Beg, Steal or Borrow – Brothers in arms
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Brothers in arms
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Feb 17, 2009 @ 7:23pm
Location   USS Asia
Timeline   sd8 1300hrs
Jarred checked his gear for the fifth time, he couldn't escape the unending sense of doom for some reason. He'd been briefed that the Kar'gah was drifting, its 50/50 on if the crew is even alive, or that the attackers aren't hiding somewhere waitng for the 30 year old ship to arrive. The Asia was the last of the line of Centaur class ships, she was supposed to be mothballed two months ago. ~here we go again~ Jarred mused.

Jarred walked onto the bridge and looked at the view screen. The Kar'gah was burning with plasma fires, Jarred looked at sensors, there were no life signs. Jarred's heart sank, the largest fire was caused by the lift support systems. He looked at the commander and spoke. "No survivors captain, I'd like to respect the klingon traditions in this case."

Lieutenant Commander Reeves just nodded "All Hands at attention."

Jarred looked the tactical controls, and armed one quantum torpedo, he fired and watched the Kar'gah burst into a fire ball. Jarred stared at the floor only to have his thoughts interrupted by an alarm, "Sir ship decloaking, its not the klingons! Captain incoming fire!"

The ship rocked as a barrage of torpedos impacted. The Klaxon echoed through out the bridge. "Return fire!" Jarred instinctively stood at the tactical station and let his training take over. "Fireing Phasers, direct hit, torpedos away pattern 4."

A second barrage from the unidentified ship struck with the same violent force, the science station behind Jarred exploded in a hail of plastics and flame. A third and fourth barrage hit, an EPS conduit exploded throwing Lt. Cmdr. Reeves against a wall. Veronica went to check him only to nod sadly that he was gone. "Jarred we've gotta get out of here!"

"Set course for the nearest starbase, Damage report!" Jarred commanded.

"Massive damage to the hull, serveral huge breaches, fires on decks 6 and 7, life support has failed on deck 9, Cheif Masterson reports that the warp drive is only capable of warp 3 at best." Veronica said looking up from her damage control pannel.

"Best speed to...." Jarred wouldn't finish his sentence as another EPS conduit exploded behind him the smell of burning metals and plastics filled the air.

Jarred Wallace
Crew of USS Asia