Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Step Up 3 - Part 1 - The Upset
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Step Up 3 - Part 1 - The Upset
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2008 @ 1:35am
Location   Holodeck 3
Timeline   19.00 hrs - Station Day 3

Ryan was in the holodeck with his new dance partner, Laura, she worked in operations. They had both been 'street' dancing for a few hours and had just finished a break, Ryan started the music again and he stood behind Laura to go through the routine again.

Chelsea finished her shift and left Sickbay in the hands of a capable senior sister with instructions that she was *on call* if needed and not to disturb Dr. Milarno or Nurse McBain who had just done two lates and a nightshift in far too close proximity.

She walked towards Ryan's quarters but when she found he wasn't there, she asked the Computer to locate him.

The Holodeck she was given location was near enough, so she went along and as there was no access restriction showing on the panel, she walked in. The music that was playing was loud and she wasn't noticed as she stood just inside the doorway looking around amazed at the high vaulted ceiling, the four huge long windows all down one wall, the wooden floor and the dance bars along the sides.

It was a 20th Century dance studio and there was a couple dancing in the centre of the vast floor.

Ryan was moving at a fast speed and he stopped suddenly, in time with the stopping of the music. He was lying on his back, the closing position of the dance as Laura stood over him with her legs at either side of his chest. Ryan grinned as he got up. "That was really good, I think we got that down" he chuckled.

Chelsea waited til they had finished before she stepped forward. She was clapping her hands in appreciation.

"I think I'd agree with that conclusion!" she said.

Ryan spun around as soon as he heard clapping. He grinned when he saw Chelsea and he walked over. "Hey, was your day?" he asked.

“Hi, I’m Chelsea” she said to his dancing partner, holding out her hand to the woman who was standing there.

"That was so cool! So together! Just like you two were made to dance with each other." Chelsea's smile was perfect. Just bright enough for everyone to join in with the joke and not too much to look false.

"Ryan's forgotten his manners but we girls will have to show him we can introduce ourselves!" she took Laura's arm and walked back to the place where the dancers had left their towels and drinks.

"Which department are you in Laura?" she asked, keeping the chat light and easy but making no effort to include Ryan.

Ryan sighed and shook his head slightly and watched the two of them walk away. "Ok then..." he said to himself.
"I'm in Operations, yourself?" Laura asked,

"Medical" Chelsea waved her free hand towards her collar and rolled her eyes. "Ryan and I work together." she added looking back to see where he was.

"Ooops, now he's sulking because I've stolen you!" she whispered, grinning mischievously at Laura. "Men!"

Ryan watched them and frowned. "Oh here we go..." he muttered as he walked over and sat down, taking a drink of water as he did. *Jealous are we?* he thought.

"You know, that was really good!" Chelsea said to both of them. "You should do something... a show, a competition... where you could let people see the whole routine.... it'd be great entertainment and you'd get a load out of the training and stuff too!"

It took a lot of steeling herself to say that, because she wasn't looking forward to how that was going to feel. She had to screw up all her courage to trust that Ryan wasn't going to get involved with Laura, because it was a pretty physical routine, and the dance got really close and intimate, from what she saw.

It all brought back memories of her fiance on the last ship she'd been assigned to, and how when he was seeing someone else after 3 yrs together, she was the last one to know and felt everyone else must have been thinking her a complete thick idiot.

Ryan looked at her. "Yeah we could, would take some organising though..."

Chelsea didn't know what to say. She could offer to do the organising, but could she bear to have to watch them doing that day in and day out as they practiced?

On the other hand, if she was out of it altogether and someone else organised it, wouldn't that mean Ryan would spend even more time with Laura and less with herself?

She looked from one to the other of them, trapped between the frying pan and the fire. "Er.. yeah, I suppose so!" she spluttered, frantic for another option but not finding one anywhere in her head.


A Joint Post Between :

Lt Ryan Milarno
Chief Medical Officer - DS5


Lt (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Medical Officer - DS5