Beg, Steal or Borrow – For Freedom
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   For Freedom
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Mar 23, 2009 @ 11:20pm
Location   Operations
Timeline   SD 8 - 1345 - after the meeting
Da'nal went straight to it and was issuing orders to his people as soon as he came out of the conference room. Hailing the ships docked within the cavernous station. "To all ships docked with Deep Space 5. Commander Davies has ordered all vessels currently docked within the station to remain where they are. No ships will be allowed in or out. At present 4 Romulan Warbirds remain in position to strike the station." Recalling his conversation with the Romulan Ambassador. "Be on the lookout for suspicious activity, and if you have had recent repair or construction on your key systems inspect them for possible sabotage. All Federation Starships are to continue whatever preparations currently under way, link tactical to the stations Strategic Operation via secure channels, and stand ready emergency action. That is all."

Closing the channel Da'nal knew that he had given orders that Davies hadn't cleared, but better to have starships ready and waiting than sitting there with cold systems when they might be needed. Looking back to the conference room he saw Lt, Peters coming out called to him.

"Lt. Peters a moment."

"Yes, sir. How can I help?"

I know you have things to get to but realistically....what are the chances of getting the guardians back online?"

"It depends on what was done to them to take them offline, but as the saboteur was disturbed, I'd guess the chances are good. "

Obviously relieved at some good news. "We may have only minutes before they attack. How much time do you need?"

"The engineering crews are split across the platforms, working as fast as they can. As for an ETA, I'm afraid that's a case of how long is a piece of string. They'll be online when they're online. Commander, I don't mean to rush, but may I be dismissed?"

As he absorbed the not so good news, fresh ideas began to take shape. Dan`nal saw Commander Davies emerge from the conference room. "Commander Davies," as he waved him over.

Looking back to the Lieutenant nodding. "Yes, of course...get me those platforms as soon as you can."

Aieron nodded, and looked back at his padd, walking slowly towards the turbolift whilst tapping away. He wasn't quite sure where he needed to go, but he knew he needed to go somewhere...

Davies, who was now under extreme pressure to get things ready, nodded at Da'nals beckoning and strode towards him.

"Commander Da'Nal?" Davies queried as he approached, wondering what the need to call on him now, when he had tried to open the floor to discussion in the conference room, "what can I do for you?" He enquired.

"A thought sir, if the Tal'Shiar did get agents aboard to sabotage the station they will most likely know about the AHDA. We open the doors to rapid deploy 5 ships using the ADHA. In the mix we launch the two starships that are here - completely ready to go or not. The Romulans will think that we are bluffing. I can then put a torpedo cross the bow of the lead ship. They wouldn't know what to think....Holograms can't fire torpedos. That should buy the repair crews at least sometime to get the guardian platforms online."

David studied the Klingon and heeded his words. He started to smile. "Your tactical prowess is wasted. Superb plan and you have my full permission to carry it out." He nodded, waiting to hear what Da'nal would say next.

Da`nal lip curled in a proud smile as his chest raised with the deep breath filling his lungs. "Aye Sir! I am Honored....I think Lt. Cmdr Monteros-t'Khellian should command the second vessel."

"Second vessel?" Davies questioned, "I have assigned her to the USS Leda." His fingers came to his chin. "What ship did you have in mind Commander?"

"I don't think an Oberth class vessel would have much of an effect against a Romulan Warbird. The USS Ashton is in the repair yard. Surely a Defiant class would carry the proper effect. I took the liberty of already informing any Federation starship in the to prepare for emergency action...just in case."

With the Commander's authorization Da`nal moved into action. "Lt. Bennet!!"

Just an hour ago Alison had moved her flowers out of the way, it somehow didn't seem appropriate to have them around the place when so much wqas going on. Her date with Giles was just going to have to wait for a day when they were less likely to die.

"Finalising the adjustments now, sir," she replied, "We'll be ready to go in five - just say the word," Alison replied.

Nodding as she let him know that she had heard his plan and the Commander's approval he nodded. "Excellent, I'll take the Freedom and inform Rianni of her assignment."

Da`nal walked quickly from Ops to the nearest transporter. As he did he hit his commbadge. Da`nal to Monteros-t'Khellian. Report to the USS Ashton and contact me on the USS Freedom once there...per Cmdr Davies." As he closed the channel he took a long hopping stride as he took position on the transporter pad. "Beam me to the Freedom...Now."


CO: Commander David Davies

Lt. Commander Da'nal
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant JG Alison Bennett
Strategic Operations Officer (NPCd by Louise)