Incommunicado – Its Hot under the limelight.
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Its Hot under the limelight.
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Thu Aug 02, 2012 @ 7:59pm
Location   Reception hall 4B
Timeline   SD 57 2000

Lance was seated towards the back of the room. The surgeon sat impassive, his face a motionless mask as the accolades and tributes to Templeton were read out. It was a long list, as several speakers extolled the worm's virtues

Drull appeared behind him, "Dr Murdoch, I've managed to arrange matters so you can give a few minutes to add to the accolades. If you would go and speak to that gentleman there, he is expecting you." The bolian indicated an efrosian of middle years, moustaches peppered with white. He handed Lance the Padd with all the evidence on. "I believe the phrase is, break a leg."

Lance rose to his feet, accepted teh PADD and made his way to the stage, as he passed a confused looking Templeton he pressed the PADD into the mans hands and whispered into his ear, "Here's a copy for you." Before grinning enthusiastically clapping Templeton firmly on the back before leaping theatrically onto the stage and grabbing the mic.

"Ladies, gentlemen and blob's of all ages!" He began, grinning from ear to ear. In the front row templeton was turning several shades of green as he began flicking through the images on the PADD. "Is everybody having a good time??" Lance shouted, there was a chorus of cheers as the formerly stately group began to perk up interest. Most of the peopl in the room knew Lance, if not personally then by reputation. An air of anticipation began to build.

Templeton was talking franticlly to the Master of Ceremonies. Hushed, but urgent phrases floated to Lances ears. "Get that arse down from there you clot! Now!"

Lance grinned broadly, "Let's not forget the reason we're all here eating this ridiculously overpriced food!" He continued, "We're here to honour my good friend and yours Doctor Frederick Templeton!" A cheer rose up. "Can we get a light on him?? Where is he?" Lance began peering around the room theatrically. "Yo Freddy you here litle buddy?" he called, as a chorus of laughter broke out in the crowd as a spotlight suddenly transfixed Templeton in place.

Templeton glared at him, then tried to smile, looking nervous, like a dear caught in headlights. His glare at Lance could have been weaponized and if it had it would have been illegal under all manner of treaties. But he came up to the podium and shook Lances hand, with just enough pressure to hurt. "What are you playing at?" he hissed so only Lance could hear.

Lance gripped the other man's hand in his, squeezing tighter, holding on for an awkward length of time. He grinned like a maniac and thrust Templetons hand into the air above their heads in a victory salute. "How about his guy ladies and gentlemen??" He enthused.

He clapped his hand onto templetons back and thrust him forward to the mike. "Let's have a few words!" he encouraged.

For a moment Templeton looked flustered. Then he coughed and began. "Good evening, everyone. I would likely to begin by saying how deeply honoured I am to be considered, let alone given, a daystrom prize. It is more than I ever hoped to achieve when I started my first forays into medicine fifteen years ago.

"THe process I have conceived is revolutionary and yet so simple and elegant, it is hard to believe no-one found it sooner. Indeed, a lot is to be owed to advancements in holotechnology and transporter technology since the dominion war that has allowed us to create, in effect, a brain bypass, allowing the suspension of the indigenous autonomic nervous system of most m-class sentient humanoids whilst recontructive surgery is done at a microscopic, nanoscopic, and even picoscopic level, at the atomic level of the neaural pathways, ensuring that brain damage will shortly become a thing of the past, and with it many of the drawbacks of extreme old age.

A round of applause errupted. Templeton waited for it to die down, trying to look gracious and magnaimous in vicotry

"But none of this happens in a vacuum - except the subjuncturing of the perkinje neurons - " A few of the guests more famiilaer witht he process snickered at the strained joke, "and I am grateful to the team of assistants and students who were prepared to check and double check and test and check again, until we were sure the models were correct, the maths added up and the test subjects, oth virtual, and finally in-vivo, were carefully prepared and ready for the surgeries I undertook, and to them, who are too numerous to mention, I give my thanks. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Damn right you couldn't" muttered Lance from behind Templetons shoulder, just loud enough that only the other Doctor could hear.

Templeton gave only an impercetible stiffness over Lance's comments. "What are you playing at Murdoch?" he
hissed out of one side of his mouth as the room applauded his magnanimity.

Lance gave him a Cheshire cat grin, "I'm enjoying the moment. It's a really wonderfull evening."

"Well, if you care to sit down and shut up, Once this evening is over, I will make it worth your while."

Lance stepped closer. "Meet me in my office, after this little farce runs it's course." He hissed.

"Done!" Templeton couldn't agree fast enough, "Now go away and let me get this done. I'll see you in your office at midnight."

Lance smirked as he stepped back into the shadows.


Dr Frederick Templeton
Doctor of neurobiology and research thief

Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Up to Something
DS 5