Beg, Steal or Borrow – Safeguards: Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el

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Title   Safeguards: Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Tue Mar 03, 2009 @ 8:32pm
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD8 - c. 12:45
This time Ael ir-Leinarrh had been instructed to show the Ambassador’s guests in without delay. Ael missed the old ambassador, she had known where she stood with T’maekh Liun; one of the old school he vocally resented every minute he was forced to spend this side of the neutral zone, he was predictable and had as little to do with the yikh as possible.

T'maekh Liun never allowed Klingon’s through the door, or elevated aides beyond their station, or acted as though the normal rules did not apply to him. He never hurled breakable objects with such precision that they whizzed millimetres past a person’s ear before shattering and showering them with shards and debris, but the true thing that Ael could not forgive was that she was unable to forget her own lack of status when Isha t’Khellian was nearby.

Ael eyed the newest arrivals - more Starfleet - and concluded that Liun would have sent these two on their way in an instant. “Come with me,” she said making no attempt to disguise her distaste as she led them to the ambassador’s office.

Davies was not surprised at their curt manner, though he was expecting a little more courtesy. Turning again to Opaka, "I guess we had better follow!" His brow raised in anticipation.

Isha was on her feet when the door opened so rather than be caught dashing behind her desk, she remained where she was, linking her fingers before her. It would have been easy to tell which of the men was which, even without the uniforms, she thought.

“Khnai’ru rhissiuy,” Isha thanked Ael without a glance as she turned to Davies. “Thank you for attending me,” she said with the slightest hint of a smile. “And you are?” this she addressed to younger man – another Bajoran!

David stood erect as the Master at Arms stepped forward from beside him.

"Ensign Opaka Jo'el, VIP Bodyguard, Madam Ambassador," he bowed slightly, maintaining Romulan protocol for eye contact as a show of respect. This may have been lost in translation by the layer of crimson hair that fell over his right eye mid-bow.

“That colour is not natural for your species,” Isha observed as she scrutinised him, her left eyebrow raising slightly as her gaze fell on the sword, “I take it that you are capable of doing more than standing around being agreeable to look at … and that your primary use for that blade is something other than picking your teeth?”

Jo'el nodded as he pulled back from the bow. "Hand-to-hand combat is a deeply spiritual activity for many species. I choose to respect that while maintaining my dedication to the Prophets. This" he said, pointing toward his back, "is part of a collection of weapons from several planets throughout the quadrant. I find it the easiest to carry without making too many citizens nervous. One of the more rewarding duties I have as Master-At-Arms is to be familiar with weaponry from all reaches of the known galaxy."

“Is that so? I’d have thought it was part of your job to make people nervous,” Isha turned and drifted across the room to a display stand, she took one of the items in her hands and brought it back. “Then tell me what you make of this?” encased in the ornamental sheath was a kaleh a blade of rihannsu design not dissimilar to the one the Bajoran carried, resting it on her palms she held it out to him.

Jo'el took the blade with a cold respect, knowing few outsiders would hold such an item. "This is a kaleh sword, is it not? Similar to S'harian swords from the time of Surak. A handful of them left Vulcan with S'task and the other Rihannsu, if my history is accurate. I assume the kaleh were created to add a distinctly Romulan flavor to a traditional weapon. Kaleh are passed down in Rihannsu families much like bat'leths on Qo'noS or pocketwatches on old Earth."

“And if you had said anything less I’d have dismissed you. This was my husband’s, it has been possessed by the head of the Illialhlae for a thousand years. For the time being it is mine.” Taking the weapon back she laid it on the desk. While her back was turned, she spoke again, “Tell me Ensign Opaka, what is your opinion of my people?"

Jo'el swallowed, having been cut off from thanking the ambassador for his first experience with a Romulan sword.

"My first instinct would be to say... 'misunderstood.' Either deliberately or through centuries of mutual mistrust with outsiders. To be more precise, I believe your people are proud, sometimes to a fault. Romulans are known in the Alpha Quadrant for doing what is right for the Empire at any given moment, no matter how it may contradict previous actions."

Jo'el hoped he hadn't overstepped his bounds in front of his acting CO.

The Commander was impressed with the Ensign's response, he did indeed know his swords, far better than David did, and he seemed to be at ease with the Ambassador, which took a great deal of pressure off the Commander. The genuine smile of pleasure was obvious on David's face, signalling to the Ambassador that he felt she would be in more than capable hands.

Respectfully David said nothing, just toyed with the clasped fingers behind his back, this was Opaka Jo'el’s moment and he was happy to be in his shadow.

It was an eminently diplomatic response and Isha could not help but smile. As she turned back it still lingered on her lips and it seemed to her that the beaming Commander Davies appeared to be thinking the same thing as she. There was one other question she might have asked, but she chose not to; one did not get a second engagement as a bodyguard if one was incapable of being discreet.

"Please sit," Isha said to Davies, then to Opaka she added, "you may join us, as I perceive no imminent threat."

David dipped his head. "Thank you Ambassador." He pulled up the seat and moved closer to the desk, casting an eye around the elaborately decorated inner sanctum as his eyes fell back upon the ensign, who stood motionless beside him.

"Ensign, please sit." His eyes motioned to the chair to the right of Jo'el and he waited for him to take his own seat before his eyes fell back upon the Ambassador.

Jo'el sat down slowly, feeling as much at-ease as he had during one of his weekend outings back at the Academy: the trip Bombay for a cobra-centric festival.

"Do help yourselves to water," she said indicating the carafe and upturned glasses that stood to their left. She settled down in her own chair and allowed the shawl to fall from her shoulders as she leaned forward to rest her chin on her interlinked fingers. "I wanted to speak with you about Rianni Monteros, among other things, Commander Davies. Are you aware that she is related to me?" Isha asked.

Davies declined the water, truthfully hoping for something a little stronger. "No, thanks." He replied, unable to take his eyes from the displayed bare white skinned shoulders of the Ambassador, thinking to himself it was odd that a Romulan would have such pale shoulders. He rose his eyes back to her own, to find her piercing green eyes looking into his. He felt himself blush as he shifted in his seat and rested his on hands upon his knees.

"Honestly, I did wonder if there was a relationship when I saw her name, but this morning I found out she is your niece, I believe. Is that by chance or manipulation?" He enquired with no accusation in his tone, but he also wondered if their conversation was being recorded or transmitted. Even he could not fully trust a Romulan and not with the threat of the Romulan ships outside DS5.

"I acquire nieces in the usual way, Commander Davies," the slightest smile dimpling her cheeks as she spoke. She waited watching as he searched uncomfortably for a suitable response then suggested, "Perhaps you meant her presence here. Now that is a coincidence, indeed her existence was until recently unknown to me."

Now he did feel awkward and uncomfortable. First she caught him ogling her bared flesh then she picked up on his erroneous question. He stuttered, something he had not done since he was a teenager in his school dance, when he had taken all night to build up the courage to ask his long term fancy for a date. That felt nearly as awkward as he felt now.

"Er, um, yes, sorry, that er, is what I um, meant!" Foolishness was embodied by his apology. He decided now was a good time to make a diversion for the carafe of water and he raised himself from his seat and turned over a glass. "Anybody er, else?" He asked with hesitation as the jug angled towards his own glass.

"I'd love some!" Jo'el blurted out, trying to cover for the CO's awkward body language. He held up a glass for the Commander to fill. "Thank you, Commander." Jo'el took a long sip, rolling his purple eyes ever so slightly.

Isha watched the display with detached amusement finding it something of a relief not to have to be quite so on her guard as she had been; everyone she had spoken with recently, Rakka, Darson, Da’nal, they all glanced at her and saw a Romulan then moved straight on to sizing her up as an enemy. In comparison this confusion was pleasantly refreshing.

As they settled themselves down again Isha sat back and tilted her head to one side, "I'm sure you have been made aware of the imminent situation, Commander," she said, "I have given what assistance I can, but I would ask one small favour of you."

He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, grateful that Isha had not pursued his torment.

"I am aware, but I have to admit, that I am not fully informed of the current situation, which I hope to remedy shortly. As for a favour ma'am, ask and if I can I will render any assistance that I can." He said honestly, "as long as it doesn't put anybody in harms way of course." A smile came back to his lips as he relaxed a little.

Isha nodded, her gaze shifting slowly between the men eventually coming to rest on Davies. "When you make your official reports, strike my involvement from the records, and from any records that your staff happen to make. We cannot alter the memories of those who already know what assistance I have given ... well, we could, but I'm sure that neither of us would condone such practices ... but anyway, were they to learn of it, certain parties might be inclined to think that I have been overly accommodating, which might make them consider reviewing the desirability of my presence here."

Davies nodded his head, understanding what she was asking and concurring with her.

"I guarantee your name will not appear on any records. I know that Captain Tahir asked a favour of you and the least I can is reciprocate that favour." He looked around the room, before his eyes settled back on the Ambassador. "May I ask what information you have managed to find out, or is it too soon to ask?" He pried.

Isha smirked, “it’s never too soon to ask, but sometimes it is a little early to receive answers.” she just couldn’t resist saying it, but her humour was limited, this was neither the time nor the place. Isha sighed, “to be frank I am concerned. I had expected them to have made their demands by now. They’re leaving everything very late, rather as if their alleged stolen property is a secondary concern. It doesn’t really make sense to me.”

"Stolen property!" Davies exclaimed as his thin eyebrows dropped over his eyes. "This is the first I have heard of anything being stolen. I was led to believe that a ship collided with their cloaked vessel and made its way to the station and docked. Tahir's orders were to give the Romulan who made the complaint, any and all data pertaining to the timeframe of this 'incident'. " He leaned forward, glancing at Jo'el. "What do they claim has been stolen and more to the point, how did it get stolen?"

Isha raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It was an impressive lack of communication by any standards. Even if she had been the one who requested that her information remain secret Isha had expected a certain amount of dissemination to occur. Had that Nausicaan done nothing with the gift Isha had given to her?

Jo'el shifted in his seat. "I was barely here for a couple of weeks before Rakka departed. I have no know knowledge of such a theft. Perhaps we should consult Commandar Da'nal?"

"Departed?" Isha breathed, that was news to her, and evidence of misplaced trust.

Davies shook his head side to side. "If she did, then I have not had the full report." He admitted, wondering what was being done. Perhaps that was part of the information that Da'Nal had called him about prior to this meeting.

He scratched his forehead and let a sigh ease from his lungs as he backed against the seat.

"I do know that there was a problem, but this has escalated far beyond a mere accident." He folded his arms across his chest pondering the ramifications.

"My lady, I had better excuse myself and head to security. I appreciate your insight and help." He said rising from the chair. He was more than just concerned, he was scared.

He looked down to Jo'el then back to Isha.

"If you need anything from me, call, anytime of day or night. I think we are about to encounter some form of retaliation. Ensign, I entrust Isha's safety wholly unto you." David stated, standing fully upright and was bowed his head to the Ambassador. "Ma'am." He said with slight quiver to his voice, turning and leaving Isha & Jo'el.

Isha remained silent for a moment. Her own nerves were tattered but she had long ago learned not to allow such weakness to incapacitate her. She put it aside until she had time to deal with it alone and turned to Opaka.

"Well, it looks like it's just us," she said with the grin that Rh'vaurek usually described as 'dangerous'.


CO: Commander David Davies
Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Master-At-Arms: Ensign Opaka Jo'el