We All Fall Down – Men of Action. A Plague on all of them
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Men of Action. A Plague on all of them
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Jul 29, 2014 @ 8:40pm
Location   Main Computer Core
Timeline   MD01 1700

"I... I... I can't..." Steve had been stammering like a fool for about five minutes as he surveyed the damage to the main computer core. Wallace and Darson had been nothing if not thorough in their destruction. Granted, it was justified, but they also weren't the ones who would have to FIX it afterwards.

"This is... this just screams 'MARINE.'" he remarked, looking painfully at the piles of torn optical cables and the smears of bio-neural gel.

"This is going to take forever to fix." Leonora squatted on her heels in front of a memory bank and reached in. Plastic, glass and various carbon and silicon composites tinkled through her fingers. "I don't think there's a single isolinear rod left in this entire subprocessor." She shook her head. "I think I've just deprioritized everything the Marines and the Intel department ask for for the next centuary."

Picking up a rack of isolinear chips which had been upended onto the deck, Wyman inspected what almost appeared to be a sword hole punctured through it. Did Darson carry a sword? "Those leathernecks had better be REALLY happy with the state of their equipment, because I'm not sending a single person to change so much as a light bulb until the core is back at full operating capacity."

Dropping the utterly irreparable isolinear rack back onto the deck with a crash, he kicked a punctured bio-neural gel pack out of his path. "This is going to take days of round the clock work to fix. And until then we'll have to deal with intermittent slow downs while we run off the secondary core." Looking down at the disheartened Ops officer, he added, "I'd make the Marines come fix this, but they'd only make things worse."

Dell shook her head. "Its worse than that. We just don't have the parts. The isolinear stuff we can replicate, but - " She scooped up a handaful of blue gloop and let it drip back to the deck with a forlorn little squelch. "They took out the the bio-neural circuitry and that gel needs to be grown to order. This is going to take weeks, not days."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa - stop the clock. We should have had an emergency supply in the biotech lab. I know we would have needed some of it for repairs after the bombing, but there still should have been enough to at least make a sizable dent in what we need now." Needless to say - Steve wasn't happy to only be hearing about this now. Not having an emergency supply of spare gel packs should have been in the first report given to him when he returned from Andor.

Sitting down on the busted isolinear rack, he tried to think. "We need to contact strategic operations and find out of there's an Intrepid or a Sovereign class ship in the area we can get gel packs from. Hell - I'd take a ship and go to Kropsalar for it, but it would take weeks to get there and back." he mused, mentioning the planet which initially produced bio-neural gel for the Federation.

"We had a couple of Sovreigns put in for emergency repairs after a nasty brush with vessels unknown on the edge of romulan space last month. They got completely fried from stem to stern. Took everything the Daystrom yards had, everything we had, and they were still short. We haven't been resupplied yet." Dell drummed her fingers on the burnt ruin of an LCARS interface. "We could try going private. See if there are any private ships out there with gel packs to spare?"

Looking very much like The Thinker, Wyman was trying to figure out a way out of their predicament. "It's worth a shot, but not even all of Starfleet has been moved over to bio-neural systems yet - even though they started rolling the stuff out twenty years ago. The Intrepid and Sovereign classes were built with it to begin with, so those are our best bets. Before we start looking outside Starfleet we should see what else is in the neighborhood and find out if they're on gel packs yet."

By this point he was trying to think back to his time at Utopia Planitia, and all the ships that passed through during his service there. "Maybe an Elysium, or a Vikrant - hell even a Prometheus will do."

Dell nodded in agreement. "Gel is gel. As long as we get it. I guess I'll go talk to Strat Ops after we've finished here." She looked around the wrecked core. They would have lost less than half an hours' data at most. But that would include anything that might have pointed to the cause of the tragedy that had befallen the civilian freighter. Wallace had said there was a stuck training simulation. But that didnt tell her who or how or when that simulation had got into her system.

"I guess that leaves the ultimate question. Where on earth do we start?"

Getting up and brushing crushed isolinear chips off his backside, Steve frowned - this was going to be a long and unpleasant experience. "You talk to strat ops and see who's in the area. I'll contact Utopia Planitia and see if I can pull some strings - there has to be SOMEONE there who still owes me a favor!"


Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt JG Leonora Dell
Acting Chief of Operations
Deep Space 5