Intermission – Alone x2
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Rakka

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Title   Alone x2
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Commander Rakka
Posted   Tue Sep 03, 2013 @ 2:11am
Location   Brig
Timeline   SD73
Petro had received word that Rakka had been taken to the Brig. Details on the reason were not disclosed and the only answer she could get was that there was an ongoing investigation. Terrible images came to petro's mind as she thought about what might have happened that could have gotten Rakka sent to the brig. Sure, she had a temper and probably mouthed off at someone. She had been growing more distant lately and Petro hadn't been around much. Maybe if she had, Rakka wouldn't be in the brig. If she had spent more time with her friend than maybe whatever happened could have been averted.

The more she thought about it the more she came to realize that it was her fault that Rakka had done something wrong. Maybe if she hadn't asked about their relationship and being curious as to whether or not there was something more to it. If she hadn't wanted so badly to be like everyone else than Rakka wouldn't have felt so isolated. Even now, as her body returned to its natural state she knew it was too late.

When the lift stopped, Petro stepped off and hesitated. What if Rakka didn't want to see her? What if she was mad at her? She had every right to blame her for what had happened because if she had been there, Rakka wouldn't have done whatever it was that she did. It was her fault and Petro knew it.

As she entered the brig the was stopped by a security officer.

"I'm here to see Commander Rakka." Petro said.

"You don't want to see that thing." the guard replied. Petro restrained the urge to strike the man. Not because he was at least a foot taller than her and had a considerable size advantage but because she knew it wouldn't do any good.

"She is a superior officer, not a thing." Petro replied. "Regardless of your personal feelings you will respect her. I wish to speak with the Commander now. Another word of an inappropriate nature from you and I will choose not to forget your insubordination."

The security officer nodded and allowed her to pass. She could understand his perspective. Nasicaan's weren't exactly a Federation favorite. Petro passed the empty cells and came to stand in front of the one that held Rakka. For a moment she simply stared, not sure what to say. She didn't know where to start or how to apologize. She stood motionless, part of her wanting to reach out and part of her ashamed for what she caused.

Rakka had been sitting curled up tightly for hours. It was maddening, waiting for something to happen. Something... anything. Being formally charged, stripped of her rank... she would take it. She just didn't want to have to sit and wait for it.

Petro had been so quiet and still that Rakka hadn't noticed her arrival, but finally the Nausicaan raised her head to stretch out her aching back a little, and noticed the small figure at the corner of her eye. She flinched, and then stood quickly, hurrying over to stop just short of the force field. She got down on one knee to be closer to Petro's level. Seeing Petro brought back such a rush of sweet relief, a desperately needed memory of pleasant things. She DID have something going for her after all--Petro, lovely Petro, who was everything to her, especially now that she wasn't sure she'd even have a job anymore. But wait... did she still have Petro? Would Petro still love her, still want her anywhere nearby, now that she'd done such a horrific thing?

"Hi..." she finally gasped, not knowing what else to say.

"Hi." Petro said, her voice barely coming out. "I wasn't sure if I should come. If you even wanted me," around she thought but the word never came out. She felt ashamed to see her friend, the one person that she felt knew what it was like to be an outsider, in clothes that didn't look right. Seeing her friend locked away caused her to choke on the air she tried to breathe. A tear formed at the corner of her eye. "Are, are you okay?"

Rakka wrapped her arms around herself tightly, for lack of ability to reach out for her friend. "I... don't know," he said honestly. "I lost my head a little, I think. I... hurt someone." She paused, letting her head drop a bit. "Thanks... for caring enough to... come check on me. I... I think you're the only person in the world I'd want to see right now."

"I wish I could, do more." Petro said. She raised her hand and held it hovering just in front of shield that separated them. "I don't think the guard likes you to have visitors." She thought about telling her how she wanted to strike the man for what he said but decided not to. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you. Maybe if I had," she couldn't finish. "Who?"

Rakka raised her hand and placed it next to Petro's, wishing that field weren't there. For years upon years she had dreaded all physical touch, but with Petro, everything was different. Petro was her safe place. "We've both been distant," she admitted. She didn't bother scolding Petro for blaming herself for something she had no responsibility for--Rakka understood this tendency thoroughly. "YInchu'. It was yInchu'. He... hrm.... wasn't being very nice."

Petro almost chuckled but instead a slight amused smile crossed her lips. "The only time he's nice is to a paying customer or when he's flirting with you." As she spoke she could hear the light-heartedness in her voice. She sombered a little at what Rakka was saying. "Was he trying know... with you?"

Rakka felt an unexpected rush of emotion, and her breath hitched in her throat, her dark eyes filling with tears. She gave a small nod. "He... wouldn't stop," she whispered. "I took out his eye."

"Maybe he'll look twice next time." Petro said, trying to cheer her friend up. "He always said he'd keep an eye out for you." She offered a small smile. "I wish I had been there. He wouldn't have tried that with me around. I'm sorry."

"Y... you're sorry...?" Rakka gaped, floored by Petro's calm reaction to her act of savagery. "It... doesn't bother you... that I put a knife through yInchu''s eye?"

Petro slowly shook her head. "I know you Rakka. Better than anyone I think. You wouldn't harm someone without warning them first and sometimes repeatedly. I know how you feel about being touched and how much you were sickened by y'inchu's advances. If it were anyone else, I might be bothered but there's a history between the two of you that others don't or won't understand. I've seen it and it sickens me too."

She wiped a tear from her eyes. "I know this is protocal for things like this but it hurts me more seeing you locked in a cage than it does to know that you defended yourself. In a way, I'm proud of you."

Rakka sniffled, and her head dropped lower. She lifted it finally, wiping her own eyes. She needed this--she needed it badly. She remembered quite clearly now that she hadn't REALLY gotten mad until yInchu' had made a remark about Petro. She loved Petro so very much... maybe too much. Enough to shed blood, at least. And that would come to light once Kato reviewed the footage of the incident. It was all up in the air now, whether or not it would be considered a clear-cut self-defense case.

Rakka swallowed hard. "Will you still love me... if I'm not in Starfleet anymore...?" she whispered.

"I would love you no matter what." Petro repllied. "If we were adrift in space together I would love you. If we were stripped of our rank and sent as outcasts to the farthest habitable planets, I would love you." She started to cry and her words became harder to say. "I've never loved anyone or have been loved by anyone and I would never love anyone the way that I love you."

The Nausicaan's chin trembled. She put a hand out thoughtlessly and it hit the force field with a cacophony of energy; she yanked it back with a curse, feeling like an idiot. She shook off the tingling sensation and then smudged away the tears rolling down her face with bunched fists. "Petro... I feel the same," she breathed. "I thought work was the only thing I had, the only thing that gave me a reason to be alive. But it's you--you're all I want out of life. All and everything."

Petro couldn't describe the emotions that were running through her at that point. As she listened to Rakka and heard the deep emotion that came with the words, she found herself moving her hand forward. The part of her tha knew the repercussions of touching the field were absent. She touched the barrier and pressed her hand further. Her wrist passed through the shielding and she touched Rakka's cheek. She caressed a tear away with her thumb. Time seemed to move at microscopic increments. "I'll bring chocolate next time." she said as she brought her hand back to her side of the field. She smiled. "Let me know if they aren't treating you well."

Rakka stared at Petro in astonishment. She nodded and sniffled noisily. That little touch would keep her going for a while. Her eyes combed over every inch of Petro, to memorize her for the time they would have to be apart. Finally, she noticed the changes. "You're... different," she said. "I mean... you're you. Like you were before. Did you change your mind?"

"Sort of." Petro said, "there were too many side affects that I didn't like." she paused for a moment thinking about how depressed she had been lately. "It hasn't been an easy regression either but I think I like me the way I am even if others don't."

Rakka found herself unutterably relieved at this. "I've always liked the way you are!" she said passionately. "You are what you were made to be... and what you are is absolutely perfect. You're...." She grew bashful and lowered her eyes a little as she continued. "...attractive." She sighed and pressed her hands to her burning cheeks. "If others don't see that, I might as well take out their eyes too, because they're not using them right. If you ever want to change your appearance... do it for you. No one else. Just for you."

"I thought I was doing it for me." Petro said, "but then there were people that were more interested in studying me than what I wanted. Before I knew it I was doing what they wanted and didn't know what I wanted." She lowered her eyes to the ground. "I forgot who I was."

Rakka nodded sympathetically. She understood--heaven knew, she had gone through her share of identity crises. "I'm not really sure who I am either," she admitted. "But with you by my side.... I feel a whole lot closer to knowing. Or at least... being okay with whoever I am."

"I feel the same way. When I'm with you." Petro said. "We'll get through this. I know an advocate if you end up needing one."

"Thank you," Rakka said warmly. "Thank you... my Petro. And thank you for... visiting me. I feel so much calmer now. Whatever happens... I'll be all right. I have you."
