Unity – Never Forgotten Pt 2
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Never Forgotten Pt 2
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 10:59pm
Location   Breifing room 4
Timeline   SD16 20:25
From part 1:

"I thought about that Rick, The closest available ship is the Rhode Island, a Nova Class, The Montana has a big enough shuttle bay, for the hoppers." Jarred looked at the XO next "Commander, Admiral Morgan wants you and the CDO to try and see if we can solve this diplomatically, plus we need to get to the root of all this anti-Cardassian attitude on the promenade lately."

David caught the last remark as he entered the briefing room....


"It would be a great deal easier to find out the root cause if our chief of security wasn't locked in the brig!" He said breezing towards a vacant chair and waving for the crew to remain seated. "So what have I missed?" He enquired as he sat down into the chair looking around the concerned looking faces of the gathered.

Karen found it hard to agree with Davies' remark though she said nothing; where he was he could avoid alienating any other powers with his inimitable investigative style, like the Cardassians for example. A gentler touch, less abrasive touch was needed.

"I'm just going over the mission out line Admiral Morgan sent me, there was a POW camp discovered on the outer edge of Breen space, some of the guards are Cardassian, and the rest are Breen, we've been given clearance to organize an armed rescue if a diplomatic solution goes nowhere." Jarred paused as he took a drink, "We've been provided with the Montana as our main ship for the mission, but she's old and all that is available."

If David had a drink, he would have sprayed it across the table. "A Montana Class!! Well that's not old, it's positively ancient! I am sure that we can reconnoiter a more suitable class vessel to mount a diplomatic rescue mission." He said, wishing that he had partaken of a cup of something warm to drink.

"USS Montana, An Akayazi Class ship" Chief Ayers interjected.

Davies realized his mistake and felt himself redden in embarrassment.

"Ah, right, the USS Montana, well that's not quite so old then." He shuffled in his seat feeling the eyes of the crew, especially Dunham, on him, "How long until she's ready to launch?" He asked, clasping his hands together and placing them on the table before him.

Jarred looked over at Bruce then down at his notes, "Assuming we don't have to do a large amount of repairs and resupply, we just have to organize command crews for the ships, transfer the appropriate number of hoppers and marines, I'd say six hours, less if we have no luck with the Cardassians."

Bruce nodded in agreement he figured it may even be faster than that but it was always good to tack on a few hours just in case.

Chief Ayers spoke next "We're going to need an advance team on the ground, to find good landing zones, regardless of the XO's efforts, we need bodies on the ground before we go in, I'm volunteering."

Flynn had stayed out of the conversation thus far, but took this opportunity to step in, "Commander," she said evenly, "Captain Flynn, Acting Marine Commander. While it is true that this is a matter that can be resolved through the use of force, I would strongly recommend that we wait, at the very least for 48 hours. That time can be used to see if a diplomatic solution can be reached, as well as for me to get in contact with the Colonel, who is out conducting maneuvers with a top of the line carrier."

Chief Ayers scratched his graying stubble then looked around the room, "I can be there in 36 hours using a Talon Class scout, if by some fluke we get somewhere with the Cardis' I can withdraw until a transport goes in to pick up those troops."

"Well if you need a co-pilot. I will go with you," Said Dunham, giving a thumbs up.

"I concur that it would be prudent to wait," Karen said, "But also to be ready to leave as soon as the waiting time is up ... assuming that no diplomatic solution is forthcoming," she added. And with Dunham's particular case in mind continued, "I will remind everyone of the importance of following procedure in these matters, the regulations are not there to bind, but to protect our operations and our personnel."

"Agreed, let’s get the recon in place and on the move, if the diplomatic option fails the rest of the task force can launch with in a set window, Chief Ayers will have to depart within an hour if we're to stick to the time table we've discussed, and so the Cardassians don't clue in to what's going on, we'll have to use transporters to move supplies and equipment to the three ships, Commander Davies, if possible we need to make things look normal around here so I think it would be wise if lieutenants Freeman, Dunham and myself command the three ships, plus if this goes SNAFU, we'll need a combat officer to have the fort ready, Rianni and Rick, Pick the five best pilots you have to fly sir cover for the marines." Jarred paused then looked at the marine "Captain, I'm going to assume that the Colonel isn't going to be able to join us, get your troops organized, any questions?"

"Ready up and let's get things underway. The situation is growing tenser with every passing second." Davies stood as he spoke. "Anybody have anything to add?" He questioned as he glanced around his crew.

"Kick Ass and chew bubble gum." said Dunham reminiscently. He gave a small smile.

The troubled look on Flynn’s face persisted. She said slowly, “Commander, Lieutenant. I must respectfully remind you once more that this operation does fall inside my jurisdiction. And I will not needlessly risk the lives of a single Marine by going off on this half-cocked. So not one Marine, not one rifle or bullet or power cell will move for a full invasion without my authorization. I trust, Lieutenant Wallace, that this will not be a problem for you, and that you will provide me and my analysts all the intelligence you have gathered thus far in order to make a plan of attack that will minimize the risk involved?”

The chief looked at the marine, "Captain, I was slogging around in alien swamps while you were learning your ABC's, when I find what we need to know you can come in and save the day all you want, my job, and that of Mr. Wallace is to keep people from killed, all you have to worry about is not pissing off the Lieutenant."

Flynn shot Ayers a sidelong look and for the first time said with an annoyed tone, “Master Chief, I asked the Lieutenant a question. Not you. So unless you’ve somehow earned your commission in the last couple of minutes, I would like to hear an answer from him. But,” she said turning her full attention to the Chief Petty Officer, Master Chief Ayers. While it is a good idea to go and gather reconnaissance on the enemy, I cannot let you go alone. If you choose to go, you will be accompanied by a Pathfinder team. Do you have any objections to that?”

"Absolutely, this isn't a marine job, and I'm not going to wipe snotty marine noses Captain, I'm going in alone." the chief looked at the CO, "skipper, I'm not about to go in with a bunch of jar heads, if the fit hits the shan I want to be able to bail out and not worry about anyone else but my own carcass." the chief spoke slightly annoyed.

“On the contrary, Master Chief.” Flynn said heatedly, displaying a sharp contrast to Darson’s cool, controlled style, “this is very much a Marine job. My jurisdiction, my operation. And there’s no way that I’m going to trust the gathering of important reconnaissance to a mere encryption specialist! That offer for the Pathfinders to go with you was non-negotiable. Either you go with them, or you won’t go at all. End of story!”

Jarred looked at the marine, "This is an intelligence operation actually captain, the only two people who have any say on what the marines do and don't do are myself and the Commanding officer of this station on this operation, am I clear." as he laid a gaze on the marine that would have made a Klingon cringe.

Davies' eyebrows lifted. Wallace was correct, it was was their decisions to make and at the moment, the diplomatic solution was to have the diplomat going ahead and the marines as back up.

Flynn took the gaze head on. This man wasn’t nearly as intimidating as the Colonel was, and she had weathered enough of his looks to gain certain degree immunity to them, “Well, we’ll see about that, Mr. Wallace,” she said in a faux respectful tone with an undercurrent of anger at the marginalization of the Marines. There was no way that he would be able to pull off any sort of rescue operation without them, and all he was doing right now was continuing a cycle of pushing them off to the side that had been going on for a while.

Jarred slammed his fist on the table, "No glory hound marine CO is going to screw this up! either fall in line captain Flynn or I will ask for Captain T'Kor of the Klingon Defense forces to help out."

Dunham massaged his forehead, as the argument broke out, he felt a little sorry for the xo and co. He gestured with his hand at the map. “We might not be going yet. We might get this solved peacefully” he said to no one in particular.

Flynn looked over at Dunham. He was right, in a way, and here she was losing her cool over something that could be easily resolved. After all, she was one of the ones who was making things difficult. Would Darson have lost his cool like this? No. The man was practically an icicle, even under pressure. So what would he do in this situation? She pondered, as she shot another smouldering glare at the older intelligence officer.

Ah. Even if rebuffed, he would send the team in anyway. And maybe try to get rid of the officer in the process. She gave herself a mental shake to get that last idea out of her head. The Colonel was becoming a strange influence on her, “You are quite correct, Lieutenant Dunham, she said in a respectful tone, before checking the chronometer on her wrist. It was almost time for Hunter-Romeo to reach the area of space that the distress signals had come from, and she wanted to be on hand for that, with the Lieutenant.

She turned to Davies, “Sir is there anything more that you require of me or Mr. Wallace here for the moment? If not, then there is a matter of some urgency, unrelated to this, that I must attend to with his assistance. After that has been resolved, I will immediately begin to draw up plans to deal with this POW camp.”

David nodded in sullen manner.
"This situation has to take priority over any other matters that you may or may not have," He shot a glance at Flynn, "and diplomacy has to run it's course. For this mission," he side nodded to Jarred, "Lieutenant Wallace will be in command. You follow his orders and follow them to the letter. I am not looking for a response, that is my final say." Davies edged his frame around to Jarred. "Lieutenant Wallace, yours is now the ultimate responsibility. Between you and Lieutenant Freeman, get the Montana ready, ensuring you have a full compliment of marines as backup and whatever crew you need." He took a long look around the table. "Dismissed." He said sternly as he strode out of the briefing room, his heart thumping angrily in his chest as he made his way to operations.


Commander David Davies

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Jarred Wallace

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Captain Flynn, Acting Marine Commander
By LC James Darson