Judgement – Cooperation would be appreciated
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Cooperation would be appreciated
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed May 04, 2011 @ 8:18pm
Location   Holding Cell
Timeline   SD 37 - 01:30hrs
"Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis," he said into the recognition system as we waited for confirmation. Once the light completed scanning his retina he stepped to the side to allow the station's Executive Officer to confirm her identity before they could proceed forward.

"Commander Villiers," Karen said following the same procedure. "Will this take long Lieutenant?" she asked. Karen had been in her quarters and about to slip into a bath when the call came, "Any particular reason why this could not have waited until the morning."

"I understand that this is not the most. . .opportune time for this to have happened Commander, however all of the evidence my department has collected has given me probable cause to place Ms. Ibalin under arrest. In addition to that, I have confined Ambassador Getal to the Cardassian Embassy and advised him to contact his legal adviser. I am trying my best to prevent this from spiraling out of control, ma'am." Trellis stated in response.

"Good," Karen replied. She had made initial inquires with her contacts in the Cardassian legal system and been given a name of a rather high level contact; she was still waiting to hear from him on the matter. "So what are we here for?" Her question was answered in an instant.

"We are here to see Ms. Ibalin," Trellis said to the younger officer stationed at the inner door.

"The bar owner," Karen said to herself - it was her business partner who was dead. Karen had not yet read the report of Lieutenant Carstairs interview with the woman, mainly because it had not been written yet.

The bokkai was still moving around in the cell, unable to sleep, but for the moment she wasn't snarling her innocence at anyone who came close, instead just turning back and forth in frustrated bursts, but on hearing people in the corridor, she moved as close to the front on the cell as she dared. She'd experienced the punch the security field delivered, and wasn't keen to feel its sting again.

"Ms. Ibalin," Trellis said as the doors slid shut behind him and the Commander. "We've come to speak to you in regards to the death of Kila." he stated flatly.

The prisoner became a dirty yellow colour, and gave him a look that could etch steel. "Its Klia. Get it right." Then she turned to the Commander, looking puzzled, a dull cyan replacing the yellow. "I'm sorry commander, I didn't realise you were involved in security?"

Unlike many others on the station Karen had not been often to the woman's bar though she knew that it had a growing reputation. She looked from Ibalin then to Trellis, someone from her office had been assigned to this case and she still was unclear as to why she was here.

"I've invited Commander Villers since she is the station's Judge Advocate General officer. We are willing to seek a suitable remedy for your sentence if you are willing to cooperate with our investigation." He said, hoping the woman would listen to reason this time as opposed to the last time he spoke to her.

Karen raised an eyebrow, the case had not even reached court and Trellis was already suggesting a bargain. "Before we start negotiating over something as yet undecided, why don't you tell me your story," Karen suggested to Ibalin. The Bokkai was probably sick to death of answering the same questions and saying the same words over and over and over again.

But Yolanthe ignored Trellis and spoke directly to Villiers. "I didn't do it. I wouldn't hurt Klia like that. She's, was, my best friend. I could no more turn on her than I could on any of my boys."

Karen recalled that the woman had been with the belligerent Cardassian Ambassador on the promenade during the recent destructive vole infestation; she could more easily see him as a killer than the bar owner.

"I believe Lieutenant Carstairs was assigned as your counsel," Karen said avoiding the urge to scratch the itch that was prickling on her hairline, just above her right ear. "Has he been to hear your statement?"

The yellow returned, "Your boy has his ears blocked. He wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. Just assumed I did it. I declined his assistance. I'd rather have a woman."

"He's a very promising advocate," Karen replied, it would be a mark on Carstairs' record, and one that as far as she could tell he did not deserve. "Counsel is not chosen on grounds of gender, but on ability, anything else would be discriminatory," Karen said carefully. "If you have a personal objection to Carstairs, I can assign an alternative and we can see if she, or he is more to your satisfaction."

Yolanthe snorted in derision at the thought of 'men' and 'ability' in the same sentence as anything to do with anything as complex as the law. "Yes, I would like an alternative, thank you."

Though she thought it premature Karen was taking mental notes detailing where she thought that Ibalin's negotiating points would be. "In the meantime why don't you tell me your side of the story. Would you excuse us Lieutenant Trellis?" Karen said looking towards the door and hoping that he would take the hint.

"Yes ma'am" Trellis nodded as he turned and began to exit the holding area. He entered his access code and the doors slid open to reveal the outer entryway for the Holding area. He was not sure what the two would discuss outside of his presence, but he was not one to question a command given by the station Executive Officer.

As he started to walk away, Yolanthe relayed her story to Karen, from the first meeting with Tharek, through her seduction of the Cardassian, right up to the argument that had ended with Klia storming off. "And that's the last I saw of her. I swear. But your boys don't believe a word I say!" Her fingers clenched, and she turned yellow all over as she fought the urge to punch the forcefield out of sheer frustration.

As the woman spoke Karen watched Trellis leave. Once the door had closed behind him she turned back to the barowner, listening to the story that she had clearly told a number of times before. It did not sound like a rehearsed script to Karen, though repetition made it risk appearing that way.

What fascinated her was the changes in the woman's skin.

"My 'boys', as you call them, are doing their jobs," Karen said eventually, "May I?" she asked with a wave toward the bench.

Yolanthe shrugged, the yellow starting to give way to smoky violet, "Be my guest."

"Who do you think did it, Yolanthe?" she asked as she sat and indicated for the Bokkai to do the same. "From time to time random deaths do occur, but statistically, most murder victims know their killers, even if the connection is transient."

But she shook her head. "Not a clue." The bartender stared at her hands, which were starting to fade to peach. "Maybe she found some one, She has... had... needs, you know. She didn't have much of a sex drive for an Orion, but it still came up. Maybe she went with someone to piss me off, and they..."

"May I ask you something personal?"

"You can ask," Yolanthe nodded. "Will it be a problem if I choose not to answer?"

"Your call," Karen replied tilting her head towards her.

Karen drew a breath, and then another as she contemplated whether or not she as looking in the right place. She couldn't necessarily stop an attempt to prosecute - Karen needed to read the other transcripts, see the other interviews first, but she could offer a way to form a defence ... she thought.

"Yolanthe, are you or your people able to control the what causes your skin changes colour?"

The taller woman was surprised. She didn't consider a terribly personal question, or see what it had to do with the matter in hand. "Sort of. Its a bit like trying not to cry for a human I guess. You can hold it back a bit, but eventually, you'll change. If you're lucky, it will pass, but its a lot of effort. You can see people doing it."

Karen nodded.

So you are a walking mood ring, Karen thought, keeping her expression neutral. "Are the colours the same for everyone, or is it unique to the individual?" And if the latter, do your authorities back home keep a 'fingerprint' for each person, she might have added.

"We're all the same," she gave Karen a quizzical look, wondering where this was going. "Its practically part of the language." She held up her arm and waved her long black sleeve. "We consider wearing so many clothes quite... rude. Like covering your face for humans."

Karen was beginning to suspect that someone was willing to let this woman take the fall for the murder, she had at least one idea about who that might be - a threat that ended in a accident, and then what? He'd already been informed by Karen on the Promenade while they were all chasing voles that Diplomatic immunity was a very thin shield to any lawyer who knew how to pierce it ... find a scapegoat. Karen wanted to offer a lifeline to Yolanthe.

"Would you care to name an independent party who could provide us with a dictionary?" Karen asked. "It isn't part of our language, and without that aid, a lot of people, my Boys included, are going to keep having trouble hearing what you're trying to say, even if you think it should be obvious."

At that suggestion, Yolanthe turned a bright green and she shook her head. "I can't think of anyone." she said quickly. "Not independent I mean" she added hurridly.

Karen leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees, "Who could you name as a translator?" she asked.

Yolanthe went greener, a deep emerald. She shook her head again. "I'm the only one I know of whose offworld right now. And even If I wasn't I'm about as far from home as I can get. I've no idea who might be around."

Karen didn't quite know what that spectacular colour meant - did it, like a blush signify embarrassment, or was it a closely related colour associated with a less passive emotion? Karen could not tell, nor was she about to guess.

"Yolanthe, we can establish a communication with your world and find someone who can give us what we need, or indicate of someone closer who can help in person."

For a moment Karen pursed her lips before she spoke. "Failing that we give you to the lab and Science can establish what means what. Not sure it would be that much fun as a lab-rat though, but maybe a bit more fun than being in here."

"Then it will be the lab," Yolanthe said promptly. "I don't mind."

Karen straightened her back and rested her hands on her knees. "I've no guarantees, Yolanthe, but given the communication process you have described to me, we, the Federation are bound to investigate the matter further - a valid case can't be made without a common language. But I'll tell you one thing," Karen continued as she pushed to her feet and turned back to face the woman. "Stop screeching at people who are trying to help in their way, or to do their jobs, and never, ever let me hear you belittling the abilities of my 'Boys' again."

The bokkai blinked, and she went through a rainbow of colours in a blink of an eye. Then she settled into a smoky blue and gave a bitter sweet smile. It was an attitude that reminded her of home. "Of course, commander. As you wish."

Karen had seen the same reaction in cocky cadets before as they were taken down a peg, though never before had she seen such a firework display along with it.

"We appreciate your co-operation, Ms Ibalin," she replied in acknowledgement of the formal address that Yolanthe had used.

Here was someone who valued her independence, appeared to have control of her life and was willing to defend herself if things went wrong, but so far she had mounted that defence in the wrong way.

"Is there anything else you would like to say before I invite Lieutenant Trellis to rejoin us," Karen asked, quite aware that the entire conversation would have been monitored by him.

"nothing I'm not happy to say in front of your -" She had been about to call trellis a boy again, and didn't trust the translator to not translate the word she would have used in her native tongue. "Sub-ordinate."

Karen tapped her comm badge, "Schedule a meeting with the Chief Science Officer and Yolanthe Ibalin tomorrow morning, block her calendar for as long as it takes. Instruction for security escort to move Ibalin to the labs at 08:00, escort should remain in place for the duration. Villiers Tau Sigma yellow." She looked again at the woman, "You should hope you can make them understand what you're saying," she said as she moved towards the door and left.

Whatever Trellis thought of her order, it didn't really matter. He couldn't override it now. If he issues he could take it up with Karen in the morning.