived as long as they have. I despair of their attitude though, we bring them civilisation, progress. The ingratitude is deeply hurtful," all things considered this was still the first time Imanil had left Cardassia Prime, the first time she had seen her own designs in action, and the first real prolonged encounter with anyone who was not Cardassian. She was glad of the company of the Order and their associated support staff, but even some of them fraternised with the Bajorans. Imanil simply couldn't understand it. "Perhaps they will grow to understand and accept everything we hope to do for them."

"Perhaps." He repeated Imanil's word. "Now, I did have one more thing to show you before I step fully into my role and start my work. Come, my love." Tharek held out his arm for Imanil to accept. "I'm going to show you your laboratory."

Imanil sighed with drama as she curled her fingers into the crook of his arm - her Gul, her husband - "I know even you can do nothing about the cool climate, but I just know that my workspace will be perfect. Do I have proper staff?" She was not sure if Cardassian assistants could be spared, and if she was having to work with Bajorans ...

He heard the tone in her voice and laughed gently "You'll have Cardassians as your staff. You'll only need Bajorans for manual labour, if you want them that is." As Getal finished his sentance, the couple waded into Imanil's laboratory. Full of whirring sounds and flashing lights. Tharek didn't know what half of the equipment did, and didn't dare touch. But he assumed Imanil knew what everything was, right down to the nuts and bolts.

"The fewer the better, I think," Imanil said.

She bit her lip as they entered the lab. A good wife should not make requests of her husband, but in this context she was not just his wife.

"I mean no offence, Tharek, but I must ask that you provide the requisite DNA sample before we go any further. It is a requirement of both the civilian and military branches of the government."

"Of course my love. Protocol is protocol. What would you have me do?" Tharek said as he nodded understandingly.

Imanil looked up at her husband and smiled, "Place your palm on that panel over there. It will tickle," she advised, and as he did so she pressed in a control sequence. "I have implemented quite an ingenious security measure, one cannot be too careful in these parts, and everyone is not always what they seem. Scans are performed at random intervals to detect intruders, anyone present whose signature is not registered at the time of a scan will be removed, so it really is for the best that welcome guests register as soon as possible. Even I do not know when the scans will occur."

"Remarkable." The tall Gul exclaimed, removing his hand away from the panel. He then turned to his spouse and confidently strode toward her. Reaching his wife Getal put his hands on her elbows, and drew Imanil in to an almost intimate embrace. "Thank you for all you have done and will do my love." Tharek then planted a small, gentle kiss onto his wife.

Her smile widened, "The other precaution I thought necessary was to have the sensors constantly running. No Bajoran can be in here alone. If I had a choice I wouldn't have any of them here at all, but we have so few Cardassians available. If you can find a way to provide me with more ..."

"I wish I could. But our personnel are stretched thin, my love. I had to make a few people very unhappy when I borrowed a couple of our scientists. Neither Central Command nor the Detepa Council will let us have more." He said solemnly, wishing he could fulfil his wife's wishes.

Though she suspected if she pushed the matter he would acquiesce, it was not Imanil's way to ask again. "We will cope with the unpromising material we have," she said, leaving the request to rest. "Shall we go outside? They are still working on fitting out the lab and I'd rather not have all the noise ... there's also something I wish to tell you, in private."

"Of course," He said as he followed her out of the laboratory. "Is everything alright my love?"

Imanil nodded but kept walking - two months of marriage ... would the timing ever be right. What if he sent her away for safety?

Eventually she stopped in a grove of trees dripping pink and orange blossoms. Imanil tunred to her husband and grasped his hands in hers.

She looked up at him her eyes wide and expectant, hopeful for the reaction she wanted, not the one she feared. "Tharek, I'm carrying your son," she told him.

He paused and looked back into his wife's eyes. "I... " Getal began, but could not find the words to describe how he currently felt. He simply smiled as wide as he could, and let a solitary tear fall onto his cheek. Tharek pulled his wife in close and held her tighter then he had ever held her. After a few moments of tears he allowed some words to fall from his mouth. "Thank you my love."

"Its both my duty and my honour, Tharek," she whispered into his chest.

Tharek raised his head and drew his arms away from Imanil just a fraction. "What shall we call him?"

"J’trey," she replied without hesitation, it had always been so in honour of his father. Kasanil would follow in honour of her family.

Tharek's smile only widened. He would have a son. It would be his turn to be the father. "My father would be honoured. He would look upon you and smile, knowing that there is someone in my life who could give his son her all, and him, his all."


Professor Imanil Lemarrev Getal
NPC by Louise

Gul Tharek Getal