Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Threats and Promises (or Part 3)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Threats and Promises (or Part 3)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Dec 09, 2008 @ 10:20pm
Location   The Promenade
Timeline   22.30 to 23.00 ish.. (lost count)

“Oh, I’m quite sure,” he said. There was a good view of the bar from where they sat and in this position it would not be apparent that they were watching. Raedheol caught Isha’s familiar movement as she passed the edge of the bar on her way back to the table.

Raedheol gripped Chelsea’s hand, “Don’t move, Isha’s coming – watch him. He thinks we’re occupied, that pillar there obscures his view just enough, he’ll not know we’re looking,” he said as the man he had identified as Pellan slipped off the barstool and said something they could not hear. Isha paused, her eyes narrowing before she shook her head and moved away. “Chelsea, that is a predator waiting for an opportunity to strike, believe me,” Raedheol said.

~ Takes one to know one perhaps? ~ Chelsea's inner cynic answered him in the back of her mind. She shook off the negative thought and did as she was bid anyway, watching Pellan move towards Isha as predicted.

"Dammit!" she muttered under her breath, acknowledging that he had been correct after all. Still frozen as bidden, Chelsea bore with fortitude the uncomfortably tight grip of Raedheol's strong fingers around her own, as if it were an atonement for doubting him.

Isha was not surprised to see Rh’vaurek but his proximity to Chelsea disturbed her, not because she thought there was any illicit liaison but because she knew that he tended to violate personal space when he was trying to emphasise a point, as if his own bulk added weight to his argument. Isha knew that Rh’vaurek had left Chelsea both shaken and confused and she feared that he might look to further erode her confidence for his own inscrutable purposes.

“You two look very cosy,” Isha said folding her arms, “I thought we weren’t going to seek out disreputable looking men until later. Squeeze up a little won’t you?”

“I’ll knock the doctor off the other end.”

“Then go and see if you can find a stool or something! That damned thrai at the bar propositioned me,” Isha said to Chelsea with genuine indignation as she and Rh'vaurek swapped places.

“What did he say?” Raedheol asked.

“Something I’m sure is anatomically impossible. Do I look like an amton'wi-kha?”

Raedheol’s expression darkened, “Shall I speak with him?” he asked in Rihannsu.

Isha shook her head, and caught his hand just in case he decided to go anyway. “I’ll just add him to our list of seemingly anhedonic men who are best avoided tonight.” she said with a sly wink to Chelsea.

Chelsea didn't know what an *amton'wi-kha* was but she could give it an educated guess. She grinned at Isha's allusion to their earlier joking about behaving disgracefully and the conspiracy of exclusivity enhanced the fun of it.

“What was that about?” Raedheol asked leaning against the pillar.

“Are you going to hover there all night?” Isha asked. “Go! Or we’ll add you to that list too - again,” she added thinly disguised behind the smallest false cough.

Again Chelsea grinned widely, enjoying the camaraderie of ganging up on Raedheol.

“I can see when I’m not wanted,” he said curtly. “You’ll be quite safe with Chelsea anyway, Isha, she seems to think she’s more than a match for anyone. Let me know the result if she has to test the theory, won’t you!” He grinned at Chelsea and nodded to Isha before heading in the direction of the door.

~Ouch! Touche!~ Chelsea thought, smiling back. ~I guess I deserved that!~ In spite of herself, bantering with Raedheol like this was warming her impression of him. He wasn't *all* bad and it was very clear how protective he was over Isha. That alone was a big plus in Chelsea's eyes.

As he left Isha turned to Chelsea, “Are you ok? I really can’t stop him from showing up.” By which she meant that she could but that would also mean Isha denying herself Rh’vaurek’s company.

"I'm fine thanks. I don't mind him turning up. I think he's genuinely concerned about your safety, Isha and I like that in him. It's more noble than most of the sides I've seen of him so far."

“I haven’t told Rh’vaurek that you told me about last night, he hasn’t mentioned it to me either. That reminds me, there may be something that can be done about that woman you mentioned, I wouldn’t normally interfere but, well, I can do it without reference to your encounter and well … no promises though,” Isha added, thinking of what she stood to gain if Darson delivered the information she had asked for.

"I don't have any idea if she was all she was made out to be or not, and without the whole picture there could be so much more going on so perhaps you might not be well advised to get involved. I don't want to see you ending up in a cleft stick situation like my old tutor! I just felt sorry for her but I'm pretty naive and easily taken in, as you have seen. I'm not the best judge of character so don't get into anything dodgy on my say so please!" Chelsea back pedalled, Raedheol's warning regarding Isha's safety now seeming of more importance and priority than the unknown woman of the night before.

Isha had a secret. She had not planned to reveal it so soon but between them Darson and Chelsea had provided a catalyst which made the prospect irresistible; the expression on Raedheol’s face when she told him was going to be priceless. Nobody here believed she was a journalist anyway so it wouldn’t be too much of a shock when they found out what she was really here for.

“Nothing dodgy,” Isha turned to Chelsea tilting her empty glass with the palm of her hand, “Every now and then Rh’vaurek needs to be reminded that he answers to a higher authority,” she said through a cryptic smile.

Raising a quizzical eyebrow, Adams gave her friend a long look. She had come to know enough about Isha to realise that the body language as she rolled the empty glass base in her palm, her tone as she put an inflection on Raedheol's first name, the mysterious way her smile played about her lips and the sparkle in her lovely eyes were all clues that pointed to there being more balls in play than were currently apparent.

Chelsea smiled too, thinking that perhaps Rh'vaurek would get more than one reminder from these events, the other being that imagining all women to be vulnerable was too much of a generalisation.



A joint post between:

Romulan Diplomat Isha T'khellian


Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Arrain Rh'vaurek Rhaedheol
Position Classified
{if i told you i'd have to kill you!}

(NPC played by Louise)