Judgement – [Backpost] Denat's zay'oul
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   [Backpost] Denat's zay'oul
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jun 19, 2011 @ 2:30pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy - Barracks
Timeline   SD35 - 21:15

"Form up!" Getal yelled. "Now!"

Before the words even left his mouth, every person in that room began to move with haste and intent into their apropriate position, Denat Meran being one of them.

Denat aligned himself with a soldier infront of him, but Denat stood behind Tharek facing the rest of the troops. Denat felt fear. Had he spooked the Vi'kar Gul to a point were he will begin spot-checking?

Once every man and woman had lined up and stood in uniform stature, Getal began to speak in a dark, almost violent tone.

"Cardassians!" He blasted. "There is a ghencardăst çlaykothoul in our midst." Getal sprayed the words onto the room with anger and disgust. "This... Monstrosity, shall be brought to justice. My justice."

Denat's lip quivered. He did feel an honest sense of fear, it was not false. However, it was not fear for his life, it was more a fear of his obious plan not working it's magic yet: he needed more time to complete his proper work, although Isha had promised an ally, he had not arrived yet. Denat would have to find someone new and innocent for this deep work. Most of Tharek's blabbering was unheard as Denat chose to zone-out of the drill, until he was breast to breast with the dictator himself staring morbidly into him.

Getal looked down onto Denat and drew a grim face. "My justice," He started, in an almost civil tone. "should not be taken lightly. Men and women of Cardassia, I hand you this traitor of blood and soul!" He gestured at Denat with an overturned palm.

"This man, has betrayed all Cardassia stands for! This... creature, has tainted our blood line, our heritage. All we are fighting to protect. Denat Meran, you are forever more exiled from my service, and are to be imprisoned in this Federation station until I see it fit to release you into the jaws of Cardassian society once more. Guards, escort this unworthy piece of shit to the holding cells."

"Hold it!" Denat blasted before the guards reached him: they stood at Tharek's side. "Tharek, with what evidence do you incarcerate me? Show proof, or Obsidian's laws allow me to walk a free man." Denat wrapped his arms in waiting.

"You will adress me as either sir or Vi'kar Gul Getal from now on in life servant. And, I am the Order." Getal turned to adress the entire embassy staff. "This man is the only man with access to my office space besides myself, and I know you all hear the rumours about myself and the Romulan Ambassador. I have spoken to t'Khellian, and she is missing a few Kotra pieces of unique design. Like the one found in my office and in my special reserved Kanar."

Tharek stood less than an inch from Denat's face and adressed him. "You knew I would go after Isha, and you knew how I'd react. What you didn't count on was me listening to her for once. Your plan to kill me, my friend has failed. Men," He started, keeping eye contact with Denat. "take this man away, until further investigation has either proven his innocence or condemned his life."

"Tharek, you have done nothing but betray the very essence of your power. You have swindled, cheated, fought for false valour, for what? an insignificant station on the edge of explored space . What next? Will you declare war on the Tribbles? Then perhaps stroll into a supernova expecting it to bow to you, you fool..."

Denat was halted by a fierce bludgeon of Tharek's hand across his face. "I'm sorry! SIR. I'll go back to sleep, I was just expressing my opinion. Y'know? opinion? sorry." He bellowed up to the man. Denat pushed his armour into Tharek's, nudging him to the side revealing the battalion stood behind him.

"I do not recoginze any of you. I only see Tharek. I only see defeat where there could have been victory. I only see a broken friendship. All of you have handed your common enemies your weakness on a silver fucking platter. And I do not wish for them to show you mercy." Denat's tone was loose, loud and passionate, he had truly been devoured by his companion. Denat turned to Tharek: his eyes fierce with fire and white knuckled fist's clenched hard. Denat fell to his knee's before the Vi'kar Gul, his head dangling to the ground. His palms were sweaty and his armour was stifling. Denat had no more to do with Tharek.

Getal was furious now. He rested his foot on Meran's shoulder, and shoved him down onto the floor. "If any Cardassian, be them man or woman, finds my judgement clouded, and myself unfit for duty, stand forward."

Nobody did.

"You see Denat. These people have been loyal to me, to Cardassia. They will be rewarded. There will be no reward for you. No Cardassia anymore. Just the cold and the light, everything un-Cardassian: what you deserve."

"You see Tharek, your nothing but a sheep." He pointed to all the others. "Just as they are." Tharek laughed incredibly at the metaphor, but his emotion changed at the next echoing words that Tharek would never forget. "You are just a sheep. You will never be a shepherd."

"Enough, you will speak when spoken to." A small, sharp kick in the ribs guaranteed silence for a moment. "I follow Mother Cardassia, like we all do. She is the true 'shephard'. Now, will somebody please drag his sorry exscuse for a body out of here?"

Within seconds of Tharek's words being issued, two guards finally grabbed hold of Denat's collar and dragged him along the floor and away to his imprisonment.

"Enjoy your false sense of security Tharek! You have lost your way and bound yourself behind vendettas and pettiness! You! are ta’cardăst!" Denat's words weakened the further he was dragged. Still in sight, he lashed at the guards who droped him. Denat picked himself up and straightened his uniform. A guard grabbed his wrist and Denat wrenched it off again. "I know the way." He said quietly. The trio walked around a corner and out of the embassy.


A joint post by:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Denat Meran
The Traitor