Interlude – Bone crushing chill
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Bone crushing chill
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 9:02pm
Location   Davos 8
Timeline   November 3 2376

The wind was howling, a lone figure was sitting against a snow drift. He sat almost motionless, looking out over a valley, a structure sat in the valley, guarded by two lone cold figures and the lone figure on the ridge looked down at them. The howl of the wind was broken by the loud vibration of a Cardasssian Hedeki class making a vertical landing.

The figure stayed motionless as the ship came to an almost perfect landing, then lifted a pair of range finding binoculars and looked out at the landing that was taking place, the first individual to exit was the person he had waited for in the brutal cold of this planet.

To cut down the potential attention of a sniper shot he was going to have to go inside the building, and since he wasn't a Cardassian he was going to have to be discreet about what he had to do. The base returned to its almost to its unnatural state of quiet. Now was the moment too move, standing up he quickly began his run down hill, struggling to keep from getting over balanced from the massive backpack he had to carry with him.

He continued despite the weigh, time was off the essence he only had a few short minutes left, and then all would be lost forever. As he came to a skidding hault he lifted a phaser looking around to make sure he wasn't noticed. It was all clear, he quietly made his way to the entry he wanted to use, he pulled out his tricorder and scanned the lock, it was frozen solid, and broken. A light tap on the mechanism itself and it slid open.

Scrambling quickly inside and puling the door closed enough that it could be forced open in a hurry. Jarred lowered his hood and looked around, he had five minutes before he was either discovered or dead. Opening his jacket Jarred ran down the hall he was close too the lab he needed to break into and sabotage, he didn't know how long he had but time was important.

As he ran down the hallway the reached into a side pouch of his pack and pulled out four copper wrapped sticks and a timer. They were shaped charges designed to cause massive damage to the apparatus he needed to destroy and minimize casualties. He went through the door and saw what he had been sent to destroy, he could hardly believe that this device was a subspace weapon but here it was.

Jarred set to his task wiring up the shaped charges on the inner structure, realizing that this wasn't enough jarred looked into his pack, he had three breaching charges, and since this could be a one way trip he decided to use the whole works. As he pressed the last detonator into the explosive and pulled the tab and started to leave when he heard a noise.

Jarred turned and saw in another room a family of humanoids huddled scared, "Come on lets get out of here its gonna blow." The seemed to know what he was saying and followed him down the hallway, as they rounded the last corner he saw a guard, Jarred didn't have time for subtlety he raised his phaser and fired. He ran down the hall too the body, there was an open locker "Take the cold suits and put them on we're running out of time."

As the family tried to get into the oversized suits an alarm went off and he knew that the gig was up, "We gotta run now!" in one fluid motion Jarred fired at the locking mechanisum and the door opened and the howl of the bitter cold came in, leading the trio they climbed the ridge with haste sliping and sliding as the tried to navigate the snow and rock, Jarred took the arm of the little girl and put her on his back continuing the climb, Jarred paused as he realized the bomb was about to go off, he looked back to see that his thoughts were confirmed.

"Lets keep moving I have a shuttle not too far from here." Jarred said as he struggled to climb the last few feet, he looked back one more time to see a ball of fire rise into the sky, "Mission accomplished."


Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5/ Star Fleet Intelligence Operations