Cascade – So what are you doing about it?
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   So what are you doing about it?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Apr 01, 2013 @ 9:30am
Location   Security
Timeline   SD 71 12:30

Yolanthe stepped into security, and looked around, confused. Mustard trimmed individuals milled everywhere, busy with reports and arrests and the general business of policy a city floating in space. She gripped the neck of the bottle of fine bourbon she had brought with her. She had no idea if its intended recipient was a drinker, but she'd found with men it wasn't necessarily the contents, but the presence of the bottle that mattered.

She pushed her way to the front of the desk in the entrance. "I want to see lieutenant Duquesne." She thought about it a moment, ignoring the protests from behind her at elbowing her way in. "Or anyone else involved with the explosion at the Cardassian Embassy."

The young warrent officer on the front desk took a deep breath, as if about to launch into a stream of official waffle on why that wasn't going to happen. The tall bokkai leaned over the desk - not hard considering she was standing over two meters high, and overbore the unfortunate young man, her skin and hair yellowing. "I have had a really bad 24 hours, and I'm more than happy to make it worse. So make your life easy and run along for me."

[Inside Trellis' Office]

"Wait. . .you say that it was a Klingon composition that caused the explosion, but you believe a human was at the scene of the explosion?" Trellis asked with a confused expression across his face.

"Yes. . .to both parts." Security Investigator Deborah Kato responded. "Or at least, that's what my preliminary findings have revea---" She stopped talking as the rancor in the front foyer began to increase in tone.

[Main Foyer]

Lieutenant Trellis stepped out of the doors followed by Ens. Kato. He looked around and saw the tall Bokkai haranguing the Warrant Officer fillinng in for Alexia.

~It figures she would come in here drunk. . .~ Trellis thought to himself, still never quite moving beyond the fact that so much trouble had taken place within her establishment. Few things would have brightened his day more than being abel to shut that place down, for good.

"Can I help you?" Trellis said as he squared his shoulders and forced himself to speak in an authoritative tone.

She recognised the trill man from the investigation into Klia's death. "Lieutenant Trellis." she acknowledged, in the same tone of voice someone might say, Pond Scum, or Syphalitic Sores. "Are you in charge now Gabriel has gone?"

"Yes, yes I am." Trellis said in an assertive tone. "It's reasonable to say that the station finally has a competent Security Chief." He added. "Once again, can I help you with anything, Ms. Ibalin?" He said in a much more annoyed tone.

"Well, you can give this to Lieutenant Duquesne, for his help yesterday." She held out the faceted bottle with its golden caramel coloured contents. "And then you can tell me what you're doing about finding who blew up up Tharek Getal."

Trellis looked at the bottle, he was more than familiar with the contents of the bottle. . .

However, the good voice inside of his head won the inner struggle and he looked back towards the woman. "It is directly against Security Department Protocol for Officers to accept gifts from civilians for performing their duties." He said coldly. The sooner she and that bottle left, the better off he'd be.

"Furthermore, the investigation into the attack on the Cardassian Embassy is still ongoing. Once we have any new information we will release it to the appropriate civilian channels." he replied, not feeling that he had to report to the Barkeep.

"Is there anything else my department can do for you?" He asked in a casual, yet dismissive tone. He did not want her to remain in the office any longer than necessary.

The yellow noticeably lightened in her skin and hair. "This," she brandished the bottle at Trellis. "Is not a 'gift'. I don't give eighteen year old bourbon as a gift. It's acknowledgment of a debt owed. So don't hide behind your protocols." She slammed the bottle down on the desk. "See that he gets it."

Then she turned back to him. "And what do you mean once you have new information? what have you been doing for the last night. Twiddling your thumbs? examining your naval?" She looked up and over his head. "Where's that nuasicaan. She seemed to know what she was talking about."

"Commander. . .Rakka. . .is not currently available." Trellis said in a terse tone. "Furthermore, Commander Rakka is not the Head of this department, I am" Trellis emphasized. He was not going to have this woman come into the office and completely disregard his position.

"As I've said before, the investigation is ongoing. I am not of the liberty, nor desire to release sensitive information to civilians." He replied. "Furthermore, you are neither family nor a victim in the matter; therefore, I will not provide information to high-risk individuals." He shot back.

"I'm a what?" she hissed. "I run a bar for crying out loud, not the Orion bloody Syndicate!"

He took a deep breathe and steadied himself. He would not allow her to intimidate him. "Yes, I am referring to the specific fact that your establishment has been the cause of more than several incidents within this past year. There is no telling who else would learn of privileged information just by merely being present in your bar." He said while crossing his arms. "I have a duty to prevent problems before they come into existence." he concluded.

"Really?" Yolanthe laughed at him. "for someone who's supposed to be in charge, your surprisingly bad at that. I didn't see you preventing Gabriel's fascist human friends starting a near riot on the promenade. Or a different set from blowing up the prom my opening night. Or some crazy murdering a customer in my rest rooms." She jabbed a finger into his chest. "You're not even a jumped up theiftaker, you couldn't prevent sobriety in my bar, let alone sort out this mess. Run back to the seraglio and get someone who knows what they're doing out here."

Trellis' fist shook as he continued to hold then in their balled-up position. The nerve of this woman to come into the department and just. . . embarrass him in front of everyone here.

"Get out Ms. Ibalin. . ." he said in a measured tone.

"No. Tell me what you know, if you know anything."

"Get out now or I will have you arrested!" He said in a louder tone as his emotions began to get the better of him. "I will not stand here and be insulted by. . .by. .. you of all people!" He said to her, as if his words alone could pierce her vibrant skin.

"I don't answer to you, I am the head of this station's security and. .and. I --I am perfectly capable of doing my job, damnit!" He swore

The woman was a pale yellow now, like hot iron. "You haven't got a clue whats going on do you?" she hissed, wishing she hadn't putt he bottle down. She wanted to smash it over his silly little head. " You're capable of doing your job? Prove it! What have you found!"

Trellis fists were shaking as he held his fist harder than even he had realized. "Ensign Kato, place Ms. Ibalin under arrest." He said, his voice shaking with anger.

"Wait. . .Lieutenant, are you sure about this?" Kato said with uncertainty as she looked at her superior officer. "Perhaps if we jus---"

"Do it!" Trellis stated affirmatively.

Deborah Kato stared at the gathered individuals for several tense moments before she took several steps towards Yolanthe. "Ma'am. . .if you would come with me." She said less than forcefully.

The bokkai ignored her. "what for?" she asked the Trill. "Giving you a few home truths?"

"I am placing you under arrest for Disorderly Conduct, Ms. Ibalin." Trellis replied.

"No, you're not." The barkeeper scoffed. "you're getting her to do it. You cant do anything yourself. Pathetic little man."

"...tanus rem...Gon'dar..." Trellis said to himself. It was a Trill chant used to calm one during a particularly stressful event. This certainly was stressful.

" will follow Ensign Kato peacefully, or I will authorize the use of more severe measures." He said to the woman.

Ensign Kato saw that this was quickly escalating out of control. The best she could do was calm the woman down and take her to a cell before either party did something they regreted.

"Ms. Ibalin, please come with me. . ." Kato said in a more deliberate yet unforced tone as she reached for the woman's arm. ". . .we can talk about this down the hall. .." she added quietly.

But it had already got too far, and the bartender had turned pure white from head to toe. She was furious, more angry than she could ever remember. She caught Ensign Kato's placating hand and then did something she never believed she had in her.

She hit Trellis

Not a girly slap, open handed to the face, but a professional, brutally efficient, jab to the face that powered into the bridge of his nose with bone breaking precision.

Trellis felt the blow before he ever saw her shoulder lift upward or her arm extend towards his face. He was more so shocked at the audacity of the woman to raise her fists to him within his own department. Just as he began to take a step towards her, he noticed a dripping sensation coming from his nose.

~ She broke my nose! ~ He thought initially. . ."She broke my nose!" He said aloud subsequently.

"I want her in a jail cell, NOW!" He shouted as he cradled his injured nose, trying to keep the bleeding from becoming worst.

Kato sighed as she grabbed Yolanthe's arm, this time with the force necessary to show her intentions. ". . .damnit. ." she swore under he breathe as she took her out of the office and towards the Main Brig

The barkeep had turned a bright turquoise, surprised at what she had done, stunned so much that she was half way down the corridor before she had another conscious thought. But now the first punch was thrown, the damn was broken. She wanted to beat the trill man to a bloody pulp. to hear the crunch of bones breaking, the wet squelching slams of muscles tearing.

She twisted from Kato's grip and shoved the woman aside and stalked back towards Trellis, white again with unrestrained rage.

"I can't believe that she hit me!" Trellis said to officer still sitting at the front desk. "I want her in RESTRAINTS! She is a menace!" Trellis continued to complain as he tried to stop the copious amount of blood that continued to escape from his nasal cavity.

Kato was surprised at how determined the Bokkai was to get away that it took her several moments to recognize that the Bokkai was heading back towards Trellis.

She didn't know what to do. She was an investigator, a scientist, a THINKER! She wasn't used to this sort of brute force and wanton violence. How was she to respond!

"Yolanthe. . .st--stop!" Kato said as she tried to summon a better amount of authority into her voice.

Trellis' back was to the Bokkai as he continued to talk to the security officer at the front desk. If it weren't for the peculiar look in the officer's eyes, Trellis would not have noticed that someone was coming towards him. Instinctively, Trellis drew his phaser and raised it around the same time that Kato shouted for the barkeep to stop.

"You have done enough damage for today, Ms. Ibalin." He said, being forced to remove his bloody hand from his face. "If you do not stop this instant I will use necessary force." Trellis said. As he spoke, the other officers drew their phasers and trained them on the taller woman, whose color shifted rapidly.

But she didn't stop. The cats claw dagger she had taken with her to sit with Getal was still sheathed under her shirt. He may have been talking, but all she could hear was the bleating of a pathetic animal. She pulled the wickedly curved knife

At which point every armed security officer shot her. She dropped like a stone, stunned multiple times over.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights