Unity – Clash of the Races
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Clash of the Races
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Nov 24, 2009 @ 8:31pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD16 12:55

Mokab was surprised at how quickly the shouts became screams as the fight broke out on the promenade. He pushed himself back, and found himself next to a small J'Naii in a fleet uniform, who seemed intrigued at the fracas before them.

Voset got shoved momentarily into a pair of onlooking humans that had emerged from a jewelery store. The burly Cardassian brushed them off quickly and stepped back towards his opponent, his fists leading the way. As he attacked he shouted above the panicked scream of shoppers.

"You're not a soft as that Starfleet uniform would have me think." He grinned fiercely and swung a fist high and then span kicking his leg out in a wide arc.

Ensign Ghram fell to one knee as he the Cardassian's leg connected to the side of his ribs. "Take a good. . .long.. .hard look at the color of this uniform." Ghram said as he regained his breathe. "Because it'll be the last color you ever see as I shove it down your throat and choke you with its very fibers!" He shouted as he charged at the Cardassian and slammed him into the nearby cart, causing the Vulcan pottery to shatter into a dozen pieces.

The Ensign took the Cardassian's momentary daze to slam his foot into his chest in attempt to crush his rib cage. "You sonovabitch" He said as he slammed his foot into his solar plex again.

Voset grabbed the man's foot and twisted his leg, spinning the starfleet officer to the left. His left fist came round in a hook knocking two of the man's teeth out of his mouth and sending him sprawling. Voset got to all fours and spat blood on the floor.

"You piece of vole shit!" He growled, grasping at a ceramic shard protruding from his back. The pain was intense, but he rose above it. He looked sidelong at the officer and drew a deep breath. He wanted to leap across the gap and force his thumbs into the man's eye sockets. He got one foot underneath him as the shout went out from somewhere nearby.

Petro continued to watch the ruckus below her and wondered how much longer things were going to be this bad. Things were a lot different since her friend - no, she couldn't think about that anymore.

Ensign Carter and Sin'Val could see the disruption from their distance of 15 meters. They immediately began to push and shove as many spectators out of their way in order to stop the battle royal that had erupted.

"STOP NOW!" Sin'Val yelled in a booming voice that caused other spectators to step back hurriedly for fear that his anger would be directed towards them.

"What the hell is going on here?" Carter stated to two individuals in an attempt to gain a semblance of control over the situation.

Jarred was standing on the tier above looking down on the skirmish, as he looked down he thought to himself ~Only thing missing is a few marines with rifles and maybe Dorian shooting off his mouth.~

Watts ducked as a bottle flew over his head and bar chair went tumbling in front of him. Things had certainly really kicked off here. So he decided to go and get a drink and watch. It had been a long day and he really needed a drink!

Bryan pulled Mercy away from the door to the admin offices as his hand went to his comm.

=^= "Security, we have yet another fight on the promenade." =^=

He slipped his arm around Mercy, trying to comfort her, but she was quite engrossed in what was happening outside.

"Mercy!" He called, breaking into her concentration.

Snapping out of staring at a particularly gruesome fight close by, Mercy was both frightened but fascinated by the ferocity of the two combatants closest to her. They seemed to hate one another as if they had been enemies all their lives when actually they probably hardly knew one another. She couldn't make out what made people behave like this but they almost seemed to be enjoying themselves in a strange way.

The sound of Bryan's voice calling her away and his outstretched arm were offers of sanctuary and she took hold of his hand, clasping it tightly as he pulled her to a safe distance. Once she had torn her gaze away, she buried her face in his shirt instead.

"Thank you" she muttered into Bryan's shirt.
"Where's Jenna?" She didn't want to look round but felt she must to see if she could see her friend who had been on the other side of the office a moment ago.

He held her in his arms. His heart was beating wildly at all the commotion and he was anxious that Mercy was safe. He had a flashback to when he was trampled here only a few days before and now it appeared that it was about to be Mercys turn, but thankfully, she was far more alert than he was.
He had called and Mercy seemed to not hear him at first, her head turned slowly before she heeded his call and her hand reached for his own and he had pulled her tightly into him.

"In the back room and no need for thanks." He replied simply and kissed her, right in the middle of the ruckus that around them and savored her lips.

Lieutenant Trellis stepped off the turbolift and looked over the battle royal that was consuming more and more of the promenade. From what he could see right now, there were at least four separate outbursts throughout the promenade. Cardassian vs. Starfleet, Civilian vs. Security, Cardassian vs. Them all. It was pure madness, but he was going to put an end to the chaos.

*Computer, initiate level four Security procedures, authorization, Trellis-Gamma-Beta-4-3-6-Niner," He shouted into his comm unit.

Within minutes, Security officers began to arrive on the higher levels above the promenade and began to line up in order as they all drew their weapons and kept them at the ready position. Trellis gave the signal and the officers immediately descended upon the open area of the promenade to restore order.

=/= "You have orders to detain any violent offenders who do not cease and desist peacefully." =/= Trellis said to the moving Security Officers. He hoped that this dramatic show of force would force everybody to calm down and listen to reason, he'd have to have to start using his phaser.

~here we go.~ jarred thought to himself as he observed the security officers, he double tapped his commbadge to signal his office where he was.

In the main Security Office, Alex was nearly bowled over as the message came in for a Level 4. She stood back against the doorway to let them all through as they grabbed their equipment and took off for the Promenade.

"Woh" she breathed wondering what the after-the-fray punishment would be if she were to just quietly throw on a uniform, grab a phaser and tag along. She would only be helping her team in a time of need, after all, she reasoned.

She was just reaching out one hand to the Security tunic on the back of a nearby chair with the thought in her head that just maybe "El Guappo" might never find out, when a voice she recognized only too well spoke right next to her ear and made her jump almost out of her skin. She was so startled she felt her heart leap almost out of her ribcage and it's pounding threatened to deafen her from the inside. She had not heard anyone come up behind her.

"Oh no," Duquesne said loud enough to startle the Administrative Officer standing in front of him. He ahd just finished escorting Lieutenant Dunham to the detention cell when he heard the alarm go off indicating a Security emergency situation. "Alex, send a message to Darson and tell him that we'll need any assistance he can provide." Duquesne said as he rushed out of the office towards the Promenade.

"Aye Sir" Alex replied, thankful that Duquense had left before he'd noticed her blushing. ~Phew!~ she thought as she tapped her comm to contact Colonel Darson. ~That was a close one~

=^= Lt. Colonel Darson? This is Security, we have a Level 4 situation on the Promenade Sir. Request assistance. =^=

Ensign Watts leant on the bar overlooking the chaos that was taking place. He sipped thoughtfully on his whiskey as various colored starfleet uniforms entered the melee. he smiled to himself. ~Just another day at the office~


Lieutenant Se'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Voset (burly Cardassian)
played by:
Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Chief of Science

Ensign Watts (Had to have a drink)
Played By Lt Richard Dunham

Bryan Surzchenko
By Tasha

Mercedes Denoublier
Alexia Jackson
(Assigned to Security)
By Jools

Lt. Jarred Wallace (watching the fireworks)