Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Places only we know
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Places only we know
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jan 19, 2009 @ 9:06pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD 6, Early morning. Directly after 'Strung Along' - (slight backpost)
It wasn’t really fair to leave her there; Rh’vaurek knew that, but sometimes Isha went too far. She couldn’t do this! Fling random demands on his time and interfere with his business. Petty? Probably, he thought as he crossed his ankles on the edge of his desk. Hmm! Not even a twinge from his ribs he thought as he waited, Miss Chelsea hadn’t done a bad job of putting him back together.

Rh’vaurek heard Isha before he saw her, barking at the functionary who had the luckless job of manning the reception desk overnight.

“I’m in trouble,” he muttered, fancying that the lights in the corridor dimmed a little further with each step she took like the afternoon sun obscured by banking clouds, the sea below whipped into peaks by the storm-wind and the air growing thick and dark between.

“How dare you!” Isha shrieked, the only phrase Rh’vaurek could isolate from the tirade that hissed and spattered over her lips, her eyes hollow and dark in the dim lamplight.

She slammed the padd onto the surface of his desk.

“Don’t break that – I don’t have any more traitors for you to sell.”

He saw her gaze flicker, her hand move for the padd; probably deciding it would make a good missile. He reached, his feet falling to the floor as he snatched it away before she could retrieve it. As an extra precaution he slipped it into a drawer, and straightened in his chair offering Isha a wary half smile of welcome.

“You seem a little piqued,” the remark casual as if she had just wished him ‘good day’.

“Piqued? PIQUED?” another ocatave. “How can you say that? You insisted I not go alone. You said it was dangerous. How could you leave me there?”

Rh’vaurek shrugged. “I changed my mind. You know, Isha if you don’t like the way I do things then go to ch’Rihan and ask your friends on the Continuing Committee to move you to another consulate where you can make someone else’s life impossible and expose them to potentially harmful encounters.”

“That man makes me feel uneasy,” she hissed slamming her open hand on the door control as if it was Rh’vaurek’s own smug face.

“Trust those instincts.” Rh’vaurek got to his feet as the door closed and came round to the other side of the desk. “Just to be clear I am NOT going to expose myself like that again because you think that’s what I do. It isn’t my job. You’re always nagging me not to interfere, so there you go – me not interfering. You got what you wanted.”

Isha folded her arms across her chest, “This wasn’t the time to start,” her tone stiff with bristles of resentment.

Slowly, for an irate Hatham was a raptor to treat with caution, Rh’vaurek stepped across the room towards her. “Then here’s the deal, if you don’t clear it with me in advance before you start negotiating, next time you ARE on your own and I really don’t want to find you dead or injured because some freak in a costume thinks it will be fun to try and frighten you,” he said. “Still, you don’t frighten all that easily,” he reflected close enough to push a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

About to swat his hand away Isha paused as she realised what he had said, “Next time? You want me to meet him again?” disbelief staying her anger.

The lamplight cast shadows across his features, glinting off his hard dark eyes and deepening the supercilious twist of his into a leer. “The opposite, actually, but when did what I want have anything to do with anything?” he murmured. “Darson probably thinks he can intimidate you, and when he finds something he thinks you can help with, he’ll be back; you’re obligated now,” Rh’vaurek explained, brushing her cheek with his fingertips, his thumb brushing over her mouth, his nail catching in the corner, pulling her lips back, “or else you’ll find one of his little baited hooks just too tempting,” he said.

With a cry she knocked his hand aside. Flushed and fevered she glared at Rh’vaurek, a fierce hatred blazing incandescent through her bones from her toes to her fingertips, the rush of blood in her ears deafening; what to her was a deep betrayal seemed to him a joke.

V'rhaen-ao'au,” Isha warned, her eyes not quite focussed; a step away from attempting murder.

“Isha. No!” Rh’vaurek moved slowly, extending a hand, keeping it low. “Its me,” he coaxed, trying to bring her back as he realised exactly which nerve his games and his teasing had exposed. “Listen to me, its Rhe’hwy,” he said, using his rehei, that intimate name bound to the Rihannsu soul, one that Isha had discovered for him, very much as he had discovered hers.

Rh’vaurek held a long breath as he stared into the depths of her dry dispassionate eyes looking for a spark of the woman he loved behind them.

As Isha’s gaze focussed, her hands fell into tight fists at her sides. She turned away. “You abandoned me!” her voice thick and raw; the foundations of blame long suppressed, long buried.

“Why are you doing this to me? It means nothing to you does it – the information I bought, or the reason why!” she accused rounding on him. “You’ve lied and lied until you know how to do nothing else! You never meant a word of it, its nothing but the game. Playing with me just as you’re playing now, for me there is a reason, but you, you have no soul!”

Isha struck once, twice before she felt his arms close around her, gathering her in, pressing her to his chest so she had no more room left to strike. He held her there for long moments until she ceased to struggle, until her ragged breathing slowed, until that glorious rage cooled to something that might be reasoned with.

“Don’t. Ever. Think. That,” he said, his face buried in her hair. “There is NOTHING I take more seriously. You refuse to recognize a danger until you are face to face with it? How else could I show you?”

Isha felt her own warm breath against his throat, the rapid rush of blood pulsating against her cheek; she felt weak. “What do you expect me to do? Cower under the table until all adversity has passed? Not engage with the world? Even my husband did not keep me under as close control as you wish to,” she said.

“He had reason … I gave him reason,” Rh’vaurek observed, “and there are nastier, less principled people out there than me … fvadt, Isha, you seem determined to seek them out. Why do you never listen to my warnings?”

Isha tilted her head, he followed the movement until they were staring once again into each other’s eyes.

Isha sighed, “You ARE a warning to me. Never show weakness in front of your enemies, you told me that yourself once and until then I’d never understood it, how cruel and vicious others can be; how savagely you would exploit it. I listened, I listened and it was all I could hear in my ears for all the days and nights I spent in the darkness; any words you say can add nothing to the warning you have already given.”

As though weighed down by lead Rh’vaurek’s eyelids drooped, “How can you stand to look at me,” he muttered, pulling her in to him again, “Isha, e’lev … I won’t allow anything happen to you, I’ll not walk out on you. You have to believe me,” his throat moving against her lips as he swallowed, the tension in his body all around her.

“I can’t bring myself not to,” Isha whispered, anger transmuted into a quite different and dangerous passion. He was much too close to her, his breath moist where it tickled her ear, the heat from his body heady, infused with sweat and spice. Looping her arms around his neck she clasped her hands together behind, the merest sliver of pulsating air separating their bodies, “Isn’t passion the whole point of life, whatever it drives us to do?” she asked.

“I’ve never deserved you, d’Ishaal, I don’t think I ever will,” he said.

“Who said I was a reward?” Isha enquired archly as she pushed him back towards the desk.

“Not me.” Rh’vaurek caught her waist in the loop of his arm, his fingers grasping her hip. She felt her feet leave the ground, a turn in the air and the hard edge of the desk against her legs. Isha tightened her hold as he pushed her back with his body until he was bent over her, one hand either side of her head; she let her hands fall loose behind her as she absorbed the mesmerising power of his dark intent gaze.

“Why now after so long?” he asked as she felt his teeth graze her shoulder though the thin fabric of her gown. He lifted his head, grinning as though he might devour her for the wrong answer, but she knew he was going to do that anyway.

“If the data on that padd was worth the price I need to know that you’re on my side,” she breathed. “I can’t have any doubts and you need to know that I have none.” Isha closed her eyes, relishing the return of his long remembered touch.

They were separate parts of the same creature, she thought, both of them feral, selfish beasts, each made greater by the presence and proximity of the other.

She ached to possess him.

She opened her eyes as he moved away, watching the movement of his muscles as in one swift movement he lifted his shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor behind him.

Then he was back above her; but Isha knew he would take much longer unwrapping her than he did himself, he always had done.


Rh’vaurek Raedheol (NPC) & Isha t’Khellian

Fading to black …