Unity – Klingons & Tribulations
by Commander Richard Dunham & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Klingons & Tribulations
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Fri Jan 08, 2010 @ 10:28pm
Location   Hangerbay / Border of DS5 controlled space
Timeline   Current
[Deep Space five air space]
The Valkyrie Class Space Superiority Fighters soured through the outer edges of Deep Space five Space. The wing of fighter craft flew in a spear tip formation, cutting through purple nebula gas like sailing ships of old earth. On the edges of their sensors a Klingon vessel appeared, they hailed it asking it politely to slow its cruise speed to be escorted to the station.

[Main Fighter Hanger Bay]
Dunham walked across the metal girded gangways of the flight deck. Below him engineering crews worked hard on fighters. Pilots did weapon checks, and officers inspected and drilled crews. He leant on the railing and looked down below him and nodded in appreciation. It was a machine, Gabriel may have security, Darson may have the marines. But this, this was his world, and he was damn proud of it.

[IKV Hed'Not]

NaShara no back in command after Lord Ralnath had handed things over to her; his personal mission complete. She was on the bridge when the hail came in and she scoffed. "Escort?" Looking down at the back of the helmsman. "Reduce speed, and open a channel."

"This Is the Imperial Klingon Vessel Hed'Not returning to DS5. We are fully capable of approaching a Starbase and do not need an escort."

[Deep Space five air space]
"Echo wing to Klingon vessel. We have had a few incidents on the station, if for our protection let alone yours.”

"This is a ship is a rop of the line battlecruiser... We were assign to protect this station, if we were here for any other reason do you think your assortment to fighter would stand a change against this ship."

"I'm sorry sir orders are orders." the fighter wing glided pass the klingon warship.

NaShara simply shook her head. "All Stop!" Echo wing...This a ship of the Empire and the Flagship of the House of Moqrhat; it will not be seen entering the station with flies buzzing about us like a dog."

The commander of echo wing decided to take a different tact “sir you would do me a great honour if you flew point for my fighter wing....”

"Commander..." Nashara stopped. The wing commander was was attempting to accomidate Klingon pride, to ignore that effort would put the Ambassador in a bad light. She had been picked for this assignment even though she was not a member of theHouse of Moqrhat, to honor that she had to balance her actions to safe guard the image of the Ambassadors House.

Turning quickly to the weapons control officer. "Launch an equal number of jach class inteceptors. Echo wing, we are luanching our own craft to join yours as you patrol the local space. And we would be honored to fly point for the joint patrol as we return to Deep Space 5."

"The honour is mine" said the pilot nodding to himself. He had battled along klingons many times during the Dominion war he had nothing but respect for them.
The fighter wing fell in formation with the Klingon fighter craft as the returned to deep space five.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron leader

Cmdr Na'Shara of the House of Torath
NPC'd by Chris