Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Plan
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The Plan
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue May 12, 2009 @ 10:25pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   17:30hrs

=/=Roger that, flight control. Please forward the following message to Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel. We know he's preoccupied with...other things... at the moment, But we're leaving early to minimize the degradation of the ion trail left by the pirate vessel. Once he and Darson have taken care of their little problems here, We'll either meet them or leave a probe at the site where the pirates attacked the USS Legacy. K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva out.=/=


"Sonovabi--" Gabriel shouted as he threw a Padd in his hand across the room and into the wall. They had played him for a fool. The entire time he was dealing with the Romulan attack, they had taken off and were doing God-only knows what with the transwarp coil. Not to mention that they could have possibly taken off for the Beta Quadrant by now.

He was going to take care of this problem, and it was going to take care of it now. He grabbed a Padd from his desk and began to pull up several files. If he was going to successfully perform this mission and put an end to the pirate threat once and for all, then he would need somebody that he could trust.

Darson was not at the top of that list. He had no idea what agenda the Marine was planning on fulfilling through this mission, but he knew that it was not going to put the interest of the Federation and Starfleet first. Unfortunately, Gabriel lacked the necessary training and skill in Starship or even Fighter Wing tactics and would need someone much more capable to coordinate the attack on the base, he needed someone who knew how to fly.

*COMM* "Gabriel to Lieutenant Dunham, report to Main Security" He said.

Dunham was Landing his craft back at the barn after a flight patrol around the station when the Comm came in *COMM* "On my way". The team had been flying around the clock cap's since the Romulan attack. He was tired and drained but also still on a buzz after the assault. After getting out of the cockpit quickly he got changed into his duty uniform and headed to security. Dunham composed himself then smartly marched into the the room.


Gabriel looked up from his Padd as the pilot walked into his office. "Mr. Dunham, take a seat. I have a mission that I am preparing for and I require your expertise." He said.

"As you may or may not be aware of, there is has been a recent string of pirate attacks within this sector for the past several months. Starfleet Intelligence has placed me in charge of handling the matter and I believe that I have found the location of their base of operation. In addition, I have reason to believe that they were involved in the capture and destruction of an experimental Starfleet vessel that possessed a functional transwarp propulsion system." He added as he slid a Padd across the table towards the man. ( -

"My investigation has led me to believe that those two women were also involved in the ship's disappearance. Unfortunately, they have taken our recent emergency as an opportunity to escape from the station. I, along with Major Darson and his Marine Detachment are going to perform a surgical strike into the heart of the Pirate base and remove this threat, simultaneously, we will also apprehend the now fugitive individuals that you see in the file before you." He added as he slid another Padd in his direction. ( + +

Lieutenant Richard Dunham studied the padd with interest. Nodding thoughtfully he continued to read it. He then placed the padd back on the desk in front of him scratched the stubble on his chin then lent back in his chair. "I can do this with four Peregrine Heavy attack Fighters and a wing of Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters, minimum fuss and minimum loss. With a coordinated strike we can hit them hard and fast here here and here." He leant over and indicated several targets on the padd.

"Get me the element of surprise, and with their trousers down I can bomb them back to the stone age. Figuratively speaking of course......." He paused in thought "It will give us plenty of time for the Marines to get in their and get your man."

"Good plan," Gabriel replied. "This is a Starfleet matter and therefore, I want a Starfleet tactical pilot to coordinate the external attack on the base. Darson and his Marines will handle the subsequent invasion." He replied. He didn't mention the fact that he did not trust the station's CAG any further than he could spit a wrench. The last thing he needed was for some random element or relative of the Romulan officer to suddenly appear and throw a ratchet into the situation.

"Any further questions?" He asked.

"When do you want to go?" Replied the pilot

"You are on standby at this point, once the final details have been handled I will contact you with further instructions." Gabriel said as he picked up his Padd again. "Dismissed"

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader