Judgement – Mixed emotions - Part 1
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Mixed emotions - Part 1
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Apr 15, 2011 @ 10:32pm
Location   Anatole's restaurant, then unknown
Timeline   SD36 - 21:00

To say that Kaelin was nervous about this little outing would be an understatement. He felt himself shaking from the inside and thought that by the end of the evening none of his organs would be in their proper place. After his busy shift at the Infirmary, it had finally sunk in that Kaelin had actually asked someone on a date. A non-Deltan someone. Sure, he'd told him that it would be just between friends, but that glint in the younger man's eyes told him the message hadn't carried across. This could go wrong in so many ways it made Kaelin want to back out at the last minute and the only thing that kept him from doing so was remembering he didn't know Lash's full name and so couldn't contact him, so simply not showing up was not an option.

After gathering his thoughts, he decided to go through with it. At first, he wanted to pick out an outfit for the night that would make him look less attractive or approachable. But after realizing that was impossible, he decided on something simple. So, standing in front of Anatole's, waiting for Lash, Kaelin was wearing gray trousers with a black belt and matching shoes, paired with a cherry blossom pink shirt that showed off his form nicely without looking overly tight. Most of his clothing fit him that way (besides his uniform) and Kaelin wasn't about to go out and buy something brand new just for this one night.

Ten minutes late, and just as the Deltan was about to give up, Lash appeared. Over one shoulder he carried a kit bag, and over the other was something Kaelin didn't recognise. It could best be described as a big stick. As he came over to Kaelin, he held it out. "hold this for a second."

Kaelin's eyebrows shot up as Lash handed the ghastly thing to him. He reached out took it instinctively, his blue eyes fixed on the younger man.

“That,” lash nodded at the pole. “Is the big stick. I figured you wouldn't take my advice, so I came prepared. I'll show you what its for later.” He winked, “but first, we dine. Wait here. Be right back.” And with that, the young man headed towards Anatole's where Kaelin watched him talk to the pretty blond girl on the matre'd's desk. There was a very flirty conversation in french, and then she led him deep into the restaurant.

Kaelin looked at the stick Lash had handed him and, as it dawned on his that he was referring to the conversation that morning, he let out a small laugh, shaking his head to himself as he watched Lash go into the restaurant.

He reappeared a few moments later, carrying a heavy looking wicker basket in one hand, and a small cooler box in the other. He and the blond exchanged kisses, and then Lash swaggered over to the waiting Deltan. “Ready to go?”

"Go? I thought we were having dinner at Anatole's?" Kaelin asked, a bit nervous now.

Lash held up the basket. "We are eating Anatole's food. But we're not staying with all the great unwashed in there. I have something a bit more intimate in mind." He headed back twoards the turbo lifts. "Not agoraphobic are you?"

"I'm not," Kaelin replied and opened his mouth to comment on the 'intimate' part, but Lash cut him off.


"No, but..."


"None," Kaelin said, not getting a little annoyed at being cut off.


"I don't even know what that is."


"No. Now what is this about?"

"You'll see. Now close your eyes and no peeking."

Kaelin gave him a disbelieving look, anxious about where this is going. "If I close my eyes, the how can i see anything?"

Lash laughed. "I'll tell you when to open them. But there are somethings that have to be seen in the right way. Now close your eyes. Or do I have to get the blindfold out already?"

"No. I'll just close my eyes," he said quickly, letting out a long sigh before finally closing his eyes.

"Good." The turbolift doors closed, and for a moment, Lash put his hands over the deltan's ears, so Kaelin didn't hear the destination, feeling more than hearing the low rumble of Lash's voice.

The Turbolift dropped. It seemed to go down forever. Eventually though it came to a halt. Lash took Kaelin's hands. "Keep those eye's closed." He turned him round to face the doors. "Computer, authorisation Omega-two-two-nine-seven-Lash, requesting AHDA observation access."

The computer acknowledged, and granted the access. then Kaelin felt himself pulled forwards. He had the sense of being moved around in a circle, and then Lash said, "Careful, we have some stairs..." they negotiated twelve steps in total. then he was led forward another dozen paces.

lash let go of his hands. "Okay. Open your eyes."


JP by

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Clinical Pathology Resident (NPC by Maja)

Crewman (NPC by Notty)