Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reporting For Duty
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Reporting For Duty
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Mar 11, 2009 @ 9:31pm
Timeline   SD8 (Backpost)
Lieutenant Rick Dunham Stepped Of the Shuttle and onto Deep Space Five. He took a Long breath and looked around the busy station. People going from place to place each one with important business. Their was a allot of hustle and bustle. But Rick couldn't help feeling their was a sense of tension in the air. Smoothing down his uniform and picking up his kit bag he went to find the CAG's office with a copy of his orders and to report in for duty. It took him a while to find where he was looking for and he had had to ask several people the way. Rick had never really liked to use a Stations Computers on his first day to find any where. Talking to new people was half the fun of it. He had learnt on the way that his new commanding officer was Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-th'Khellian. Upon arrival Rick took another deep breath and chimed the door to the CAG's office.

Rianni was in the middle of setting up her office, walking around in her flight suit placing items where she wanted them, when the chime on her office door rang, ~Frack! Every time I get into doing something!~ She turned towards the door and called, "In."

Rick entered the Room Stood to attention and gave smart salute "Sir Lieutenant Richard Dunham reporting for duty Sir"

"Okay, nice to meet you." Rianni replied, returning his salute, "But, for future reference, I prefer Commander or Ma'am in a pinch. I never gave Starfleet or anybody else permission to give me a sex change." She took her seat and motioned for him to sit also, "Okay, here's the deal, Rick, it's about to hit the fan in a big, big way. You just got here, I just came out of a coma, we're both going right into the teeth of a fight first day on the job. Now, are you up for it?"

Rick gave a small edged smile. "Hell yeah commander." And I thought it was going to be boring here. Rick thought to himself. "so whats First?"

"Well, we're going to be in briefing, then we're going to kick the ass right out of this invading force." Rianni said, adding a confident laugh, "I'm afraid I'm not as sick as they might think."

"If I may say Commander your reputation Proceeds you. You did some hardcore flying in the Dominion War. What wing am I taking Ma'am? Broadswords, Peregrines, Valkyries?"

"Well, I had planned on being in command of the Valkyrie wing when we launched, but the CO has decided I'm to be onboard the USS Leda, coordinating the attack." Rianni answered, secretly planning to have Micklin move her custom Peregrine into the shuttlebay on the Leda befoer they launched, "So I guess you'll be in my seat there."

Rick nodded to himself in thought. "Well looks like we don't have alot of time for chat Ma'am. Lets get out their kick the tires and light the fires and after.....Then after. If its ok with you, commander, we back track and talk about this whole coma thing?"

"That works for me." Rianni nodded, "Just make sure we both get back to have that conversation."


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian


Lt. Rick Dunham
Squadron Leader