Small Things – a little idea
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   a little idea
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Oct 14, 2013 @ 2:18am
Location   prominade deck
Timeline   immedately following the post coffee shop
Wayne thought over the conversation that he had just had with the SFI officer Rhiana. One thing he was almost sure of was there had to be more to this then he was seeing and honestly though he truely did not have an actual intel section he did have something that was almost as good.

was a small team of industrial spies that he kept on his payroll. True they were basicly used to counter spies sent by other companies but that was not all that they could do and he knew that as well as the next guy. He would put in a request and get them working on this Winter name. Maybe it was nothing but maybe it could at least be a start that might lead to something else down the road.

He would of course give them everything he had to start with even considering how little it was in the first place.