We All Fall Down – The Welcoming Committee
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Tu’rocK of the house of Onnak & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The Welcoming Committee
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Klingon Ambassador Tu’rocK of the house of Onnak & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Nov 02, 2014 @ 8:02pm
Location   Docking Bay
Timeline   WAFD Day 2

"What's this about?" Valkris asked. The Klingon female towered over the diplomatic officer who tugged at his collar and tried to look composed.

"We've an incident," Tarquin Ftang garbled, "with Klingons and you're the only one we have access to ... whose not part of the new delegation."

"I'm part of nobody's delegation," Valkris said with a snarl - she was an independent, ostensibly a courier and she disliked badly made plans.

"We need you to help smooth out the situation."

"You're the diplomat," she replied.

"The new Ambassador - his arrival breached a brand new protocol that they had not even been made aware of. They've been arrested. Please, for your own people," he pleaded.

"Are all Federation Diplomats so weak?" she asked.

"The ones who've been handed an assignment above their grade are," Ftang admitted with a nervous smile, "I'd be honored for your help."

"You'd be dead without it."


"Where's the jailer?"

"They'll meet us in the docking bay."

"Then lets go."


Tu’rocK and his delegation stepped the off the IKS Qu’Hab carrying 3 rectangular crates seconds latter they found themselves in Holding cell. Tu’rocK, looking particularly annoyed bellowed, “What is the meaning of this, I am a warrior of the Klingon Empire and representative of the High council I DEMAND to know on what authority you have detained us!”

Trellis rubbed his head achingly. The last thing his developing headache needed was the booming voice of the Klingon diplomat. ~Let this be a lesson, Si'Lar, stay away from the cheap stuff. . .~

"Stop yelling!" Lieutenant Trellis said to the representative. "Once the Commander arrives or someone from Senior Command at least, they can explain what will happen with you and your delegation." Trellis said as politely as possible.

“ I’d advise you to remind your senior command that even diplomats are not known for their patience.” He growled as he began pacing about the cell loudly.

"Well, you could start by explaining what was inside of the 3 rectangular crates you brought on board." Trellis stated. His officers indicated that they had not been able to open the containers as of yet.

“They are gifts for the station commander and the other ambassador’s specially crafted decorative Bat’leth once displaying the history of it recipients race and government the other is the symbols of the government’s all them Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and even Federation.” Tu’rocK explained

Trellis arched a brow. He was not very familiar with Klingon custom; however, he knew enough about Federation custom that it typically was not a great idea for a Klingon to come near a Romulan with a Bat'leth. Ceremonial or not.

"Well, I'm sure we can get this all cleared up momentarily." Trellis said, still massaging his temples.

Tarquin bustled in and started talking immediately. "Ambassador, please forgive us for this gross misunderstanding, I'm sure if you give us a few minutes we'll get everything sorted out. I can't think how it happened. Let me give you my assurance ..."

Valkris strode in behind him, stopped in the middle of the room and folded her arms her words cut through Ftang' - "Ambassador, your entrance was impressive but ill timed," she said boldy, "they are mourning a great loss. Your gifts of welcome will do much to prove your honour and intent," she added before her eyes fell on the security officer, who appeared to be sufferring from his 'last' drink. "I am Valkris of the House of Inagh. It will be my honour to serve on your staff."

“I see, you have done me and empire a great service, I’m honored to except your offer” Tu’rocK Said as glared over at his protocol officer . “may you bring honor and glory to house.” He added

She gave the slightest incline of her head, "and you to yours."

Tarquin Ftang was relegated to simmering in the sidelines as the Klingons spoke. He found his courage from somewhere and put himself back in to the conversation - a courier before a diplomat?! Never!

"If we could just get the Lieutenant's stamp we can whisk you out of here," Tarquin garbled, trying to rope in Trellis - he wasn't concerned with gifts and greetings right now, not with the pain that was pressing on the back of his eyes.

Tu’rocK’s piercing gaze fixed the officer, “If you can’t handle your drink you consume less it, I would Starfleet brilliant medical would have fix for that by now.” He snarled sarcastically

Trellis snatched the padd from the nearby Klingon while still maintaining his glare at Tu'rock, "Well darn, isn't that just a shame. Looks like I'll need to get the signature from the Chief of Security before you can be released." He said intentfully. "I guess you'll have to sit tight until I can locate him." Trellis responded ruefully.

"The rest of you can wait outside of the Brig area, visitation hours have ended." He said as he gestured the gathered crowd towards the exit.

"But the Commander said no action would be taken," Tarquin said before Valkris cut through.

"I am no visitor. If you choose to imprison the representitive of the Empire I choose to remain here."

Tarquin's eyes shifted from side to side - he knew his own briefing but was not aware it was different from Security's. "I will also remain," he said in an uncharacteristic show of solidarity.

~If I have to shoot them all. . .~ Trellis thought to himself.

"Either wait in the lobby, or wait inside individual cells, your choice, but I will not allow everyone to congregate in the Brig area. As I stated, the Representative will be released once the proper paperwork is filled out." the Trill stated tersely.

Valkris raised her eyebrows. "Stop us," she said, even as she did she sensed the diplomat Tarquin Ftang move behind. It was the ambassador's choice what happened next.

“Your treats are hollow , my patience is all but expired, either release us, or prepare for a diplomatic incident of what is that the humans say… oh yes biblical proportions.” Tu’rocK said as he made a gesture and his delegation took a fighting stance himself include.

"You" Lieutenant Trellis said indicating towards the representative. "Are currently behind a secure forcefield and will stay there, so please stop talking" He told the Klingon.

"You Trellis said, shifting his attention to the obstinate Klingon. "Please follow Crewmen Dvk'non into the lobby." He said pointing to the Security officer that had arrived since the commotion began.

"Please come with me, ma'am," The armed Security Officer stated, his phaser withdrawn and held in the standard low-ready position.

Tu’rock nodded to his science officer who pulled out a concealed tool kit set about disabling the force field.

"There's no need for any of this," Tarquin said, "we're all reasonably people. Lets just smooth everything out, no need for anyone to be locked up or escorted around."

Trellis' shoulders slumped some with relief. ~Finally. . .someone with common sense and spoken~ He thought. "I agree, now we can sort this all out, but for the time being I'm going to clear the brig area and I will discuss the matter with Commander t'Vaurek and have her handle the necessary paperwork to release the Ambassador." Trellis said, still guiding the crowd out of the immediate area.

"I'm sure it will be a matter of minutes," Tarquin said to the Klingons, his hands spread, "Minutes," he repeated.

"Thank you," Trellis said as the Klingon contingent began to exit through the main door. "I"m certain that the Commander will process the necessary paperwork with all deliberate speed." Trellis said re-assuringly.


Tu'rock, please fell free to go to your embassy. We'll pick up the fallout in later posts. :) Thanks for your contribution so far.