Unity – Where have all the Maquis gone?
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Where have all the Maquis gone?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Nov 18, 2009 @ 6:10pm
Location   The Bad Lands
Timeline   Stardate 51847.5 (18 hours after the Dominion war ended)
The USS Siegfried entered a territory known as the the Badlands on impulse, the collection of plasma storms and gravitational eddies were a nightmare for any helmsman, but this was a critical mission. Jarred stood next to Captain Decker, "I hope that these coordinates are correct or its going to be a long trip back to base."

"I agree Lieutenant, what are the odds there are survivors?"

A Vulcan crewman spoke "Approximately twenty-two thousand to one, assuming that they had adequate food and water."

Jarred looked at the Vulcan, "Well either way we'll conduct our investigation and file our reports, all bets are off on survivors though, the details I have indicate their could be survivors from one of the DMZ colonies at those coordinates."

Captain Decker looked at Jarred "So where are you assigned after this?"

"I'm supposed to report to Cardassia prime for some kind of inspection tour, something about WMDs' that the Dominion was developing, I don't have much else to go on right now."

"Weapons of Mass Destruction?" The captain started "Is that possible?"

Jarred looked at the captain "It might be, there were reports of such activities going on but not one report was ever confirmed, that's why I'm going with a team to verify that."

"We've arrived at the planetoid sirs." an ensign reported

"Sensors indicate minimal life support in use, and approximately 45 life signs." Another ensign reported.

"I'll take a squad of marines down to secure and assess the situation, then we'll begin the evacuation." Jarred said quoting his orders

"Agreed Mr. Wallace, But I want you to take one medic with you for triage so we can send the proper medical assets and have sick bay organized."

"That shouldn't be a problem, with your permission captain?" Jarred said keeping somethings formal

"Permission granted" Captain Decker said

As the away team materialized rifles were raised, Palm lights were turned on and tricorders were opened, "Ten meters that way, watch out for traps and defenses." jarred said.

As the small group walked through the caverns they could tell there was a fire fight here at some point along the way, there was debris and weapons every where, Jarred called out "This is Lieutenant Wallace of starfleet is anyone there?"

A voice cried out "Over here!"

Jarred and his away team raced in the direction of the voice, when they entered the small chamber what they saw looked like something out of an historical record. Groups of people huddled around fires, their clothing was tattered and dirty and many looked as if they hadn't had a meal in days, Jarred looked around mostly in shock, then he checked in with the ship, "This is Wallace, we found approximately fifty individuals lock on to my location an beam medical teams over here."

"Cheif Ayers, get these people checked by the medic then get them some rations, any that need medical attention get them beamed back to the ship ASAP, Warrant officer Cortice start a search of the other caverns for indications of Jemhidar or Cadassians, collect any weapons or other technology that is encountered."

As the marines executed their orders Jarred saw the arrival of the first medical teams, he stood there stunned more that anything else, these people managed to survive for almost two years, but now they had to face an uncertain future and an even more uncertain Federation justice system. Jarred just shook his head and checked with the head of the first medical away team.


Lt. Jarred Wallace