Beg, Steal or Borrow – Opening up
by Arrival Angela (Yuki) Blackmoore

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Title   Opening up
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Angela (Yuki) Blackmoore
Posted   Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 11:09am
Location   DS5- Deck 142 Upper Promenade
Timeline   SD8 11:00
Angela never had trouble contemplating how many little nic-nas and acquired goods she had hoarded over the years; that was of course until she decided to move. Such was a frustrating even for the ever independent woman as she soon discovered when trying to pack and transport all her goods and personal belongings herself. It was shortly after she had packed all her goods for transport from her previous housing that she realised she could not for the life of her fit everything in her own vessels cargo-bay.

With much self-loathing at her own mis-comprehension and an attempted re-packing to conserve room that Angela submitted herself to allowing the assistance of hired help. It was also then she learned quality paid help, cost extra. After hiring one group of men whom were at best clumsy and damaged a priceless piece of Bajoran art that Angela decided to hire from a qualified transport firm.

Once Angela had arrived ahead of her hired helpers whom were transporting her goods to the station of Deep Space 5, she organised trying to rent out a store. To her surprise several businesses in prime locations had shut down and she was able to acquire a three-story space in the stations Upper Promenade levels with attached storage space. Such was more than adequate.

Upon physical inspection of her new store she noted that the public level had once been a bar, such caused Angela to rethink her business operations. With a keen eye she decided she would keep the establishments previous capability of serving drinks with several seating arrangements and a bar area, yet also have the same area set-up as a museum of rare artefacts for display with some for sale.

Inspecting the storage compartments of the establishment she was more than satisfied with the increased space compared to her last abode. With a satisfied demeanour Angela further inspected the other two levels and found one level would make a good private study and library whilst the final could easily be converted into her own quarters.

Extremely self-satisfied with her luck, she felt almost bouncy as her hired movers arrived and she began to dictate where everything was to be placed. Of course, the more rare and sometimes stolen goods were directed to be placed in her study and library area; out of site from the general public.

Soon, she would be ready to open business and further add to her list of clientele.

Angela (Yuki) Blackmoore
Store Owner
Deep Space Five