Interlude – Darson's Feelings ... and Isha's War - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Darson's Feelings ... and Isha's War - Part 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Tue Aug 31, 2010 @ 8:28am
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD29 unspecified

Isha's mind came to rest once more on Darson, it was likely she thought, that the spy who had informed tr’Vainlli of her attack was the same one who had informed her that Darson was in her embassy making mischief …

“i-Orinwen,” Isha said via the comm., “Contact the Marine Facility and invite Colonel Darson to visit me,” she said. Isha was not one hundred percent certain what Darson wanted to talk to her about but she knew that he was not happy about what she had done for Rianni. It promised to be one of those ‘difficult’ conversations, but Isha was not out to make another enemy; she had no choice but to do what she had done for her niece and would defend her actions if questioned.

Isha planned to enlist Darson’s support even if it required her to tell him everything.


[Marine HQ]

Darson was lounging around in his throne, swathed in the shadows of the MTAC, brooding darkly about the events of previous days. While none of the situations that had arisen had been outside of his calculations, things were certainly coming to ahead, and not in his favor. Leaving aside Monteros’ defection to the Romulan forces (which he had already taken care of) and Getal being a general pain in his ass…the formal complaints he was compiling to be sent to the diplomatic department were just getting longer and longer.

However the actions of foreign parties were not the only problems he had to deal with. Dorian Gabriel was quickly becoming more and more unstable and therefore more of a public liability, Security and Intelligence were fragmented, Station command was still shaky…the list went on.

He was snapped out of his reverie though, by the appearance at the bottom of the throne’s steps of Lt. Chau’saura, who stood silently, waiting to be acknowledged by her boss who was clearly in something of a mood.

“What,” he said flatly in what was clearly an annoyed tone.

“Sir,” she said unfazed, “We’ve received a communication from the Romulan Embassy.”

Darson perked up a little at this and leaned forward, “Really know. What did it say?”

“It was simply an invitation from the Ambassador for you to visit her at the embassy.

Darson gave a sigh of contemplation as he thought about it. He had told him to call on her at some point in time…and though this wasn’t what he had in mind exactly, it would do. He was still a little annoyed at her for the part she had played in Rianni’s defection, and intended to set the record straight with her. Though of course…he knew in the end it wouldn’t make a difference anyway. With a grunt he stood and dusted off his cloak. After putting the Lt. in charge while he was gone, he made haste for the embassy.

[Romulan Embassy]

Darson entered through the main doors, shockingly enough. His mood was still a little on the depressed side, which had robbed him of the enthusiasm to transport into the Ambassador’s refresher station, and then pop out like a ghost. He crossed the silent lobby to the receptionist whom he recognized and said in a bored tone that indicated a funk on his part, “Colonel Darson, here to see the Ambassador…I’m expected.”

"You'll have to hand over your weapons," i-Orinwen said, she already knew he was expected and did not pass comment on that. "The Ambassador insists it of everyone."

Darson unceremoniously drew the pistol from the holster and ejected the magazine followed by the chambered round. He did the same with the phaser on the opposite side. He wasn’t in the mood to argue, and they wouldn’t search him anyway to find the other 86 weapons on his person. No harm would befall Isha regardless, so he didn’t feel guilty in the slightest.

Once he had satisfied the check, he was allowed back. He shooed the escort away with an annoyed hand. He had memorized the schematics of this place, both the official ones and the ones present on the internal Romulan network, courtesy of the bug planted there what seemed like months ago.

He reached the door to Isha’s office and pressed the annunciator chime.

"Why Colonel Darson," Isha said rising from her desk and crossing to the seating area near to the door. "I hardly expected you to come so soon," she added. Which was true, it had been an invitation rather than a summons, or at least that was the way the message was meant to have been phrased ...

Isha waved to one of the sofa. "Do sit," she said taking the other herself. For just a moment she stared at him, her bright green eyes the slightest bit uncertain, then as quckly as it came the doubt passed. "Are you dreadfully angry with me?" Isha asked coyly.

Darson walked into the room and mumbled a greeting. He wandered over to the sofa indicated and after sparing a moment to remove his cloak and drape it over the backrest, flopped down and sprawled across the length of the plush seating. He gave a groan of something that amounted to a mix between annoyance and contentment. He turned his head to look at Isha following her coy question and remarked dryly, “Dreadfully angry? I guess the short answer is…yes. The long answer is…well, also yes. But more complicated.”

Isha passed no comment on his choice to drape himself so fully across her furniture. "Surely anger is a very simple emotion, Colonel," Isha remarked linking her fingers together in her lap. "You really don't seem quite yourself today, if you'll forgive me for saying so."

Another sigh, this one more depressed, “Well put. I am in a bit of a mood…alright that’s a lie. I’m in a lot of a mood. I’m so down today, even my plan of making the plumbing in all the embassies flow backwards couldn’t cheer me up.”

He craned his head to look up at her and said in an imploring tone, “Why do you do these things to me Isha?” He said referencing the Party and all related events, “Why? Do you hate me that much? Is it something I said? Something I did? Somebody I killed?”

"I don't hate anyone," Isha said tilting her head thoughtfully to one side, "No, even I cannot make that one convincing," she corrected with a half smile. "So, there may be people I hate, but I'm afraid, Colonel Darson that you are not one of them. Did you aspire to be?"

“No, I suppose not,” Darson said in a thoughtful tone. He grunted and sat up straight and said simply, “I would never want to be hated by you my dear Isha…and I hope the same is true in reverse. Because everybody I hate has met an...unfortunate...end."

That was the first time Darson had openly made anything that Isha could directly construe as a threat. As it was she chose to interpret it as an indication that she had not yet done anything seriously wrong, and a warning to her to stay on the right side of him. The momentary silence was filled with her soft breathing.

“But I still have to ask Isha,” He continued somberly, “You’ve been doing things lately that are honestly very frustrating to me. And even I, in my infinite patience, thought that before I started hurling insults indiscriminately I should give you a chance to explain yourself.”

“Is this about my niece, Colonel Darson?” Isha asked. She did not know how much he knew about what had happened during her brief journey to ch’Rihan and since her return. “I really cannot take the blame for her decision to defect. It was Starfleet who chose to dismiss her, had that not happened I am quite sure that she would still consider herself to be a Federation citizen rather than one of the Stelam Shiar. She will not turn her back on her friends, but once rejected by an organization she had dedicated her life to, you can hardly blame her for seeking to be among those who would not view her with suspicion. I merely had the opportunity to offer her a new life, and I will remind you that even before now she was of my blood. The relationship has simply been formalized,” Isha explained.

“I expect you are also unhappy about the recently revealed presence of my ship,” she added. “I consider it serendipitous that I happened to need a commanding officer just as Rianni became available. To me a ship is little more than a means of getting from one place to another. I have about as much interest in manouvres and military tactics as you have in touring my shoe cupboard.” That was not entirely true, one did not need a state of the art warship if one wished to travel between the stars and Isha knew that as well as anyone. It was there for her own protection, and that of the station should any further hostile action against her emerge from the direction of the Empire. “They were looking for an excuse to dismiss her from service, and when they found one, they did so without a thought for her. Under such circumstances, when offered an alternative, who would not take it.”

Darson waved a hand idly through the air and said in a tired tone while looking off to the side, “Yes…well I don’t know what I was expecting…well…I guess I was expecting a tale of a lesbian romance, hot, explosive…dramatic. The story of an illicit relationship that was not to be, the ups and downs, ending in the sad tale of a deranged spurned lover who took things too far. This, well I could have guessed this. Doesn’t mean I have to like it though, and for the record I don’t.”

He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees and said in a more calm and focused tone that was entirely different from how he had been up to now, more like his usual self, “But…enough about the past. Let’s go back to the present,” he focused his intense laser sharp gaze on Isha, “You called me here for a reason my dear Isha…I know this because you are like me…you always have a reason. So I wonder… what is that reason?”

For the first time Isha felt the prickle of discomfort, unlike T’Pal she did not think that Darson was for hire. The only way he was going to help her was if it suited him … or if there was something that she could do in return.


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group
Deep Space 5

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae