Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus’s Personal Log - Stardate 66109.8 - Going Nowhere

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Title   Stardate 66109.8 - Going Nowhere
Author   Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus
Posted   Fri Feb 10, 2012 @ 2:35am
It's been seven months since I lost the Athena. Still, practically no time has passed in my mind. It takes me the whole day just to get it off my mind, but everything is undone when I dream. I do dream. Dreams about Cala, about Tasha and Ayren every night. It's just... she's always there, like a dream inside a dream. I've become paranoid when I'm awake, thinking Selene is reaching me somehow when I sleep. I like to think I've gotten over her, that I've accepted her fate. I know that will never be true unless I can open myself up to the future.

Living like this is a disservice to her memory. I love you Selene. That is why I have let you go...

... ... Goodbye.